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The Genetically Altered Species of Drahks

Flag of Drahks
Motto: What happens just happens
No maps
Region The Shade
Capital Unknown
Official Language(s) English, rumor has it they know every language on the planet, but this is far from confirmed.
Leader Project Alpha 1
Population Changes everyday, this really should be removed from the infobox
Currency Jofern 
NS Sunset XML

"Drahks" is a nation without an actual name. As the title implies, "drahks" are the people, not the nation. They are genetically superior to humans in every way and nigh-unkillable, but their behavior and appearance is much the same. Although, due to superior intelligence, stuff such as racism, drunk driving, and blind loyalty are non-existant. The drahks are most known for their enforced capitolism.


The government of the nation is correctly classified as a "Compulsory Consumerist State". Although there's much more to it than just that. Like A_Bians and Skuzzsockers, drahks aren't too fond of UN surveyers and the government frequently has them executed. The government is also known to do many other things that A_B and Skuzzsock do which the UN veiws as corrupt.

Tourists are freely allowed, although "immigrants" are forced through the no-man's-land surrounding the nation. None have ever survived it as of yet.


The drahks are big on defence. In fact, this is their biggest concern. Being an inland nation with a hovering sky platform above they only ever bother with a ground army. They do sometimes experiment with space weapons, however this is only for the purpose of advancing their technological prowess, not for fighting space wars.

Penal system

The penal system is very similar to that of A_B, however it is much more efficient. It is a rare criminal that doesn't get caught. The government isn't too rough on speeders and jay-walkers, but violent criminals, theives, and political activists can expect to be praying for death by the time the government is through with them.

Life in the drahks' nation

There isn't much of what you'd call culture, but, being a new species, their laws and ways of life seem aimed at insurance against their extinction. The laws are fairly libertarian, though not to the point of the nation becoming a civil rights utopia. Stuff such as flag burning and televising sports is illegal, but drugs, protitution, and gambling are not. Many tourists consider the law structer rather strange as a result, many others just argue back that the drahks would veiw conventional laws as strange(which they actually do).

Compulsory consumerism

The drahks believe this is neccessary to keep their economy afloat. In the beginning, they experimented with benevolent dictatorship type laws, but many businesses went out due to lack of demand. To stop this they started mandating that each drahk must spend 25% of their annual income, though many spend a lot more. This also allows the government to rely on sales taxes.

Those defying the laws are pulled from their homes at night and subjected to 8 hours of brainwashing videos. Though the drahks are too smart to be brainwashed and the government knows this, it does have an irritating effect on citizens. Eventually, they become so annoyed from going through this every single night that they cave in and start spending. Some are known to hold out for a while, but even the strongest can't hold on forever.

Enforcement comes from checking this monthly. And so they don't have to spend money every single day. It's largely just seen as a healthy alternative to income tax.

Compulsory military service

While no drahk is ever forced into war, all are expected to at least undergo basic training. This is meant to help prevent terrorist attacks since, if everyone is trained to fight, they know better how to take down a terrorist.

Hazardous work

Drahks have less problems with health and injury hazards than humans. This is because they are not only resistant to such hazards, but also recover quickly, to the point that the effects even extreme health hazards will have healed by the time they return for work. As a result, safety and health codes are not neccessary, and job cutting, turnover and lawsuits are less common. Even drahks who work long shifts with toxic waste never end up long term health problems, not even minor ones.

The economy is extremly strong thanks in part to this, and unemployed citizens are uncommon.

Genetic benefits of the drahks

Drahks are far superior to humans in every way.


Drahks have extremely enhanced senses. Unlike humans, their senses can not be damaged, and so loud music and bright lights won't cause deafness or blindness respectively. They also seem to have bio tuning for each sense. If a noise is annoying them they can turn their hearing down or off, or turn it back up to try and hear distant sounds. If something hurts, they can turn off their sense of feel, or turn it up during sex. They can zoom in and out with their sight, or turn their smell and taste senses up or down to accomadate good/bad odors/tastes.

Not all Drahks have the 6th sense however, and it seems this is one of the few things their genetic enhancements did not effect.


Drahks do not require sleep or food for replenishment of their energy. Their bodies' process for self-replenishment isn't known. It was once believed to be entirely and effeciently dependant on the air they breath. However, drahks can survive underwater without breathing for as long as they wish. In fact, while drahks have lungs, they do not naturally breath like humans do. Most now believe their body has a special organ which acts like a self-powerd dynamo.

Some drahks still wish to eat, sleep, and breath, but they do this at their own luxury and it provides them no benefit. They can not sleep however, without using special drugs to induce the trance.


The average drahk has an IQ of 280, and the dumbest known drahk was at 207. Many are well above 370 and a few, but only a few, have been known to be above 450.


Drahks enjoy a good deal of benefits over humans in a great deal of stuff pertaining to their bodies. Their skin is near impenetrable and resistant to high temperatures. Their bodies recover extremely fast from any sort of damage, including radiation and very strong toxin based. Their bones are extremely difficult to break. Their eyes quickly grow back when gouged out, as does any other part of their body which is removed.

An interesting thing about them is that their skull is solid bone all the way through. It is not known how they think or function without a brain, especially when drahks are known for their high intelligence.