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Flag of Izistan
Motto: Per Ardua Ad Astra
Not available
Region Izistani Islands
Capital Izistan City
Official Language(s) English and Izistani
Leader Premier Clayton Robertson
Population 3+ billion
Currency IMU 
NS Sunset XML

The History of Izistan

Pre-NS World

What eventually became know as Izistan was discovered by a English exploration vessel in 1732. Dutch and British colony ships flocked to the area, beginning a history of mistrust between the two populations. Over a period of forty years the colonies prospered, eventually French, Russian and German settlements were established. Life was peaceful amid the green islands.

One hundred years later, in 1872, the colonies separated from their respective governments and became Izistan. This set off a series of chain reactions that set off the powder keg of tension between the foreign colonists, each wanted the others territory for their own. Events spiraled out of control and a full blown civil war erupted. This became known as the First Izistani War. It lasted for fifty long and terrible years, cultivating in the use of chemical weapons between the French and German forces. A hasty truce was signed and Izistan disappeared from the world scene altogether in 1924.

The nation survived the Depression with little economic damage due to its self imposed isolation. In 1937 it bought various technological items and a few weapons, these were copied and used for the betterment of the nation.

In March 1942, the Imperial Japanese Army and Navy launched an invasion of the islands. Two years of bloody fighting later, the invaders were driven from the islands in demoralized and beaten fragments.

In 1963 the first atomic weapon was dentonated on a remote arctic island, followed a few years later by a thermonuclear device. The first satellite was orbited by a on May 6th 1967, the first Izistani cosmonaut followed on November 19th 1976.

Current NS World

Now days, Izistan is primarily in the background of international politics. Though military force is rarely used by Izistan, it still keeps the military up to date and ready for sudden action. It is currently a member of the Woodstock Pact(the sole alliance that the Izistani belong to); while also trying to maintain good relations with various other nations.