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The earliest history of Lugonomeks is lost in mythology.  Recent genetic evidence has proven that all Lugonomeks are descended from the same male, who lived around 6000 years before the founding of Thorin (BF) in the northeast of the region.  Therefore, it is possible that the Lugon of legend existed.  However, there is no evidence that he was the first king of Lugonomeks, nor any evidence that the kingdom of Hurktomeks ever existed.  What is known, however, is that by 5300 BF, the Lugonomeks controlled a vast empire spanning over much of the region.  At that time, Lugonomeks was a loose federation, with each tribe ruled by a leader called "til arkto", meaning "the chief".  The entirety of Lugonomeks was ruled by "til arktosubre", meaning "the high chief".  Of the 17 tribes of Lugonomeks, 11 lived east of the mountains, three lived in the mountains themselves, five lived west of the mountains.  About 4600 BF, the Thornichi had arrived in the region, living mostly in the northern mountains.  The Lugonomeks coexisted peacefully with the Thornichi at first, trading crops and good from overseas for the ores and gems the Thornichi mined in the mountains.  Then, about 3865 BF, there was a schism between the various groups of Thornichi, and decided to go there seperate ways.  Unfortunately for the Lugonomeks, this meant pushing south into their territory.  The Lugonomeks were no match for the Thornichi, due to the Thornichi's easy access to iron and the Lugonomeks' failure to unite.  Many Lugonomeks began fleeing across the ocean to various colonies they had.  Finally, after many years of stuggle, in 3827 BF, the capital city of Præstad fell to Stefan I of Romborg.  This is widely regarded as the end of the invasion.
The earliest history of Lugonomeks is lost in mythology.  Recent genetic evidence has proven that all Lugonomeks are descended from the same male, who lived around 6000 years before the founding of Thorin (BF) in the northeast of the region.  Therefore, it is possible that the Lugon of legend existed.  However, there is no evidence that he was the first king of Lugonomeks, nor any evidence that the kingdom of Hurktomeks ever existed.  What is known, however, is that by 5300 BF, the Lugonomeks controlled a vast empire spanning over much of the region.  At that time, Lugonomeks was a loose federation, with each tribe ruled by a leader called "til arkto", meaning "the chief".  The entirety of Lugonomeks was ruled by "til arktosubre", meaning "the high chief".  Of the 17 tribes of Lugonomeks, 11 lived east of the mountains, three lived in the mountains themselves, five lived west of the mountains, including the Unleimeks, Yunomeks, and Galethomeks, whose territory made up the area that is now Thingamajiggers.  About 4600 BF, the Thornichi had arrived in the region, living mostly in the northern mountains.  The Lugonomeks coexisted peacefully with the Thornichi at first, trading crops and good from overseas for the ores and gems the Thornichi mined in the mountains.  Then, about 3865 BF, there was a schism between the various groups of Thornichi, and decided to go there seperate ways.  Unfortunately for the Lugonomeks, this meant pushing south into their territory.  The Lugonomeks were no match for the Thornichi, due to the Thornichi's easy access to iron and the Lugonomeks' failure to unite.  Many Lugonomeks began fleeing across the ocean to various colonies they had.  Finally, after many years of stuggle, in 3827 BF, the capital city of Præstad fell to Stefan I of Romborg.  This is widely regarded as the end of the invasion.

Revision as of 20:57, 11 October 2006

Flag of Lugonomeks
Motto: We were here first!
Region Thorin
Capital Præstad
Official Language(s) Lugonomeks
Population About 300 million
Currency Guloran 
NS Sunset XML

The Oppressed Peoples of Lugonomeks is a huge, environmentally stunning nation, remarkable for its burgeoning Black ChickenCrabDodo population. Although a relatively new nation in Thorin, the Lugonomeks people are believed to have lived in the region since before the first Thornichi. It has always been a fairly centrist nation, wavering between "New York Times Democracy" and "Inoffensive Centrist Democracy", save for one brief point in its early history when it was classified as "Democratic Socialist". Its political freedoms have always been good, and the civil rights were at their lowest point at "average". The economy has never been anything less than average, as well. As said before, it is a relatively new nation, but rapidly risen in power in the region. All legislative positions, as well as the president, are elected by popular vote. Even the members of the judicial branch are democratically chosen, to some extent.


"Lugonomeks" is the name of the people who inherit the lands that make up the current nation of Lugonomeks and, historically, much of the region of Thorin. The name in the ancient Lugonomeks language means "the children of Lugon", refering to a legendary hero whom the Lugonomeks people are believed to be descended from. The name of the capital city comes from the Lugonomeks words "præst", meaning "stillness" or "peace", and "stad", refering to a fort or walled city. The name means that people within the city are responsible with keeping peace between the various subgroups of Lugonomeks. The national currency, the guloran, is named after the gold coin used as currency in ancient Lugonomeks. The name literally means "shining yellow stone".


In ancient times, the Lugonomeks followed a polytheistic religion, with each tribe associating themselves with a particular god or godess. Many thousands of years ago, it is believed, there was in the region that is now called Thorin a small kingdom called Hurktomeks. The king of Hurktomeks, known only as "The Hurkto", was frustrated by the constant fighting with the invaders from the north. He wished to make a weapon that would end these invasions once and for all. Together with a band of demons summoned from the lowest pits of the underworld, he succeeded in this goal. He had constructed a weapon that was merciless, self-replicating, and unstoppable. His invention later became known as the "bear". His creation proved successful at driving back the invaders, but at a price. The bears multiplied quickly, and soon were able to overtake their creators. Soon, the entire region was ruled by these monstrosities. The Hurkto prayed to the gods for help, but they were too busy having a massive orgy. Desperate, The Hurkto sent a messenger to his wife's brother, a warrior from the northeast named "Lugon", with a plea for help. Lugon agreed to help, and managed to, with the help of his many children, drive the bears out of the region, even killing their king with his bare hands and using his hide to make armor. He later allowed some of the bears to return, however. As a thank-you for driving out the bear menace, The Hurkto handed Hurktomeks over to Lugon and his children. Within a few years of this, Lugon had conquered the rest of the region. The gods, finally done with their orgy and impressed with Lugon's prowess in battle, offered him to join their ranks. He agreed, and became the god of the underwold, which was the only vacant position due to the previous god of the underwold dying in the orgy. Lugon soon became sorely disappointed with his fellow gods, and along with his children, as well as many demons trapped in the underwold, waged war on the other gods. They managed to overthrow the gods, but Lugon was mortally wounded in the battle. On his deathbed, he used the last bit of his power to make all of his children gods and godesses. He also divided his now vast kingdom evenly among his children. Eventually, nearly all of the people in the region were descendents of Lugon. Each of the tribes of Lugonomeks are believed to be descended from one of his children, and the god believed to be the ancestor of a particular tribe became that tribe's patron god. By the time of the fall of Præstad (see below), most of the Lugonomeks no longer followed the old religion, instead following the teachings of various philosophers.



The earliest history of Lugonomeks is lost in mythology. Recent genetic evidence has proven that all Lugonomeks are descended from the same male, who lived around 6000 years before the founding of Thorin (BF) in the northeast of the region. Therefore, it is possible that the Lugon of legend existed. However, there is no evidence that he was the first king of Lugonomeks, nor any evidence that the kingdom of Hurktomeks ever existed. What is known, however, is that by 5300 BF, the Lugonomeks controlled a vast empire spanning over much of the region. At that time, Lugonomeks was a loose federation, with each tribe ruled by a leader called "til arkto", meaning "the chief". The entirety of Lugonomeks was ruled by "til arktosubre", meaning "the high chief". Of the 17 tribes of Lugonomeks, 11 lived east of the mountains, three lived in the mountains themselves, five lived west of the mountains, including the Unleimeks, Yunomeks, and Galethomeks, whose territory made up the area that is now Thingamajiggers. About 4600 BF, the Thornichi had arrived in the region, living mostly in the northern mountains. The Lugonomeks coexisted peacefully with the Thornichi at first, trading crops and good from overseas for the ores and gems the Thornichi mined in the mountains. Then, about 3865 BF, there was a schism between the various groups of Thornichi, and decided to go there seperate ways. Unfortunately for the Lugonomeks, this meant pushing south into their territory. The Lugonomeks were no match for the Thornichi, due to the Thornichi's easy access to iron and the Lugonomeks' failure to unite. Many Lugonomeks began fleeing across the ocean to various colonies they had. Finally, after many years of stuggle, in 3827 BF, the capital city of Præstad fell to Stefan I of Romborg. This is widely regarded as the end of the invasion.