Newcommunist republics

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The Democratic States of Newcommunist Republics

Die demokratischen Staaten Neukommunistischer Republiken
newcommunist_republics.jpg |
Flag of the Democratic States of Newcommunist Republics
Official Languages Russian, English, German
Capital and largest city Marxgrad, 2.5 million
Region Karetha
 - Total (2005)

~120 million
Establishment 1 May 1982
Government type Newcommunist Federal Republic
National animal
English name
Corvus Corax
Common Raven
GDP (2005)
  - Total
  - GDP/capita

Currency 1 Newcommunist Dollar (N$) = 100 Newcommunist Cent
Time Zone GMT -0600
Naval Craft Classification FPNS (Free Peoples Navys Ship)

The Democratic States of Newcommunist Republics is a Union of ex-colonies of Russia, Germany and Great Britan, forming a democratic and socialist nation. It´s people are mostly known as friendly, peaceful and open-minded and are more politically interested and active than other nations. Since the Newcommunist Revolution most of Newcommunist Republics People define themself as Socialist and Politics are dominated by Socialist Parties. Although non-socialist movements exist, they tend to be very small.

Geography and Climate

The Newcommunist Republics lay in the Southwest of Karetha with the Cavperian Sea to the south. Its longest river is the Borezhov and its highest mountain is Mt. Blithe. Most areas are plains or hills used for Beef based Agriculture and only very few places remain untouched.

The climate is mostly maritime, which means a not so warm summer and an not so cold winter with much Precipitation. Anyway, the north of the Republics, especially Nowoj Karelia, must be considered more continental, with warmer summers, colder winters and less Precipitation.


Marxgrad July High: 20.1°C
July Low: 15.3°C
January High: 1.2°C
January Low: -8.3°C
Precipitation: 480mm
Kirkwall July High: 19.9°C
July Low: 15.5°C
January High: 4.1°C
January Low: -3.2°C
Precipitation: 655mm
Neu Flensburg July High: 23.5°C
July Low: 18.1°C
January High: 0.9°C
January Low: -10.1°C
Precipitation: 450mm
Wladiseverje July High: 32.5°C
July Low: 17.8°C
January High: -3.6°C
January Low: -14.0°C
Precipitation: 320mm

The Government

The High Council

The High Council is the most important part of the Government of the Newcommunist Republic. Every five years, the people of the Republics elect 9 Ministers directly into the High Council and make them alltogether the Head of State and give them the Legislative of the Newcommunist Republics. This is mostly based on the belief, that such power is to much for a single person. Every of the Ministers is the Head of a Section of the Government. Further the National Workers Union has one seat in the High Council for a directly elected Delegate of the Workers. The High Council also sets the basic conditions for the work of the Economy Council. The current High Council:

Minister for foreign Affairs Gerdo Larösi
Minister for Defence John Arthur
Minister for Education Melinda Tereschkowa
Minister for inner Security Mikhail Sorokin
Minister for Healthcare Walentina Gysi
Minister for Enviroment Nadejda Jones
Minister for Culture Bob Simpson
Minister for Science Lutz Carstensen
Minister for public Transport Simon Martéz
Delegate of the National Workers Union James Sorokin

The Economy Council

Together with the votings for the High Council, the Economy Council is voted. 9 Officials for five years and an delegate from the National Workers Union. But in Difference to the High Council, the Officials of the Economy Councils' only work is to plan the Economy of the Republics and to change the plans, when problems occur.

The lower Council

The lower Council contains of the 300 Members of the different country-councils from single Republics of the Nation and another 300 democratically elected Officials from all over the Nation. It´s the Duty of the lower Council to supervise the work of the Higher and the Economy Council. The Officials are elected for 5 years.

The Republics

Dobrizcna Almar (54 Seats)
Neu Holstein Neu Flensburg (51 Seats)
Lometz Chramga (53 Seats)
Nowoj Karelia Wladiseverje (52 Seats)
New Orkney Kirkwall (60 Seats)
The free city of Marxgrad Marxgrad (30 Seats)

The Economy

The System

The economical system of the newcommunist republics is called "progressive planning economy": All economy is owned by the government and controlled by the democratic elected Economy Council. Every citizen who finished his education has to work at least 55 years (but a finished academic education counts as work) before going into retirement. The products of the work are shared equally, although some products have to be sold in order to buy important products the country cannot produce by itself.

Abbreviated History

The whole Territory of the newcommunist Republics consists of ex-colonies. Dobrizcna, Lometz and Nowoj Karelia were russian territories, Neu Holstein was German and New Orkney was English. In 1899 the russian colonies were bought by Great Britain. From 1912 on different liberation armies in each colonie fought over the Independence of their countries, but failed to make progress on their struggle - except for New Orkney, which at least established semi-autonomy. The fighting went on till the second world war erupted and Germany attacked the british colonies. After 1945 the cities all over the countries were destroyed. Britain could not rebuild it´s own countries AND the colonies, so that they gave their five colonies the independence very fast, when the national liberation armies started to continue their fighting. 1946 the five colonies became "The democratic Federation of the North English Colonies". But none of the democratic elected government were able to repair the imploded economy that suffered under the great destructions of the war. In 1962 General James Albert Archer, the official leader of the Army, got into power and declared himself "ruler for lifetime". His Army opressed everyone and everything, till in 1981 the "Socialist Freedom Movement" undermined his armies, fought loyal troops and freed the country. General Archer himself was shot during the attacks on "James Archer City"(today: Marxgrad) The Socialist Freedom Movement dissolved by own choice and split up into four different partys:

-The Democratic Socialists Party

-The green Socialists Party

-The conservative socialists Party: Justice and Equality

-The Party of christian Communists

These four Parties are today the biggest Parties in the Newcommunist Republics and since the first elections, every of these 4 Parties had at least one Member in the High Council.

In 1982 the first elections were hold, showing a great success for the Democratic Socialists Party. With support of the other three parties, they started to form a new nation. In order to show their distance to existing socialist and communist movements, who were mostly controlled by the Sowjetunion, they chose the Term "Newcommunist", although some of the government-delegates preferred "Neosocialist", since real communism still is an Utopia. At this time the economy was completly collapsed and it is believed that only the great socialist economist Ivan Sorokin prevented the failure of the government by developing a intelligent and progressive economical plan. Today the Newcommunist Republics´ economy is still weak, but has healthy growth rates.