Skatval (user)

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"Skatval" can also mean the nation called Skatval, owned by the described person below.

"Skatval" — RL; Erik
(No photo)
Prime Minister and Chairman of The Conservative Party
(RL:) 18. February 1993
Political Party
The Conservative Party
Nova Norway

Skatval or Erik (surname held anonymous from the NSwiki) is the Prime Minister of Nova Norway. His forum nick is the same as his nation in NationStates, and he has been a illustrious person in Nova Norway since the region's birth. His nation in NationStates is Skatval (named after his RL homeplace).


Skatval made the first forum of Nova Norway, and made later the current forum. He's still admin at the forum.

Skatval became a part of Cabinet Fjell, and later also Cabinet Nickelsen. Skatval made his own cabinet; Cabinet Fløan, in August 2007. In Nova Norway he use the Norwegian surname Fløan, but it doesn't have to be the real one, and is probably a nick. To be Prime Minister in Nova Norway, you have to pick a surname, but the choicen surname doesn't have to be real.

Skatval represent Nova Norway together with Magilan in Confederacy of Free Regions' General Assembly, and also in COFR's Security Council.


Prime Minister of Nova Norway
(October 7th, 2007–Unknown)

Chairman of The Value Party
(October 6th, 2007–Unknown)