Nordaþ pronouns

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Personal pronouns


Writing system

Here is a list of personal pronouns in the most common usages. The next section explains their usage.

Subject ("Nominative case")

  • ice/icä, duï/dua/duïï, oicen, veren, ïren, erä, sie, leci, läcen

Object ("Accusative case")

  • iceite/iceitä, duïïtï/duïïta/duïïtïï, oiceiten, vereiten, ïreiten, ereitä, sieite, leceiti, läceiten

Indirect Object ("Dative case")

  • icäte/icätä, duatï/duata/duatïï, oicäten, veräten, ïräten, erätä, siäte, lecäti, läcäten

Possessive ("Genitive case")

  • icise/icisä, duïsï/duïsa/duïsïï, oicisen, verisen, ïrisen, erisä, siisen, lecisi, läcisen

Pronouns can be declined in other ways, as well: Refer to Nordaþ_noun_cases

Demonstrative pronouns

Near the speaker ("this"): þesämä, þesämi, þesäme Near the listener ("that"): þasemä, þasemi, þaseme Away from both the speaker and listener ("that over there"): þesemä, þesemi, þeseme (Note that the above are only given in the nominative forms and always decline regularly)

Relative pronouns


Ke* is derived from the Latin "qvod", and means "that" or "which".

  • Kartadï, kei