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Region: {{{Government}}}
Motto: {{{Join a religion? I'd rather die!}}}
Map: {{{map}}}
Official Language(s): {{{English, Adamic, Ancient Palan, Twattish}}}
Capital: {{{V'ly Te-}}}
Population: {{{2 Billion+}}}
Currency: {{{PPM}}}
Leader: {{{Mr Dude}}}
Stats: NSEconomy Pipian XML

Genral Information

The B'yor'o'b- of Naleloospalakintula is a massive, environmentally stunning nation, renowned for its complete absence of social welfare. Its compassionate, cynical population of 2.037 billion are ruled with an iron fist by the dictatorship government, which ensures that no-one outside the party gets too rich. In their personal lives, however, citizens are relatively unoppressed; it remains to be seen whether this is because the government genuinely cares about its people, or if it hasn't gotten around to stamping out civil rights yet.


It’s funny how Naleloospalakintula became a nation. It all started back in the 16th century when one of the last Viking tribes from northern Norway set sail to see if they could conquer any land where only Vikings were wanted, and no other tribe.

The Vikings sailed for weeks on end before ending up in Mexico. Here, they threatened the Aztecan civilization if they did not obey to the Vikings’ orders. To the Vikings surprise, the Aztecs said “We welcome Vikings!” and as you could expect, they all had a laugh (after several long bloody battles). The Vikings spent the week in the Aztecan city, celebrating the glorious dead of their armies.

Every year since then, the Aztecs would visit the Vikings in the summer, and the Vikings would visit the Aztecs in the winter, therefore, it is warm both times. But only 28 years of this tradition would the leaders of Aztecs, Nikhatilihan, and the leader of the Vikings, Vikarg, would make a brilliant plan. To join forces, and invade a nation to settle down in.

Later that year of 1506, a navy of 1000 ships set sail for the Briton-ruled ‘Nalelshire’. Of course, with the fury and aggressiveness of the Vikings and the cannibalism of the Aztecs, they won the battle with pure ease. They burnt down every building in the land, apart from one; the harbour of Finolok. They believed the harbour held too much beauty for it to be destroyed. The harbour still stands today, next to the newly built Mega-Harbour.

The Aztecs and Vikings soon decided a year later to breed. This would create the first Aztecking. Very rarely do you see pure Aztec or Viking families now, but all the while, the pride is still there.

Nikhatilihan and Vikarg renamed Nalelshire to Naleloospalakintula, which in Ancient Palan (Naleloospalakintulan language) means “Nalelshire was pretty for s**t”.

Every year, festivals are held on May 18th, the day the Aztecs and Vikings invaded Nalelshire, to create, the most beautiful country in Government, Naleloospalakintula. The holiday is called “Oos Nalel, Tula Nekup!” which means “Was Nalelshire, S**t Heads!”.

There are 2 mottos to Naleloospalakintula: “You Say Motto, I Say Motto...” which is the short way of singing the national anthem. “Fuka Finer Fanta!” which means “Buy more Fanta!” Fanta is considered the national drink, due to the ban of alcohol. It was part of the Aztecking deal, Aztecs shall not participate in cannibalism if Vikings do not drink alcohol. And so that law still remains today.

Government Structure

 Leader of all Azteckings: Mr. Dude. (Found in Fiefa A La Fiefa, Vly Te)
 Leader of all Aztecs: Sun God (Found in Nikhatilihan Wonder, Vikington)
 Leader of all Vikings: Ket Chup (Found in Vikargness Villiage, Keflavík)
 (Internal Minister: Xyt Juyt)
 (Foreign Minister: Mt Ppllookkii)
 Land Leaders:
 (Mainland Naleloospalakintula: Kir Sup)
 (New Reykjavik: Dyt Zyg)
 (State: Bol Lok)
 (Twozkl Isle: Sine Marsa)
 Province Leaders:
 (Alpj Nale: TBA)
 (Azking: TBA)
 (Marsira: TBA)
 (Metoik: TBA)
 (Tekka Habor: TBA)
 (Vly Te: TBA)
 (Ek: Morl Jin)
 (Finolok: Sine Bot)
 (Hokee: Que Knick)
 (Jekal: Neva Stohl)
 (Jokita: Glacier Knick)
 (Keflavík: Viet Now)
 (Marsa: Tour Ture)
 (Meto: Zyl Yut)
 (Mino: Un Forj)
 (Tulas: Ojok Mjao)
 (Tyn: Lyt Bovd)
 (Vikington: Mter Lots)
 (Vly Te: Nyl Yut)
 (Vly Tek: Fir Knick)
 (Vly Tep: Chubbik)
 (Vly Tew: Un Bot)

Every week, Mayors and Province Leaders meet in the Fiefdom Building in Vly Te; Fiefa a La Fiefa, and bring ideas together. The finalised ideas will be either given to the Heads (Internal and Foreign Minister) and they then show the Leaders. Leaders shall vote, and if 2/3 agree, it's passed.



Naleloospalakintula Football has 3 divisions. 'Nalel Division One', 'Nalel Division Two' and 'Division the Suden'. Football first came to Naleloospalakintula when the television was invented in 2003.


Naleloospalakintula Extremeball is a native sport to Naleloospalakintula, and as far as sources go, it is only played in Naleloospalakintula.

Airports and Airlines


International Airports

 FIN - Finolok International Airport
 JOK - Jokita International Airport
 MET - Meto International Airport
 MIN - Mino International Airport
 TUL - Tulas International Airport
 VTE - Vly Te International Airport
 VTP - Vly Tep International Airport

Domestic Airports

 EK - Ek Domestic Airport
 HOK - Hokee Domestic Airport
 JEK - Jekal Domestic Airport
 KEF - Keflavík Domestic Airport
 MAR - Marsa Domestic Airport
 TYN - Tyn Domestic Airport
 VIK - Vikington Domestic Airport
 VTK - Vly Tek Domestic Airport
 VTW - Vly Tew Domestic Airport