Free Market States Exchange

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The Free Market Stock Exchange


The Free Market Stock Exchange (FMSE) was founded in late 2004 by the Gunnlandian Chamber of Commerce in cooperation with businesses from the former Qantrix, Azores Islands, and Kheion. The four nations comprises the Free Market States in Europe at that time.

General Information

The FMSE is headquartered in Wyndhaven, the capital of the Free Republic of Capitollium. The trading floor is adjacent to the Gunnlandian Commercial Spire, which is the headquarters of the Gunnlandian Chamber of Commerce (GCC). The GCC, chaired by Hank Ryder, is a national association of corporations that maintains a certain guarantee of quality control for consumers in lieu of any governmental oversight. GCC companies also exchange products and services at a discount, and pay an annual fee for GCC membership that goes to charitable causes, notably the Gunnish Catholic Church. The GCC regulates the Stock Exchange, which operates free from interference from the Glass Halls or the Freehold. For this reason, it is popular among international businesses.


The Trading Floor of the FMSE

The Qantrixian Depression

Many businesses collapsed as a result of the nuclear conflict eminating from the rogue state of Formossa. Most of these were Qantrixian firms. The devalued European Mark, Europe's integrated currency, crashed the Exchange. The FMSE has not fully recovered despite promising earnings in the past several quarters.