Pantheon of SAGA-6

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The history and ultimate fate of SAGA-6 are largely influenced by the wide array of gods, demi-gods, devils, demons, demi-devils and demons, spiritual beings, supernatural intelligences, semi-aware divine soul fragments and others that rule the planet Omnia.

High Gods


The Creator of Everything (Omni = all, -urgoth = creator)

Omniurgoth, the creator of all, is a being that has not much in common with what is traditionally thought to be a god. It is a non-physical principle that, was it to assume a form perceivable by the senses, would be viewed by humans not as a being, but as architecture or a machine. Omniurgoth has no self-awareness, no desires, no individuality. It is, the principle of creation, a machine, a clockwork travelling the universe, creating. No one can claim to perceive Omniurgoth with the senses built for perceiving the physical world, but the mind can find the hidden truth of Omniurgoth existence behind the phyiscal world and it's deities. This "Eye of the mind" was refined by the Transentians, who came to realize Omniurgoth existence and worhipped him by devoting themselves to creation. However, Omniurgoth, opposed to the other gods, is utterly careless about wether being worshipped. Omniurgoth is not involved in the various struggles of the lower gods, who are, in most cases, not even aware of the existence of an higher being. Those few that are attempt to shroud thruth from mankind and their fellow gods for fear of falling from power, should they cease to be worshipped. The Transentians have several names for the being, although Omniurgoth is the most widely used name. The being itself has no name, at least it has never spoken and claimed to have one. Names include:

  • Deus de Dei (God of Gods)

Besides the Transentian machine-cult, Omniurgoth was never worshipped or even recognized as a god anywhere Omnia, and with the fall of the Transentian empire came the end of the religion. Omniurgoth was found to be a part of the nameless triune god consisting of Creation, Being and Destruction / Change, or Past, Present and Future. It is likely that worship of Omniurgoth arose from the hinduistic pantheon, since earlier Transentian artifacts show depictions of hindu gods, most prominently the huge iron statue of the god of destruction, Wikipedia:Shiva, that was later transformed into a Technomagic weapon by the Empire (see Shiva Weapon-Destroyer).

Medium Gods


Unaware of the higher presence of Omniurgoth, Demiurgoth arose from the wishes and prayers of the sentient beings of Omnia, who were to far away from the true god.

Divine Particles


A warrior princess from the time of the First Foundation. After her death, she became a part of the god Demiurgoth.


A sorceress who served Demiurgoth during the First Foundation. She too became a part of him.




The goddess of the future that arose from the machine of the Transentians.