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Revision as of 14:43, 18 August 2005 by Gruenberg (Talk | contribs)

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Region: Malibu Islands
Map: [1]
Capital: Flurthwel
Court Language: Bazhtan
State Language: Rukialkotta
State Religion: Wenaism
Monarch: His High Holiness Grand Sultan Gardab Woltzten IX
Currency: Opst
National Animal: Moon Ram
National Anthem: Kab-sez Schialnach Brachtrauron ['There's Nothing Wrong']

The Sultanate of Gruenberg is a small nation in the Malibu Islands region. An absolute monarchy ruled from the Court at Flurthwel, the nation's capital, by the Woltzten family, the state is oppressive and controlling, though currently barely able to contain the insurrection brewing in the troubled Gelzien Nub province. The state is devoutly Wenaist.

NOTE: In order to comply with NSWiki's NPOV policy, this factbook has been assembled by a team of independent researchers.

LATEST NEWS: Gruenberg leaves UN. For the second time in under a month, UN Ambassador His Holiness Miartes Woltzten, second son of His High Holiness Grand Sultan Gardab Woltzten IV, stormed from the UN debating chamber, on this occasion citing the 'Transgender Equality Act' as 'immoral and blasphemous'. It is not believed that Gruenberg will reapply for membership.


TOTAL AREA: 1,027,824 sq km1


  • Census Of The 720th Year: 97,426,588
  • Census Of The 730th Year:
    • Males: 65,677,806
    • Females: 60,984,623
    • TOTAL: 126,662,429
  • Current estimate (mid-The 732nd Year): 129,000,000



  1. Approximately 638,690 sq miles.