United States of Mars

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The United States of Mars
Native Name: The Extraterrestrial Democracy of the United States of Mars
Common Name: The United States of Mars


National Motto: I Will Not Diminish My Character To Survive
National Anthem: We Will Stand Tall Together
Official Languages: English and Martian
Capital City: Kantar
Largest City: Kantar
Government Type: Democracy
Leader: President Jay Daniels
Area: 7,488,502
Population Estimate: 1 Billion+
Population Density: 133.5
GDP: 18 million
GDP per Capita: $15,548.93
Currency: Credit
Currency Code: SMC

The United States of Mars is a nation in the Mars region.


The United States of Mars is situation in the North East of the Martian continent Mare Sirenum and has a land border with Rouge Angelica. The country has a coastline with the North Sea.

The USM is comprised of three states, Bottes, Cropwell and Fosse, which were originally Earth colony nations. The largest state is Bottes in the South West. There are USM territories throughout Mars.

"The United States of Mars"

The United States of Mars refers to the three States which make up the country, Bottes, Cropwell and Fosse. Bottes, the biggest of the states, is the location of the capital city, Kantar.

The United States of Mars was originally named "The United States of Bottes, Cropwell and Fosse" upon the unification of the three states in 2045 however it was decided by the government in 2047 that the country be named "The Democracy United States of Mars" after a campaign by the public. The name of the antion was again changed in 2053 to the nation's current name of "The Extraterrestrial Democracy of the United States of Mars".


The United States of Mars' largest State, Bottes is the home of the capital city, Kantar, as well as Lake Lucin, the Martian Museum Space Exploration and one of Mars' two land based space vessel drydocks. Bottes is split into 9 regions, 37 counties and 412 constituancies.

Bottes has it's administration buildings and council in the city of Jonesp which is in the South East Bottes county of Niresthorpe. The Governer of the State is Ms. Melinda Bond and the Secretary of State for Bottes is Ms. Tanya Bailey CR1.


The smallest State in the Union, Cropwell is in the North of the United States of Mars and borders the North Sea. Cropwell is a popular tourist destination famed for it's sandy beaches and it's cool fall and it's comfortably hot summer but is also popular for it's large wildlife reserve which takes up 3% of the state.

Cropwell has 5 Regions, 16 Counties and 201 Constituancies. The State has it's council and administration buildings in the seaside town of Northbrook. The Governer is Mr. Camron Corkett r and the Secretary of State for Cropwell is Ms. Maddie Jones CR.


Fosse takes up the entire east of the United States of Mars and is famed for its massive beach which streches all along the East Coast. The State has many large industrial cities and provides 63% of the country's Information Technology products.

The state has 6 Regions, 29 Counties and 300 Constituancies and is governed in Krinklesberg. The Governer is Mr. Harry Shelton and the Secretary of State for Fosse is Mr. Tom Gray CR.


On the 3rd of February 2045, the United States of Mars (at the time called the United Staets of Bottes, Cropwell and Fosse) was formed when the leaders of each nation signed the Unification Act, dissolved their own governments and turned each country into a State.

The Unification occured a year after a terrible winter which was reported to plummit temperatures to -34 degrees celsius due to a failure in the terraforming process. As each nation struggled to survive the leaders of each nation decided that the only way to survive the winter was to form a Coalition and share all supplies, technologies and materials. After the winter ended, the nations continued the Coalition and, in June of 2044, talks started on a new alliance which would bring the nations even closer together. The talks eventually led to the unification and creation of the country now known as the United States of Mars.

The following year, the election was held in mars under the terms of the "Provisional Constitution" which was made to set up a system of government before a constitution was made. At the time, there were 312 constituancies and the New Martian Democracy party won the election with 64% of the votes making Lisa Howard the first President of the United States of Mars.

In the following year, a government scandel forced President Howard to resign and caused her replacment, President Henry Game to call an election which he lost. The new President, Tom Jackson came into office with the possibility of Civil War and the three states becoming independant again and so he made several policy changes including the creation of the "Chamber of the People" and changng the name of the country from "The United States of Bottes, Cropwell and Fosse" to "The Democracy of the United States of Mars".

During his two terms, President Game comissioned the construction of the Presidential Home, Kantar House and massive extensions and refurbishment to be made on the parliament building in Kantar City.

During the "Trench Coat Invasion" in 2054, President Carlson made an unpopular decision not to assist Alutia in the war and this led to both bad relations with Alutia but also the President Carlson's loss of the election campaign.

When the Mars Treaty Organisation was formed in 2075, it was the decision of outgoing President Paddock not to join the Organisation which was criticised by many government officials however the Organisation later disbanded. Later that year, President Jay Daniels became the current president and the first President to have been born on Mars and not Earth. Daniels made some radical reforms which were popular with the public and, when it was re-formed several years later, Daniels made the USM become one of the founding members of the new Mars Treaty Organisation.

In 2080, the terrorist attacks on the USM Parliament building, as well as several other attacks across Mars, led the Mars Treay Organisation, including the USM, to declare war on Mirror Mars after they admitted to the atatcks. Later in the year, Mirror Mars set off an explosion at peace talks and began an invasion of many countries including the on going invasion of the United States of Mars. Currently, it appears that Mirror Mars will surrender soon.

Government and Politics

The United States of Mars is a democracy, with executive power held by the government which is headed by the President. The President is head of his or her political party and is head of both State and Government. The president is also Commander-In-Chief of the Armed Forces and the National Space Fleet. The system of government and parliament is based on both the British System and the system of the United Staets of America.

The heart of government and politics in the United States of Mars is in the "Parliamentary City" in Kantar, so named because of its size of almost a square kilometre The Parliamentary City conatins each Government Department (such as the Home Office, the Foreign Office etc.) as well as the President's office and the Chamber of the People and the Chamber of Representatives.

The House of Representatives is filled by Constituancy Representatives who are elected once every five years.



1CR = Constituancy Representative.