Rineu Liberal Tolerance Party

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Established 2007
Motto "Rineu and our nations"
Ideology Democratic Representation, National Sovereignity
Party Chairman The Commonwealth of Boshka
Party's Candidate for the Prime Minister The Grand Duchy of Sinisland

The Rineu Liberal Tolerance Party is a regional level political party in the Region of Rineu.


The party has two founding members:

  • SA2


Chairman of the Party

The Chairman of the Party is currently the Commonwealth of Boshka, for the term of 3 months


- The RLTP knows compromises between nations for regional development is key, we look to the better development of the Region. We are convinced that if each nations prospers, then Rineu prospers, and it is our responsibility to establish new politics that allow our nations to prosper for a better Rineu.

- The RLTP strives to see a Rineu governed by people for the people.

- The RLTP respects each countries rights and will make policies that make the sovereignty of each country respected.

- The RLTP will seek justice, to eliminate all authoritarian power, and will recognize the Prime Minister as the Head of the Government and the person that has to apply the policies in each native of Rineu to prosper, and with each nation inside Rineu striving to be the best Rineu will be the best.

- The RLTP will respect the internal policies of each country, and will make the balance for a better Rineu.

- The RLTP concerns its self with education and technology, knowing that each country should strive for up-to-date technology for a cleaner and more powerful tomorrow.

- The RLTP is convinced that, if we aren’t educated as people that belong to a country, we will never be able to achieve a better Rineu, because we are Rineu. So we will strive to create educational policies for the region of Rineu

- The RLTP will protect each family, so they may have their own structure, and their own ideas, also recognizing that each family is the base of society, and if we have pluricultural and tolerant families, we will have a pluricultural society and a pluricultural government.

- The RLTP recognizes that economy helps the people, not the people help the economy. So we will install economic bills that will work to stabilize the nations of Rineu.

First 2007 Manifesto

This manifesto was developed during the Candidacy of the Grand Duchy of Sinisland as Prime Minister

The Manifesto

The Assembly

The assembly is the most important funtion in the Region of Rineu, it's decision must be democratic, working for the sole purpose of the advancement of Rineu.

The Constitutional Convention

We should concentrate on finishing the constitucional convention as fast as we can. The constitution should be tolerant and lets every nation to be free, it also should recieve the imput of as much nations as possible. The GHoS has the primary duty to protect the individual nation’s rights.

The Department of the Interior

The Department of the Interior should have a Chief of Justice that will resolve all controversys and legal issues. The first duty of the Department is to call all nations to participate in the forum.

The Department of Education

The Department of Education should be in charge of cultural issues, because education is unuseful if you don’t know who you are. Educational and Technology should stand side by side.

Exterior: Look for more alliances and Signatures of Treaties. The management of peaceful relationship and banning of all military movements that attempt with each nations’ sovereignity.

Finance: The Establishment of a Free Comerse Treaty with all nations in the region, also the activation of the Bank of Rineu as the studying organisation of national economy.

Recruitment: More than recruiting, the integration to the forum of all nations, not forgetting to recruit more countries to the region following the Top 20 Mission for Rineu.

Information: The continual update of the NSWIKI. Also the development of a new map.

Science: Developing of new clean and powerful technology. The creation of a new organisation that studies each nations culture and languages.

Political Parties: The unificated work, under the signature of a compromise for a better Rineu, working together more than battling for power.


(in order of the presentation of the Request for the Membership to the Party)

External Links

Political Parties of The Region of Rineu
Principal Parties:
2ryg4dx.png 4pvppn5.jpg 4hth500.png
Rineu Parliamentarian Party Rineu Liberal Tolerance Party Rineu Social Democratic People's Party