Agnostic Deeishpeople

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Agnostic Deeishpeople
Flag of Agnostic Deeishpeople
Motto: Religion is the opium of the masses.
Region Democrats
Capital Prussia
Official Language(s) English, French , German , Mandarin, Cantonese.
Leader Thomas Clement Douglas
Population 18 million
Currency Zen 
NS Sunset XML


The Republic of Agnostic Deeishpeople resides in the Democrats region. The nation was originally run by a warlord named Voldmart WalMart. Karl Marx, a political philospher and a committed socialist helped liberated the oppressed people of The Republic of Agnostic Deeishpeople. Through Marx's literatures, which were offically banned during Voldmart Reign but were easily accessed by many civilians, , the civilians slowly empower themselves and rise up against their Warlord ruler. Civilian resistance groups began to form and they eventually built up a major militia to undermineVoldmart’s army. Tension between the militia and the state's army came to the boiling point on July, 2005. The militia and the state's army clashed and fought in what is now called the battle of Prussia. There were many deaths from both sides but Voldmart Walmart's army eventually collasped after some of the soldiers fled to another region. Voldmart was captured by the civilian militia; he was immediately condemned and forced to a life of slave labor, but he died from exhaustion 2 days after.

The Battle of Prussia ended on July25, 2005, which is declared by Karl Marx as the official Independence Day of The Republic of Angostic Deeishpeople.

Background and Policies

The Republic of Agnostic Deeishpeople is internationally recognized for its advancement on gay, lesbians and transgender rights. The government provides asylum and eventual citizenships to LBGT refugees from all around the world on a regular basis.

While the nation remains overwhelming heterosexual, same sex marriages represents about 18 percent of all marriages thanks to the government’s progressive policies of encouraging same sex marriages and educating the public about homosexuality and trangendersim.