The Zoogie People

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The Zoogie People
Flag of The Zoogie People
Motto: Usus libri, non lectio prudentes facit
Map of Zoogiedom
Region Isles of Arden
Capital Jaganda
Official Language(s) [Zoogietic Extended Latin]
Leader Michael Hanelis
Population 2,000,000,000
Currency Limos (lime) 
NS Sunset XML

This is the pending and official work-in-progress page for my nation, the Zoogie People.


Terrae liberae Zoogidi Plicis, generally known to the world as 'The Free Lands of the Zoogie People,' or, more simply, as Zoogiedom, is a massive island nation located on the easternmost edge of [The Isles of Arden.] It has a rich history that runs at least for three or four thousand years, and a unique culture that make possible a complex political system that is in use today. The nation will be hitherto referred to as 'Zoogiedom.'

Location and Geography

Please note, first of all, the age and therefore inacurracy of the current map; it should only be used as a rough guide. City names and areas are in incorrect places, or wrongly named altogether. A new map is pending, but it is unknown how soon it will arrive.

Zoogiedom has greatly varying climate zones, with frost-covered wilderness in the northern regions, to year-round tropical warmth around the Mythelian Islands (incorrectly labelled Metellian Islands on the current map.) Zoogiedom is primarily defined by the 'mainland,' seen on the map as the largest contigent of land. To the Southwest are the Mythelian Islands, in which the greatest amount of foreign influence is centered; it is here that lies Embassy Row. In the Southeast, the island Tagyr (labelled as 'Jaggedy,' its literal English translation) and the fort Taqyr is an important military stronghold and establishment. To the far east is the region known as the Three Islands, through which all invading forces from outside the Isles of Arden must cross.

Mythelian Islands

The Mythelian Islands are the home of Embassy Row, beautiful scenery, inactive volcanoes, and tropical beaches. It is Zoogiedom's foremost tourist attraction as well as Zoogiedom's foreign relations center. The National Air & Space Museum is located here, as well as showcases of rival aerospace corporations Zoogie Aerospace (not a crown corporation) and Star Systems.


Whereas the Mythelian Islands are referred to as the foreign center of Zoogiedom, the small island Tagyr is a formidable military stronghold. Tagyr was made a military stronghold to facilitate the Navy's ability to patrol the trade routes in times of war, and to provide strong military assistance to the Three Islands region in the case of a foreign invasion.

Tagyr is legendary for Henson Harbour, a renowned naval base on the western side of the island, which is home to the 1st Naval Fleet. It is also known especially for Taqyr and the Tagyrs. Taqyr is the name of the primary military stronghold on the island, and the Tagyrs are the namesake of the most elite units of the military; comparable to Raysia's [ELDERS].

Three Islands

The Three Islands' primary significance is its extensive military strongholds and its position as the last line of defense for the mainland. Here a great deal of defensive military force is deployed in the event of an attack on Zoogiedom from outside the [Isles of Arden.]