White Lion

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The White Lion is the national animal of the Protectorate of Starblaydia. The White Lion is far more common in Starblaydia's lands than almost anyhere else in the world, and its impact on the culture of Starblaydia can not be underestimated.

Their first influence in history was on the ancient Jhan tribe, who painted themselves for war by dyeing their hair a brilliant white colour, with lime, to call upon the powers of the gods in battle. They believed that the White Lion was the creature of the gods, and that to wear and imitate that colour would earn the favour of the gods.

Even in the present day the cultural impact of the White Lion is plain to see. The lower stripe of the Starblaydi flag is white, the Starblaydia national football team, for instance, play in a near all-white kit with purple trim and the Lord-Protector keeps sanctuaries for the Lions in most of his palatial residences.