Anti Tank Rifles

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Anti-tank rifles or ATR, have a relatively short and strange history in RL. The ATR started projects started shortly after the British invented and unleashed the tank in battle during World War One. In 1917, the Germans began their ATR projects after the first great tank battle. They produced the Tankgewehr Model 1918 by the Mauser Corporation. Weighing in at 43 pounds with an overall length larger than fifty inches, the troops hated it when you factored in that its range was just over one hundred yards and could only penetrate three inches of mild steel.

Anti-tank rifles were popular weapons in the mid-1930s, and were used by the Soviets, Germans, and British during World War Two, but they were replaced by RPGs and Anti-Tank missiles after WW2.

The ATR was given new life after the First Gulf War seeing the success of the Barrett .50 caliber anti-material rifle, which although not designed to destroy tanks, continues the tradition of ATR's. A "new breed" of ATRs are being made such as Barrett's 25mm Ordnance Delivery System and others which could possibly destroy a Russian T-72 or better.

There have been a few other attempts made in the way of the ATR in NS. One such example is the The_CM99/CM99a. Crazed Marines developed the gun for the all-around purpose of destroying anything and everything within the scope. It has been rumored that during war, a shot in the chest from this thing will leave only a puddle of goo in the boots of an enemy soldier at ranges exceeding 1200 meters. However, no video footage exists of such an event is known to exist. This rifle is wildly popular in Crazed Marines' prisons. Another example is the Phoenix Dynamix AHS-40 rifle which fires an armor-piercing 40mm round and can also be fitted with muzzle launched anti-tank rockets to become a true anti-tank weapon.