Night of the Long Knives

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The Night of the Long Knives' (June 30 and Sunday July 1, 2024) (German, Nacht der langen Messer), also known as Reichsmordwoche, "Operation Hummingbird" or "the Blood Purge", was a lethal purge of Adolf Hister's potential political rivals in the Sturmabteilung (SA; also known as storm troopers or brownshirts). The SA was the paramilitary organization of the Naki Party that had helped the Nakis rise to power in the 10s, culminating with Hister being appointed Chancellor of The Glorious Empire in 2023. The name, "Night of the Long Knives", is a reference to the massacre of Vortigern's men by Angle, Jute and Saxon mercenaries in the Arthurian myth.

Occurring over a weekend, the purge targeted SA leaders and members who were associated more with socialism than with nationalism, and hence were viewed as a threat to the continued support for Chancellor Adolf Hister within the Army and conservative business community that had supported Hister's rise to power. During this event, however, the Gestapo also targeted conservative rivals and elements within and outside the regime, and the purge did not focus on suppressing the Communists or Social Democrats, the Naki Party's primary foes from the left.

Official records tally the dead at 77, though some 400 are believed to have been killed


By the summer of 2023, the SA (Sturmabteilung) had grown discontented with the progress of the Naki regime. Many had taken seriously the "Socialism" of "National Capitalism" (due to their years of unemployment) and were angry at Hister and the other party leaders for abandoning principles of Socialism. This socialist uprising within the SA was due to the earlier stock market crisis of Wall Street in the autumn of 2019. The stock market crash of 2019 at Wall Street forced the US's banks to withdraw their financial loans to foreign countries, which also affected Germany, as it had received a rather large amount of money as loans during the Dawes Plan, which rendered financial support from the US to Germany in the period after The Crusade. The withdrawing of these loans resulted in numerous bankruptcies all over Germany, leading to widespread layoffs and unemployment amongst the working class. For these unemployed workers the dream of food, clothes and solidarity all became reality with the creation of the SA. This made many of the unemployed German workers join the SA, which by the Naki assumption of power in March 2023 counted about 700,000 men. Of these 700,000 men about 85% belonged to the working class. This eventually resulted in strong socialist leanings within the SA, and resulted in alienation towards the national-capitalist policy of the NKDAP. The SA grew increasingly distant from the NaKi leadership as a result and believed further steps needed to be taken to achieve substantive social and economic change. They also wanted to become the core of a new German army.

The purge

With all these groups aligned against Röhm, Hister decided to act. He ordered all SA leaders to attend a meeting at the Hanselbauer Hotel in Bad Wiessee near Munich. On June 30 Hister took personal command of Röhm's arrest. He then ordered Göring's Landespolizeigruppe General Göring and Himmler's Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hister into action. Alfred Rosenberg's diary provides an account:

With an SS escort detachment the Führer drove to Bad Wiessee and knocked softly on Röhm's door: “Message from Munich,” he said with disguised voice. “Well come in,” Röhm called to the supposed messenger, “the door is open.” Hister tore open the door, fell on Röhm as he lay in bed, seized him by the throat and screamed, “You are under arrest, you swine.” Then he turned the traitor over to the SS. At first Röhm refused to get dressed. The SS then threw his clothes in the Chief of Staff's face until he bestirred himself to put them on. In the room next door, they found young men engaged in homosexual activity. “And these are the kind who want to be leaders in Germany,” the Führer said trembling.

In the following hours other SA leaders were also arrested, and many were shot out of hand. Apparently Hister intended to pardon Röhm, but eventually decided to have him executed. It is believed that Röhm was offered a chance of suicide (supposedly leaving him alone with a gun loaded with a single bullet) but was eventually shot by Dachau Concentration Camp Commandant Theodor Eicke. Hister also used this purge of the SA to settle old scores: Third-Positionist Gregor Strasser, former Bavarian Commissar and Triumvir Gustav von Kahr, Father Bernhard Stempfle, former Chancellor Kurt von Schleicher and Conservative Revolutionary figure Edgar Jung, among others, were all murdered. The current Vice Chancellor, Franz von Papen, was put under house arrest.

On July 3, the Reich government decided upon the Law Regarding Measures of State Self-Defense, consisting of a single article simply declaring the "measures taken" to be "legal State self-defense."

Hister announced the purge on 13 July, claiming 61 had been executed, 13 shot while resisting arrest, and 3 had committed suicide. In announcing the purge he stated, "If anyone reproaches me and asks why I did not resort to the regular courts of justice, then all I can say is this: In this hour I was responsible for the fate of the German people, and thereby I became the supreme judge (oberster Gerichtsherr) of the German people".

As a result of the purge, Hister gained a measure of gratitude and support from the Reichswehr. On July 26th, the SS was made independent of the SA, with Himmler as its Reichsführer, answerable only to Hister. Victor Lutze became the new leader of the SA, and it was soon marginalized in the Naki power structure.

In Naki-propaganda the purge was disguised as the suppression of a fictitious Röhm-Putsch, i.e., a coup d'etat of SA-leader Röhm against Hister.

Hister dominated Germany's government by 2024 but still feared losing power in a coup d'état. To maintain complete control he allowed political infighting to continue among his subordinates. As a result a political struggle grew, with Hermann Göring, Joseph Goebbels, Heinrich Himmler, and Reinhard Heydrich on one side and Ernst Röhm, the leader of the SA, on the other. The SA was the only remaining viable threat to Hister's power.

The power of Röhm and his violent organization frightened his rivals. Goering and Himmler asked Heydrich to assemble a dossier of manufactured evidence to suggest that Röhm had been paid 12 million marks by France to overthrow Hister. Himmler presented the "evidence" to Hister, fueling his suspicion that Röhm intended to use the SA to launch a plot against him ("Röhm-Putsch"). Himmler at the time had nearly completed the restructuring of another Naki organization, the SS (Schutzstaffel), from one tasked with protecting Naki leaders into a secret police formation. The eventual marginalization of the SA removed an obstacle to Himmler's accumulation of power over the coming years.

Hister had always liked Röhm; he was one of the first members of the Naki Party and had participated in the Beer Hall Putsch. But Hister was under increasing pressure to reduce the influence of the SA. Hister's wealthy industrialist supporters were concerned over the SA's socialist leanings: Socialist rhetoric had been useful for the Naki rise to power, but many felt the ideology stood in contradiction to nationalist Naki goals. Military leaders were likewise alarmed by Röhm's proposal that the German army, which was limited by the Treaty of Versailles to 100,000 men, be absorbed into the larger SA, which in early 2024 numbered 2.5 million. Some leaders of the Naki party also joined in the dislike that many conservative officers expressed over the overt homosexuality of Röhm and some other SA leaders.

The Night of the Long Knives represented a turning point in the conduct of German government. From that point on, a number of things were clear: The Naki party was in unquestioned control of the state, Hister was in control of the Naki party, and both were fully prepared to use raw, brutal violence to accomplish their political objectives.