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Flag of Newmanistan
Motto: "Chalk up another pole!"
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Region Tundra
Capital Pole City
Official Language(s) Borlandese, English
Leader Emperess Jessica
Population 700,000,000
Currency gold coin 
NS Sunset XML

In 1839, the nation of Newmanistan became an independent country, after being part of the Glaucomian Empire. A financial agreement between Newmanistan’s first leader, Bryan Newman and the Glaucomians allowed Newmanistan to become a free country without any conflict.

Under the leadership of Newman, the country’s economy took off almost immediately. Newmanistan was immediately recognized across the world as one of the fastest growing economies. It also quickly became home to some of Tundra’s brightest scientists and engineers, and to this day that fact remains true. The nation’s location, with rivers flowing north, southwest, and southeast from the capital city, Pole City allowed the city to become one of the largest seaports in Tundra, and it remains that today. It is vital to Newmanistan prospering as an economy. Although it is a free, democratic country, Bryan Newman won every election bid (you see, there are no term limits) until he passed away from natural causes in 1875. His daughter, Kristina Newman, won the next election, so the country continued to remain in the family’s hands. Under Kristina, the nation continued to be a powerhouse, and the population grew and grew. Newman served as president from 1875 until she passed away in 1913.

The next leader, Ryan Boyle, had one of the darker reigns. His plan to take over Hendrick in 1914 hurt the image of Newmanistan as being a peace loving, non-aggressive country. Boyle, though did amass a very strong army, and in the early phases of the war they were successful, leading to the capture and killing of Hendrick X, a leader who was not very respectful of the Newmanistanians. Because the war appeared to be successful, Boyle stunningly won his re-election bid in 1917. The tide of the war eventually slowed down, and Boyle declared a cease fire with Hendrick in 1920, so he could re-focus his invasion plans on the land of the Earnhardts. The allegations that Newmanistan poisoned Hendrick’s water supply though continue to be denied. Boyle’s army easily won battles in Earnhardt land. But Boyle did not win one crucial battle. His re-election battle in 1921. The next leader, Russell Penske, won on a campaign of peace, and retreated the troops back home to Newmanistan from the land of the Earnhardts. Today, Newmanistan's troops are generally trained to protect the borders and support the UTDA when needed.

Penske had a vision, to create one of Tundra’s greatest racing powers. In 1923, construction on the Riverside Speedway was completed. For a few years, it was the only track in Newmanistan, but it had some interesting racing on it, as Penske wanted to see how much interest there was. On February 12, 1924, Penske introduced a special racing concept. An endurance race at Riverside. Other tracks around Tundra were popular for 400 and 500 mile races, but Penske wanted to do more, and scheduled a 1000 mile race. Interest around Tundra was big for this event, and it was an amazing success. This started the tradition of the 1000 mile TARSCAR race in Pole City, and prompted the construction of racing facilities all over the country. By 1930, there were 50 race tracks in the country, and the NRL (Newmanistan Racing League) was formed. Brendan Kvapil won the first ever NRL race, but the first championship was one by a descendent of Brian Newman’s family, Jeremy Newman. The fact that a descendent of the nation's founder was such a successful driver made the sport grow even greater. In 1975 Erica Crocker won the first NRL Championship, one of six that she would win in her career. In 1968, the Alltel Raceway was constructed. This .488 mile, 44-degree banked oval has created some of the most exciting racing Tundrans have seen. It is now the final race on the NRL schedule to determine its champion. Erica Crocker has had other success in her career as well, in the early years of TARSCAR. She was Newmanistan's pick in the 1982 lottery, and did not disappoint a couple years later, when she won the 1984 Monroe Cup. Crocker drove in TARSCAR for Newmanistan from 1982 to 1992, before giving way to Travis Gaughan in 1993, then ultimately Ryan Newman in 2002.

Racing is not the only big sport in Newmanistan, the country also has highly successful football, soccer, baseball, hockey, and lacrosse leagues. Horse racing and boxing are also successful sporting ventures. Basketball has never caught on.

Penske served as the President of Newmanistan from 1921 to 1945. The period from 1945 to 1977 was a pretty uneventful one in the country. In 1977, the country elected it's next female president, Danielle Patrick. Patrick had a very contraversial campaign, but it was enough to get her the victory. Right away, her tenure was engaged in scandal after scandal. But somehow she continued to win re-election after re-election. The economy of Newmanistan began to slump but she was able to remain in office. In 1993, though, she was defeated because she was getting older, and as she began to get older, it became more difficult for her to sell the biggest assets of her leadership. Kristen Newman, another descendent of the Brian Newman family tree, won in a landslide, and rapidly rebuilt the nations economy. She decided not to run for re-election in 2005, and endorsed a young candidate by the name of Jessica Sorenson. Sorenson easily won her election bid in February 2005, and has continued to grow the country.

Newmanistan has elected not to join the UN because of the liberal influence of some of its resolutions.