Paramilitary Instigators of Secular Society

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The Paramilitary Instigators of Secular Society (P.I.S.S.) are a terrorist organisation previously active within Bettia. A highly secretive organisation, very little is known about them and many facts are based on hearsay and conjecture - indeed, many people are still uncertain as to whether they remain in existance.

It is thought that they were originally founded by members of the previous regime who escaped capture during the Ahlil-Kitab Revolution and fled to a previously unknown location where they regrouped. During their self-imposed exile, their leaders amassed large stockpiles of weapons and resources - their origins are unknown, but it is highly likely that they were purchased on the black market, if indeed they were purchased at all. They put these to good use, forcing the local native population into slavery and conscripting young men of fighting age into their ranks.

They also acquired access to scientific research, and soon constructed their own laboratories where they conducted many experiments in genetic manipulation. Here, they discovered techniques of controlled mutation. Finding that ants were particularly responsive to their stimuli, they set about creating a vast army of giant ants which were genetically programmed to follow their command.

When they deemed themselves to be ready, they began their campaign by constructing a network of huge tunnels from their secret location into the very heart of Bettia and into what is now Morgrugyn, which they used as a staging post. Once their pieces were in place, they started attacking football stadia throughout the nation, tunnelling up through the pitches in order to render them unplayable. As it happened, they timed their campaign to conincide with the qualifying rounds of World Cup 30, resulting in a number of home matches having to be moved to alternative venues.

These attacks continued but no claim of responsibility was mad, and so the people of Bettia were left wondering what could be causing this. It was thought by many that these atacks were just random with no real reason whatsoever. However, the real reason for this wasn't revealed until Bettia's home game against Nikea when the game was interrupted by an army of giant ants which suddenly emerged from underneath the pitch and attacked players and spectators, causing 14 deaths and hundreds of injuries (the most notable of which was that of Bettia's goalkeeper Ricardo DiTorino, who was unfortunate enough to have his hand bitten off). Despite the many casualties, the ants were bravely fought off by a group of aroras specially trained by the team manager Stuart Abdul-Rahim.

Soon after this high-profile attack, a pirate transmission was made by the leader of the group responsible, finally revealing themselves as the Paramilitary Instigators of Secular Society (PISS). Their leader (who called himself Mr E, still the butt of many jokes in Bettian society nowadays) explained that the giant ants were genetically modified mutations bred specifically to follow his command, and that the attacks would continue until Bettia revoked its Islamic Law and the presidency of Bettia was given over to him.

Needless to say, the Bettian government refused to even contemplate these demands, and so the attack continued on football stadia throughout the country. One such attack occured during Bettia's home match against Spindomia, during which Bettia's then star striker Gwrlais Devanallt attempted to communicate with a trio of the ants using knowledge he had gained from a course in Dumb Animal Communications he had taken at Grappenhall University. After a brief 'conversation', he was taken underground, much to the concern of everyone associated with the Bettian football team.

Nothing was heard in the public domain for many months. However, the attacks had stopped and life slowly returned to normality, until one day when the nation's press where called to a hastily arranged press conference at a military base just outside of the newly-built town of Caeranyuna. The assembled journalists were taken slightly aback when they wrer escorted to a large concrete tunnel, and totally shocked when Gwrlais Devanallt - previsouly presumed dead and now sporting the uniform of a Bettian general - emerged from the tunnel flanked by a platoon of giant ants.

He explained that after his abduction, he was taken through a long tunnel for many days until he reached what turned out to be a large ants nest, where he was immediately given an audiance with their Queen. However, their initial meeting did not go smoothly due to his rudimentary knowledge of their language (which he dubbed 'Antsy'), he was taken away to learn the language properly. When his linguistic skills were sufficient, he was once again taken to the Queen, who explained the situation.

As was previously stated, the ants were experimental creatures developed by PISS in order to overthrow Bettia's shariah system of government. They were bred to be their slaves and attack dogs with no will of their own, but they were quite unable to suppress the ants' main natural instinct - the instinct to form their own society, with each individual taking its own role within their order, whether it be soldier, worker, tending their young or protecting the queen.

At the time, they were still under the overall control of PISS and a very harsh control it was too. However, a subversive undercurrent was stirring, and thanks to his newfound proficiency in Antsy, he was able to persuade the Queen to turn against their masters and join the Bettians instead, as long as they treated them as equals and gave them plenty of their favourite food. Devanallt was allowed to return to Bettia where he presented these terms to the Grand Shura - they readily accepted, and so they secretly sent a detachment of their finest soldiers into the nest. After informing the Queen that Bettia was on board, she informed them that PISS had been operating on two fronts - the first front was the long-abandoned area north of Bettia formerly known as Cockbill Street, which PISS were using as a staging post for the majority of the attacks on Bettia. There was relatively few PISSers on the ground here, and with the help of their new allies, what bases and facilities they had were quickly taken.

PISS's plot was foiled, and since then nothing has been heard of them. However, given that it took them decades to organise and mount this terror campaign, the Bettian government remains certain they will re-emerge.