Diànne Fhirze nó Dahlia

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Diànne Claire Fhirze nó Dahlia
September 24, 1985
Adept of the Night Court
Marital Status
Terre DeAnge/D'Angeline

Unknown to King Dandre and anyone else, during a Midwinter Masque at the Night Court he sired a daughter with Nichole nó Heliotrope, a Night Court adept of the Heliotrope House. This was Diànne Fhirze nó Dahlia.

At an early age Diànne knew she was different. Her mother treated her so. She was fostered in the Heliotrope House and showered with attention by Nichole and her friends. Her mother often told her only child stories of her father. None of which were completely true. Diànne was never sure where she got the last name Fhirze from. Unbeknowest to her it was her grandmother's last name, King Dandre's mother's name.

When she was old enough her marque was sold to the Dahlia House, where Diànne added nó Dahlia to her name. She has a good portion of her marque done and on her 18th birthday was informed of her parenthood by her mother.