Wharf Springs

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Wharf Springs
Flag of Wharf Springs
Motto: "Burying Government Secrets Since 1482!"
No Map Available
Region 18 Beech Grove
Capital Formica Woodtops
Official Language(s) English
Leader President Edward Bernard
Population 604 million
Currency The Coffee Jar 
NS Sunset XML

Wharf Springs is the third largest nation in the 18 Beech Grove region.


Wharf Springs was founded in 1947 when the Four Fathers Who Were Our Fore Fathers (FFWWOFF) left numerous Scandinavian nations to colonise a hefty chunk of land reclaimed next to the South Pacific region, known to the locals as 18 Beech Grove. The FFWWOFF were the winners of a competition in Scandinavia to find the most liberal people in the history of the world - stupidly left-wing. Only they thought they had "won". They had in fact been part of a government plot to eliminate a significant amount of the left-wingers who had infested Scandinavia from the beginning. It's all those dark nights. It addles the brain, don't you know?

The 5 million liberals arrived, and decided immediately that a government must be formed in the model of True Liberalism. They tried to consult the people as often as possible, but realised that to grow by 1 million population per year, they'd have to do a lot of bonking.

And So It Was Thus. The Liberals Bred Like Rabbits!

No Government in the real sense of the world was established until population hit around 50 million people. From that point, the people decided that some form of population control was in order. It is a remarkable fact that the first establishment of a democracy was merely in order to set up a centrally-planned system of condom production and distribution.

From that point onwards, the government slowly started to encroach into more areas of society, like every Good Government should. The liberal ways were slowly sacrificed for more and more intrusion. But the people remained Liberal, and their World Was Good.

Only their economy was not. The country grew at a slower rate, but the economy crashed as continued expansion of government responsibilites resulted in higher and higher tax rates. The average tax rate reached 99%, when finally, in a fit of rage, President Edward Bernard suddenly snapped and declared the nation had to undergo serious economic liberalisation, a policy known as Grahamonomics.

Three generations had passed since the FFWWOFF first settled. The people were now more liberal than ever, and their ways had been deeply embedded into the psyche of the people. Unsurprisingly, there is currently deep opposition to the new economic-hardline policies that the administration is implementing.


The turmoil within the nation cannot be underestimated.

It is a nation currently undergoing a difficult transition from over-the-top liberalism, where paedophiles were slowly rehabilitated back to society's norms, to a strong, right-wing pro-business government.