Kasey and Kurt

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Kasey and Kurt
Flag of Kasey and Kurt
Motto: "Where the hell did I put my Ritalin?"
No Map Available Yet
Region Tundra
Capital New Sidviciousland
Official Language(s) Lambonese and Alexian
Leader Empress Alexia
Population 520 million
Currency The Lambo 
NS Sunset XML


The Psychotic Empire of Kasey and Kurt is a huge, environmentally stunning nation, notable for its complete absence of social welfare. Its compassionate, cynical population of 886 million are fiercely patriotic and enjoy great social equality; they tend to view other, more capitalist countries as somewhat immoral and corrupt.

The enormous government is effectively ruled by the Department of Law & Order, with areas such as Religion & Spirituality and Social Welfare receiving almost no funds by comparison. The average income tax rate is 25%. A healthy private sector is dominated by the Automobile Manufacturing industry.

Waste is frequently shipped to other countries, a National Academy regulates grammar and usage, the nation's first space rocket -- sponsored by Pepsi and shaped like an enormous soda bottle -- is being developed, and the latest Harry Potter book is a bestseller. Crime -- especially youth-related -- is well under control, thanks to the all-pervasive police force. Kasey and Kurt's national animal is the liger, which frolics freely in the nation's many lush forests, and its currency is the lambo.

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