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Flag of Novacom
Motto: "Onward we march in Destinies Service"
No map's External to Novacom Territory exist
Region The Zanziik Republic
Capital Novesia
Official Language(s) Novan (Primary), English, Russian, Chinese
Leader Suprainister Denteth Tolion
Population 1,700,000,000
Currency Novon 
NS Sunset XML

Novacom is a Highly Isoltaionist Nation whose foundings and date are a closely guarded secret, external Archaeologists despite never having set foot in Novacom Territory though have been allowed limited access to the Legendary Novacom Archives surmise that the nation itself is over 7,000 years old.

Governmental Description

Novacom is led by the Suprainister, and underneath him is the Council of Ministers, This Body is re-elected every 5 years, Candidates are selected from a vast pool of hopefuls, The Study of Politics doesn't actually exist in Novacom and the Ministers do not view themselves as politicians. Instead they view themselves as servants of the people, to Study politics is viewed as arrogant as that person assumes that they will be wanted or are capable of leading the people, instead candidates are often the best in their chosen field, for example the Minister for Economy post would have several of the best Economists selected, The Minister for The Environment would have the best Ecologists, Environmentalists or Natural Scienctists and so on.

The Candidates are then assessed on their other qualities as the best Economist might also possess some less than admirable qualities. Once the pool of Candidates is whittled down to a reasonable number usually less than 50, The Campaigning begins, Political parties are banned and instead the Governemnt supplies the funds for campaigns and the Broadcasting Network NTN is legally obligated to give out a fair division of time for Political advertising, Candidates are also expected to give speeches at the weekly rallies and any promises they make must be part of their policies which if they get into office must either carry out or present a viable reason for not doing so. Once those policies have been carried out the minister usually has a free hand in drawing up policies however though all Policies are voted on by the Council of Ministers, usually a body of 12 with the Suprainister chairing it.

The Suprainister is either the first born male child of the previous Suprainister and also has to have shown the qualities that are expecxted of a Suprainister, if these qualities are not present the suprainister's other male children may be tested, if none possess the correct qualities then a child who does will be sought out, and then marry the Suprainister's Daughter. The Suprainister's Wife also holds an important role in the Government, she will often do as much public speaking as the Suprainister and if the Suprainister is unable to attend a council of ministers meeting the wife will fill in, in some cases the Suprainister will defer to his wife in terms of deciding votes. The Suprainister's wife has the official title of Sepranster.

Novacom holds weekly sometimes daily rallies for the people, they are often a fantastic sight and allow the Suprainister and the people to show their loyatly to the nation and it's ideals often the main problemn with these rallies is keeping the spectators from joining in the rally. The Rallies often last a minimum of an hour and at the end their is always a speech by either the Suprainister if it is the weekly rally or special occasion or by an individual chosen by lot.

Novacom is Highly Isolationist with no maps of their Homeislands existing anywhere in the world except for within the Homeislands themselves, the only known Islands are the surrounding Fotress Port Islands, Novacom Utilises bleeding edge Jamming Technology that coupled with the Bermuda Triangle like storms in Novacom Territory have ensured that not even the most advanced of Satalities, radar or other forms of detection can even make out even a fragment of one of the Novacom Homeislands, this coupled with the Militaries policy of shooting down or sinking intruders after a warning Novacom territory looks set to be a mystery for many hundred years more, even if ships or aircraft were to get through they wouldn't be able to detect anything as while Novacom Military equipment was built with these conditions in mind other nations equipment were not, especially as the severity of the conditions is always underestimated by outsiders.


Novan Culture is deeply loyal and fanatical to their history, however though there is no religon whatsoever on any of the Novacom Homeislands this is due to the massive war at 4,000 BC involving the Nations first and only Religon the Diri E I G Ignen and the people, led by the charismatic Horjzen Kasudtonen the Diri E I G Ignen and their Divine Guard and supporters eventually fell, but not after a great deal of massacres that horrified the people and turned them forever against religon, even now they are strongly Atheist and on the Anniversery of the Diri E I G Ignen's Final defeat a great festival celebrates that, known as the Festical of light it is often a spectacular event that culminates in a massive torchlight parade leading to a re-enactment of the final battle, the Assault on Kikaralas Spire.

Novan's quite often enjoy a wide array of drinks and socialising however though if a person gets drunk they are quite often made to remember that by their friends, getting Drunk is not favourably looked on as Novan drinks are blended brewed and mixed in a way that you would need to consume a tremendous volume or consume a large volume in a short space of time to get drunk. Novan Parties are often a spectacular event and giving of gifts no matter how humble is extremly common.

Novan's value their privacy and secrecy highly, the will often be incredibly friendly to foreigners but are usually very stingy with information. Novan's will usually only respond to their name if they know the person inquiring otherwise they will only respond to being addressed by their official title.

Novan's also engage heavily in the arts with great inspiring pieces of music both vocal and instrumental while great epic carvings and paintings will often festoon museums. Cooking is also an artform with fruits and Vegetable's that only grow on the Novacom Homeisles used to create a symphony of flavours. Great pieces of Literature are also common in Novacom and their is a deep interest in history. After all when you live in a nation with Archives that have everything ever written stored within it's quite easy to get a comprehensive view of history. The Great Archives hold books lost to the world like many Greek Epics and books from the library of Alexandria usually if the information about the past is not in the archives then it it usually safe to assume that the information being searched for doesnt exist or is known under a different name.

The Novacom Language is also a Mystery, as their have been no emmigrants and as such no-one can actually speak or even understand the cryptic speech or caligraphs. It is fortunate for outsiders however though that Novacom Scholars roam far and wide learning all the languages of the world in ages past and returned to teach the people them, English is known by all Novans. The Novacom Language often sounds like a heavily emotional song and it is impossible for a machine to speak the language as it requires emotions and intent to be expressed with each word, especially as saying the same word with different intent radically changes it's meaning.

Novacom History

Novacom was formed in the year 5,000 BC originally ruled by a fanatical Religous Cult known as the Diri E I G Ignen for 500 years they ruled until eventually infighting broke out into a massive cicivl war, massacre's were frequent and this gave birth to the Destiny movement, led by Vorenzel Jindrax a mighty warrior the goal of the Destiny Movement was to free the Novacom people from the grip of religon and create a fair society. The war went on for a hundred years and the Maljuras Faction of the Diri E I G Ignen was near the brink of Victory, their Coveneant guard, who were brain washed fanatical warriors always masked and in terrifying armour had brought may cities under their sway, however the Vidurrel Faction had siezed Atlantis, the Island Temple sacred to Hartrusen the great craftsmen, it was here that the cultists tried to empower the Sword of Damocles, a weapon said to be built by the gods themsleves they however discovered that it order to power it they would need to power it with blood, something their Lord Priest had no qualms with and so they sent their Blood Guard to raid cities under the sway of the Covenant guard, the Covenant guard caught off guard by geurilla like tactics recoiled under orders from the Lord priest. During this the Destiny Movement had built up a great powerbase, uniting once more the outer island cities as well as the noble people of Kikerallas peak and waged war against them both, the Destiny Movement's Own shock troops, The Enforcer's were thrown into the battle fighting like demons possessed eventually the Armies of the Maljuras cult were overwhelmed trapped at the base of Kikerallas peak.

Next Vorenzel turned his attention to Atlantis, the Blood Guard Navy fought valiantly sending many ships to the bottom with them but eventually they too were overwhelmed, upon landing on Atlantis an entire army led by Vorenzel Jindrax himself charged to engage with the vast army, at the height of the cataclysmic conflict Vorenzel Jindrax and a cadre of his finest warriors seemingly vanished off the battlefield. Much to the Mystery of the Blood Guard Captains they soon discovered why. THey had discovered the way into the temple, many Covenenant Guard who had fled to protect a temple of their god and accepted the command of another Lord Priest along with Blood Guard and the Temple's own Iron Maidens, great figures of a mysterious metal who fought with inhuman strength and valour. the fighting was heroic and the very grounds of the temple ran red with the thick flow of blood.

In the heart of the Temple in a room that was said to at one point be the home of the Craftsman God himself the Lord priest and the last of the Covenant Guard, Blood Guard and Iron Maidens made their last stand the batle was monumental and fire itself errupted across the lands world wide as if the gods themsleves were trying to save their followers but it could not save them, eventually Vorenzel Jindrax's Enforcers were no more, their last act to take their counterparts with them, now only the Lord Priest and the brave Vorenzel remained, The Lord priest called down divine lighting to strike VOrenzel but his great sword sundered the lightning and cleaved the Lord Priests head clean from his body, thus ending the Great war and forever destroying Religon as a factor in Novacom.

Over the next 4,000 years the people of Novacom would rebuild their once proiud culture to previously unreached heights, One thing remained the same however, no-one dared approach Novacom Territory for none had ever returned sent to the bottom by mysterious warships, Novans were viewed as hrabringers of destiny and did bore gifts only to those willing to accept them otherwise those who did not paid for them in full, for a Novans gift was advice, prophecies from the Legendary Prophetess Viginias the Consort of Vorenzel Jindrax, her prophecies were enshrined in a great Archive and they spanned from her time during the war against the Diri E I G Ignen all the way to the year 2,000 AD and beyond.

Peace would reign for another 500 years after the fateful battle at Atlantis, when the most strange thing would happen, Atlantis would seemingly vanish off the face of the earth and great storms would form across all the lands, even worse the temples of the Diri E I G Ignen which had survived the war had inexplicably taken to the skies, a great panic ensued as the massivly ornate temples would fly away it almost defied beleif and caused wide spread havoc as the temples took a full month to fully leave Novacom Territory when another disaster struck, The Novacom Colonies were gone, vanished completly off the face of the earth. Confusion reigned for a short time resulting in a massive upsurge in Capitol Enforcer numbers and the first step to Novacom's future enigma had been taken. The Storms would continue to infest Novacom Territory until present day, it was only at the advent of the Industrial Revolution that Novacom discovered the nature of these storms, they destroyed anything electronic. This held Novacom back until roughly the 1700's when they then cracked the secret on how to protect their advances, by the 1900's they had managed to advance enough to have viable protection against the storms, however outsiders would not be so lucky, and the storms coupled with the potent Novacom Military were able to protect Novacom Territory from all advances by the powers of World War II, During the Cold War Novacom further studied the mysterious storms managing to find a haunting similarity between the storms of Novacom and those of the Bermuda Triangle, somewhere that even now is unexplored by Novacom. Eventually Novacom developed Potent Jamming systems which recreated the effects of the storms and thus an important part of the Novacom Military machine was now solidified, the Jammers would block out all methods of Communications, Detection, co-ordination targeting and practically every other function imaginable however the duplication is not yet perfect as the Jamming only manages to block these completly opposed to the storms completly anhialating unsheilded technology, the methods of which are one of Novacom's most closely guarded secrets.

During World War 2 a Certain Admiral, Admiral Malo Kukonois was extremly ative to say the least. For reasons unknown to anyone but him he leaked information to the Allies about the Axis plans and vica versa, it is thanks to him that the war went on so long as he was constantly feeding false information and truth alike to both sides, he eventually fled Novacom with his followers, declaring the Tolions to be corrupt and the eventual destruction of Novacom. Admiral Kukonois would continue to be a constant threat, he was fascinated by the idea of Submarine's and before he left he pioneered their design, use and tactics involving them, even now Admiral Kukonois navy has the ability to go under water even the battleships handing to him a critical advantage, where Admiral Kukonois' base is, is unknown though there is a growing suspicion especially with the recent discovery of the Diri E I G Ignen being allied with the Admiral that his base is in the Bermuda Triangle, which would explain why Novacom has never been able to explore the place.

The Millenium Promise

At the beginning of the year 2000 the dawn of the new Millenium, Suprainister Malo Tolion made an announcement to the people, and a promise. The Millenium Promise was a number of points, not all of them were made public, one of them was however to make Novacom a Nuclear Free Zone, analysts were greatly confused over this as the Nation had maintained a potent nuclear deterrent, in reality this promise was carried out to the letter, the Nuclear Detterent instead moved to Novacom Military Bases Worldwide, Nuclear Reactors were decomissioned instead replaced with Tesla Generators which now constitute 80% of the Nations Energy generation capacity, the remainder are either Geothermal Solar or Hydroelectirc/Tidal. A program of Genetic "cleaning" was also commenced, in essence for the next 20 years critical changes were made to human embryo's removing the genes that caused genetic defects completly, by now these changes have bred through the generations and as such embryo's are still screened but no further modifications are done. There are other elements of the Millenium Promise, but details are sketchy and as with all information Novacom doesn't look set to release it to the world in a hurry.


Novacom prides itself on a high level of technology, this is in part contributed by the prohecies of Viginias which are stored underground Novesia Novacom's Canyon City Capitol in great Catacombs which are over 4,000 years old. The Prophecies as well as the most comprehensive library ever to have existed are stored in a place known as the Great Archives where all world History is catalogued and stored. The most notable amonsgt Novacom's Arsenal of Technologies are immensely powerful Jamming technologies which are unmatched by anything in existence, they block all forms of communication and detection essentially ensuring that Novacom's Homelans remain represented on maps by a simple blank circle with Novacom Territory labbelled, even Novacom's Region map has little information with a small fragment of the Divango Fortress Port city on the map instead of the entirety.


The Novacom Military is centered around the idea of controlling the battlefield, something they excel at their unique homelands forced them to develop their technology to be able to withstand all forms of electoronic interference, their technology is even immune to EMP. However though Novacom has never let this technology fall into enemy hands, Novacom further controls the battlefield by employing powerful jamming technology which scrambles all forms of communication and detection as well as targetting. Such advantages make the Novacom armies a potent enemy, especially when they field Enforcers, the elite of the Novacom Military all Novan soldiers are fanatical but no more so than the enforcers yet this fanatacism is not blind instead Novan soldiers will often charge at the enemies weakest points or if none exist they will create weak points by using their powerful Vigdegen Heavy Artillery Platfroms, Denzel Assault Bombers and HijirMobile Suits. Novacom Infantry are heavily armed and armoured and will often cleave straight through enemy lines and gut the enemy from the inside out.

Novacom Military Units

Mobile Suits

NAWCU Stands for Novacom Advanced Warfare Combat Unit and is a product of the terrain and conditions of the Novacom Homeisles, the NAWCU line is a unique concept in a world dominated by fighters and tanks, the NAWCU combines the best of both creating a usually lightly armoured (yet armoured enough to provide it defence against most light and medium tank cannon and anti aircraft systems) that is highly maneoverable and flexible while being able to in most cases bring a great deal of firepower to a point in short order.

NAWCU-529 Hijir/Ensign

As Customary with All Novan Designs the first stage is known as Ensign, the Ensign Hijir is a competent unit, nothing truly great it was deployed early in order to get the production lines off the ground, it is fairly capable but nothing truly exceptional. It had a variety of weaknessess among them was the tendancy for the engines to overheat, the excessive fuel consumption as the batteries had not yet been completed, the weaponry was also light armour also was a factor.

NAWCU-551 Hijir/Commodore

The Second stage of the Hijir Project the Commodore improves vastly on the Ensign model, engine overheating has been dealt with due to a complete redesign ot the engines and the implemntation of Tesla Battery technology, they also sport a powerful 122mm Assault rifle on a sacle fitting of a Mobile suit, Rate of Fire is slow however but accuracy is more prized than rate of fire by some pilots. This stage however brought in it's own problems reduced speed and range however though the armour problem has still yet to be addressed.

NAWCU-567 Hijir/Elite

The Third stage of the Hijir Project and the most widespread in terms of numbers produced, nearly all problems have been ironed out and no new ones introduced, speed, range and armour have been greatly increased while actually lowering the weight due to composite armour materials. Battery Technology at the time of introduction was still relativley new so combat time was still limited to about 2 hours before requiring a recharge, perhaps it's only true weakness.

NAWCU-582 Hijir/Vanguard

The Final stage of the Hijir Project, the advent of the Vindicator assured that this unit would have a shorter lifespan than it's earlier incarnations, truly a pity in the eyes of some pilots, this Model has almost disgusting levels of destructive potential, it is outfitted with 120 Stalker Anti Armour/Air Rockets or if required 4 Piledriver Missiles used for heavy assault. Rate of fire has been greatly improved however though pilots are still conservative with cutting loose to avoid exhausting supplies, something hard to do with the extensive supplies the unit carries, just before the approval of this stage for production a new innovation in Batery Technology was trialed, Tesla Batteries essentially making Range as long as the endurance of the pilots, while the battery could be over exerted it could not however be exhausted completly due to the nature of the technology, the launch time of the Vanguard Hijir is superior to all before it. Considered by many in the Novacom Military to be the Perfect combat unit. Other Variants: The Hijir Model lends itself well to Modification and for the Elite and Vanguard Model several variants were created, the Hijir/Reconnaisance a long distance reconnaisance unit that sacrifices some firepower for extended range and speed. The Hijir/Viggen is perhaps the most widespread use unit, based on the Vanguard model it has been heavily modifed to be controlled by the Novacom AI system IXION, it's reaction times far surpass that of a human and the sheer numbers often deployed will quite often rbutally massacre an enemy by the sheer precision and ferocity of an attack, even more so than standard Novacom Pilots.

NAWCU-802 Vindicator/Ensign

The first stage of the Vindicator design and the model currently in production, starting from scratch utilising all the lessons learned from the venerable Hijir Model Novacom Manufacturing created the Vindicator a powerful unit that utilises a powerful laser cannon known as a Damocles Emitter, or as it's properly reffered to as a DDBC Damocles Derivative Battle Cannon, What the Damocles that it is derived from is unknown to the rest of the world as is nearly anything and everything about Novacom. The Vindicator sports 75mm of armour all round however though the chances of actually being able to hit a Vindicator are truly non existant when you factor in the incredibly powerful engine powered by next the next generation of Tesla Batteries, the only true weakness is the endurance of the pilot as too much speed could cause the pilot to pass out forcing the Pilots to wear specialised suits to compensate for this. Although in it's first stage the Vindicator is an extremly capable unit, inevitably in time faults and weaknessess in the design will be discovered and several have already been identified, Overheating of the Damocles Emitter, Stalker Missiles launchers will not target correctly for a short period after the unit going at maximum speed and several other faults.


The AKU or Amphibious Kombat Unit is an Amphibious Attack Mobile suit, named for the God of dreams the AKU is a powerful unit that excells underwater, the AKU is derived from the Hijir model and as such does not sport a Ranking, the AKU excells at destroying shipping and land targets it is a true powerhouse designed for maximum aggression, the design however is statring to reach it's limit, and the only true way to launch it effectivley is from a Vonsulas they are incapable of flight instead opting for high speeds on land and underwater.


Vigdegen Heavy Artillery Platform

The Vigdegen is a powerful self propelled Artillery piece that can also function as a command center, it sports no less than 10 200m long range assault cannon and will often in small groups anhialate enemy armies from a distance. It is also equipped with several Stalker Rocket launchers to act as defence against armoured units and enemy aircraft.

Denzel Assault Bombers

Furthering the Novacom Doctorine of Controlling the Batlefield the Denzel is a heavily armed and extremly fast bomber, it's payload can be delivered quiclly and with almost unnatural accuracy against a target and then withdraw before an enemy has truly realised what has happened, Common loadouts are Stalker Anti Air and Armour Rockets, Piledriver Missiles, Monolith Missiles, Vongo Bombs, Discord Cluster Bombs.

Stalker Missiles are the Standrad rocket used by Novacom forces against moderatly armoured land units and against any aerial unit, they travel at high speeds and will attack their target without fail.

Piledriver Missiles are the most widespread missile in battlefield use in the Novacom Armoury, these long Missiles are often best used against ships and installations however smaller versions exist for use against heavily armoured targets. The Piledriver is made up of segments that when the missile impacts in a target will explode back to the impact point often creating a gaping hole at the impact point making the target vulnerable to attack. These Missiles are highly effective and should never be overlooked by enemy commanders, especially at sea.


The ships of the Novacom Navy are all designed with the capacity to carry at least 2 Squadrons of Hijir, totalling in 30 units. Larger vessels will obviously carry considerably more, All Novacom ships house powerful jammers which cramble both methods of detection and Communication.

Kivazan class Aircraft Carriers

The Trimaran hulled Kivazan Aircraft Carriers are fearsome opponenets they can carry in excess of 1,000 aircraft however launching the full compliment will often take in excess of 15 minutes. They are moderatly well armed and armoured for an AIrcraft carrier however like all other Carriers they rely on their Potent iacraft compliment and other ships for defence, the Kivazan houses highly advanced methods of detection and communication vital to the co-ordination that is such an intergal part of Novacom military strategy, they house powerful Tesla Generators recently replacing the Nuclear Reactors that formerly powered them making their range as far as they can sfaely be supplied for their crews.

Sentinal Class Destroyers/Patrollers

One of the most Numerous Novacom Naval vessels after Temeltean Logistic ships, Sentinals patrol the vast borders to Novacom Territory, a small vessel they are fairly well armed and armoured for their size, however their real punch comes from the 2 squadrons of Mobile suits it can carry many a would be explorers have been repulsed or sent running by the sight of a destroyer with an air compliment, the ship itself is often used in a scouting role boasting advanced maritime detection capability and if needed can be fitted with racks to carry AKU's.

Daokrellzus Class Battleships

The most Notorious of the Daokrellzus class is the NNS Kenzal, the ship itself carries 250 Mobile Suits in addition to 10 Parridigrams and 20 Denzel's. The Daokrellzus is equipped with 20 20 inch ETC "Vondugel XIX" Guns in 6 twin mountings, 10 15 inch ETC "Kizkurrel XXV" Guns in 5 twin mountings and 4 25 inch ETC "Heduras X" Guns in 2 twin mountings as well as a comphrensive CIWS and AA system. The Daokrellzus is often reffered to by many in the Novacom Navy as Batleship sized SD, Only recently has an SD program been commisioned and this itself was very nearly compromised by the Rebel Admiral, Admiral Kukonois.

Vonsulas class submarine

THe Majority of Vonsulas' have been radically upgraded and redesigned, they utilise like all other Novacom ships Tesla Reactors to give them a range that is only tempered by their supply lines. The Vonsulas is a fast well armed attack sub that can carry 10 AKU's and launched them through 2 large "Hangars" which launch them in a manner similar to torpedos. Vonsulas use a variation on Novacom Jamming technology to make the "black area" as it were not as obvious to enemy forces.

Niretailion Class Corvettes

The Niretailion is often refered to as the Guardian of the Novacom fleets it excells in the role of Anti Air, Anti Missile and Anti Sub warfare, it often acts as an escort to other larger Novacom warships and is rarely alone, something that in the past has always been bad news for would be enemies who would often look on in sheer horror as their attacks would be largley nullified by these humble ships, leaving them to use more tradiotnal methods of attackins namley, their big guns handing the advantage to Novacom forces who with their faster ships will often outmaneover the enemy or blitz them with an Air Armada of which the Niretailion contributes 75 Mobile Suits to.

Maljuras Class Dreadnoughts

The Maljuras is the heavy hitter of the Novacom Navy and while it has a compliment of a mere 200 Mobile Suits it makes up for it with a terrifying armnament of both standard guns similar to those on a Daokrellzus it also has massive launching bays for huge missile bombardments, the Maljuras class is a truly powerful ship and is often a key player in any battle.

Vihghanaleas Class Cruisers

The Fastest ship apart from a Sentinal in the Novacom Navy moderatly armed but heavily armed squadrons of these often carry out missions of lesser importance to the Novacom Navy, they are an efficient design managing to carry around a hundred Mobile Suits and still manage to house a powerful armnament compliment.

Temeltean Class Logistics ships

Temeltean's are Vital ships, they are capable of given the resources of producing some smaller scale items for fleets such as ammunition small arms and the like. They are large vessels and can hold many trillions of tons of supplies. They are heavily armoured and lightly armed, they carry 250 Mobile suits for defence however they are first and foremost meant for logistics and in combat engagement they will move to the rear or return to base before combat can begin.

Legacy Class Super Dreadnought (Construction 90% complete)

The Legacy class is at present on hold pending repairs to the Construction facilities which were damaged by Admiral Kukonois' forces as they attempted to hijack the prototype before it could be completed, information on it's capabilities and capacities at this moment are classified. Experimental Designs

NAWCF (Novacom Advanced Warfare Concept Fortress) Project Jindrax

Project Jundrax is being pushed by General Kitas for greater funding, the idea behind it was inspired by the tales of how the Diri E I G Ignen temples literally flew away from where they once were. Details are Top Secret on this enigmatic project, though onne thing is sure, it has some conncetion to Damocles...

The Enforcers

The Enforcers were first formed over 6,500 years ago they are an elite force that has slowly evolved into many divisions. So Far there eixts:

Silver Skull Enforcers: The most numerous of all Enforcers they often see front line duty, they are highly trained and are some of the most dangerous soldiers out there, they have some special operations training but are mainly used as shock troops. Silver Skull Enforcer's also act in a role similar to that of Commissar in the Regular Novacom Military leading units into battle.

Gold Skull Enforcers: They are the elite military cadre, even more elite than the Silver Skull, Gold Skull Enforcers are used as elite troops and often accompany a commander, they are fully trained in covert ops special operations and every facet of war, they are trained on every single Novacom design and can easily take charge of any situatiion.

Storm Emforcers: Formed during World War 2 the Storm Enforcers are an elite formation that specialises on fast assaults they are often dropped in behind enemy lines and do what they do best, cause havoc they are usually used to disrupt enemy organisation by cutting it off at the head, they specialise in Assassinations and advanced combat technique.

Capitol Enforcers: Formed during the immediate aftermath of the great war against the Diri E I G Ignen the Capitol Enforcers are an unusal division, they are essentially military police, they also act as the Novacom Police enforcing the laws and ensuring justice is served, they rarely see combat but have been trained in a home guard role should the Homeisles ever be invaded. They are a more civilian unit however and are rarely deployed on the front lines.

Black Skull Enforcers: The most secretive division of Enforcers, they act as the Novacom Secret police for want of a better phrase. Joint co-operation with the Soviet Union during the Cold war led to multiple ideas and techniques being shared, foremost amonsgt these were Psychic techniques, Black Skull Enforcers often work by themselves and act are sometimes deployed in covert ops, through their Psychic powers they can coerce even the strongest of minds to do their bidding and can even move small objetcs with their powers, they are extremly dangerous and kill with a mere thought, however though development of the mind has not been to the detriment of the body, Black Skull Enforcers are raised from an early age to be the best they are often perfect physical specimens and through various techniques can enter a healing trance to completly recover from injuries in a matter of days, also they can transmute liquids from one form to another, for example turning posinous toxins into drinking water and vica versa. Black Skull Enforcers are never to be underestimated even if they do not appear to be in the room they can twist minds to make it appear that no one is there when instead a whole army could be waiting. These Enforcers are incredibly dangerous individuals and should be avoided at all cost, by both friend and foe...


The Novacom Superweapon, Damocles is top secret and highly Classified, it was first constructed by unknown means by unknown people on the Island of Atlantis, during the time of the Diri E I G Ignen it was heralded as being created by Hartrussen the great good of craftswork, Perhaps these is something to that as when it was redisocovered, just before World War 2 it was discovered it would require the power of Nuclear Energy to power it, as the logo of the Diri E I G Ignen was discovered to be the same as that of Nuclear radiation. Damocles was eventually reactivated at the end of the Seonc World War with disasterous consequences for the allies, it was used as a counter balance to Allied Nuclear Capabilities and it's presence ensured that the Americans were to keep out of the region usually.

By the time of the year 2000, New moethods of Energy Generation had been perfected and the Nuclear method was discontinued, instead powered by Tesla Generators. Around this time a system known as the Hilt of Damocles was also perfected, it was a network of 500 satalites in orbit, specially designed for several purposes, the Original Damocles weapon used a complex redirection cartdige however though this was found to be vulnerable should it be targetted, and by some freak of nature it manage to get through the formidable Novacom defences, the Redirection cartridge at present is being heavily studied to see what secrets it can yield.

The Hilt of Damocles satalites are Orbital Redirection Mirrors, sometimes reffered to as ORM's or Mirror Blocks, When Damocles is ready to fire it will fire the laser at a Mirror block precisely aligned overhead and that satalite will redirect the blast to another satalite in the network, if nessacery it can split the beam to 12 other Mirror Blocks, the beam can be redirected several times however though if it continues to be spilt it's firepower also decreases. When the beam is at a satalite over it's target it will be reamplified and targetted down to earth. There is no defence against Damocles, the only possible defence is not to become a target in the first place, Damocles is unfailingly accurate and it's power depends on how what setting it was placed at time of firing.

A system known as the Aegis of Damocles is also in development which spilts the beams and weaves them into a wall of energy, a primitive sheild method as it were, however though while like this Damocles can only fire a low intensity burst at other targets.

Power Settings

Low Intensity: A Low Intensity Blast is capable of destroying a target completly, if say a city were targetted it would be completly obliterated and only hardened structures underground would perhaps survive.

Recharge Rate: 1 hours

Medium Intensity: A Medium Intensity blast is capable of destroying even harded structures underground, it is the typical blast fired unless more or less power is needed in the eyes of the military.

Recharge Rate: 1 Day

High Intensity: A High Intensity Blast can cause horrific destruction over a wide area, the only thing it stops short of it actually destroying the very land itself, Nothing can stand against this blast which dwarfs the power of most nuclear weapons.

Recharge Rate: 3 Days

Full Power: A full Power Blast is capable of completly and utterly Vapourising a small country of the face of the earth, it has only ever been deployed in this way once and would only ever be deployed again as a last resort, Genocide is not in the Novacom Psyche and never will do, it it were nessacery to fire at this power it would be done so with great remorse.

Recharge Rate: 5 Days, Also requires the replacement of the Orbital Redirection Mirror