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Alliance of United Regions for Self Defense
Headquarters: Haputation
Members: 5
Type: Self Defense
Forum: [[1]]

AURSD, also known as The Alliance of United Regions for Self Defense, is an alliance that utilizes the principals of a just war. Created by the Founder of the Haputation region, it currently has five member regions:


-Defence Service


-Vatican II

-Vatican Provinces

Charter of AURSD

Charter of the Alliance of United Regions for Self Defense (AURSD)

We the regions, united in self defense, do pledge to defend each other in times of crisis or unfair/unjust aggression from nations or regions outside the ones included in this charter. Adhering to the principals of a Just War against nations or regions that continually aggress unjustly we declaur the right of war and diplomacy in self defense.

Article 1

Section 1: Regions who enter this alliance are to adhere to the principals of self defense which constituts the principals of a “Just War” As defined within this document.

Section 2: Only regions as a whole are allowed to enter this alliance. Under no circumstances will any singular nation or a group of nations in another region be allowed to enter this alliance, as it seperates a region into polar areas possibly perpetuating that region into Civil War or other types of conflicts. Hense the reason why this is the Alliance of “United Regions” for Self Defense.

Section 3: Each region that agrees and enters this alliance is required to have a representative nation to the “Secturity Council” of this alliance in their region. Upon entering this alliance this nation may be chosen as the individual leaders of the regions see fit. The nation’s description who is the representative for their region must state “AURSD Security Council Representative.” The Security Council Representative in each region that enters this alliance will be important in representing their region on matters of great importance

Article 2

Section 1: In the case of unfair aggression by a region or nation, a just war may be conducted if the following criteria is met:

  • Subsection 1: Aggression must have a Just Cause: Force may be used only to correct a grave public evil (e.g., a massive violation of the basic rights of whole populations) or in defense.

  • Subsection 2: Comparative Justice: While there may be rights and wrongs on all sides of a conflict, to override the presumption against the use of force, the injustice suffered by one party must significantly outweigh that suffered by the other.

  • Subsection 3: Right Intention: Force may be used only in a truly just cause and solely for that purpose- correcting a suffered wrong is considered a right intention, while material gain or maintaining economies is not.

  • Subsection 4: Probability of Success: Arms may not be used in a futile cause or in a case where disproportionate measures are required to achieve success.

  • Subsection 5: Proportionality: The overall destruction expected from the use of force must be outweighed by the good to be achieved.

  • Subsection 6: Last Resort: Force may be used only after all peaceful and viable alternatives have been seriously tried and exhausted.

Section 2: When this criteria is met, a just war may be conducted if all representatives of the Security Council declair a state of war between the aggressor and the regions of the AURSD, the heads of the regions must agree to do so as well. This criteria must be followed when a just war is conducted:

  • Subsection 1: Just War conduct should be governed by the principle of discrimination. The acts of war should be directed towards the inflictors of the wrong, and not towards nations caught in circumstances they did not create. The prohibited acts include bombing nation residential areas that include no military target and committing acts of terrorism or reprisal against ordinary nations.

  • Subsection 2: Just War conduct should be governed by the principle of proportionality. The force used must be proportional to the wrong endured, and to the possible good that may come. The more disproportional the number of collateral nation ejections or region damage, the more suspect will be the sincerity of the alliance’s claim to justness of a war it initiated.

  • Subsection 3: Just War conduct should be governed by the principle of minimum force. This principle is meant to limit excessive and unnecessary ejection and destruction. It is different from proportionality because the amount of force proportionate to the goal of the mission might exceed the amount of force necessary to accomplish that mission.

Section 3: At the end of a just war propetuated by the AURSD, it is critical that this criteria be met in all cases:

  • Subsection 1: Just cause for termination – The alliance/Security Council may terminate a war if there has been a reasonable vindication of the rights that were violated in the first place, and if the aggressor is willing to negotiate the terms of surrender. These terms of surrender include a formal apology and compensations.

  • Subsection 2: Right intention – The alliance must only terminate a war under the conditions agreed upon in the above criteria. Revenge is not permitted. The alliance/ Security Council/Regions must also be willing to apply the same level of objectivity and investigation into any war crimes its armed forces (Crashing Nations) may have committed.

  • Subsection 3: Discrimination – The alliance is to differentiate between political and military leaders, and combatants and ordinary nations. Punitive measures are to be limited to those directly responsible for the conflict.

  • Subsection 4: Proportionality - Any terms of surrender must be proportional to the rights that were initially violated. Draconian measures, absolutionist crusades and any attempt at denying the surrendered region the right to participate in the world community are not permitted.

Section 4: It takes a unanimous vote from all representatives in the Security Council, who vote according to the dication of the ruling faction in the region they represent, to begin a just war. All the previously mentioned Sections and Subsections in Article two must be followed to conduct a war of self defense in the name of the regions who join this alliance.

Article 3

Section 1: If a region desires to no longer be in the alliance and wishes to terminate its status as a member of the AURSD, the Security Council member for that region must give a formal statement as to why his region is leaving the alliance, when its formal status as a member of the AURSD will be terminated (i.e. Month/Date/Year), and what relations you will have with the regiosn of the AURSD after the region leaves the alliance. The region’s Security Council representative must post this information in the AURSD part of the Haputation Forum.

Section 2: A region will only need to state the previous information in the correct place in order to terminate its status as a member of the AURSD. A region’s termination from this alliance will appear as suspicous and will be questioned. The higher the nation population of a nation the more curious the alliance will be of that region’s intentions. Generally though, termination will be accepted as a “moving-on” point of a region.

Article 4

Section 1: More articles with complete sections may be added to this alliance description with the unanimous vote of the Security Council and the region they represent along with ultimate approval from the Founder of Haputation.

Done on the Seventh Day of November in the Year of our Lord two thousand and six.

The Republic of The V O C Founder of Haputation President of the November Government 2006