Winter Artefact

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Winter artefact 256x256 signed nswiki.png

The Winter Artefact is a disc of granite, roughly cicular and approximately 129mm in diameter and 14mm thick, discovered in the Chamber Of Seasons in Nyedbren in 1872 by Telkani. The disc depicts Earth (centre) and the sun on the Winter Solstice dawn (left), noon (top), and dusk (right). The horizontal and vertical lines represent the compass points North (bottom), East (left), South (top) and West (right), while the two diagonal lines accurately show the direction of dawn and dusk on the Winter Solstice.

The text, in the Ek script, is a six line poem, beginning to the right of the noon sun. The lines rhyme in an ABCABC pattern, and alliteration occurs in some lines. The meaning of the poem is unknown, as the Ek script is poorly understood. Archæologists speculate that the text may have been recited in ceremonies or celebrations on the Winter Solstice.

The age of the Winter Artefact, as with the rest of the Chamber Of Seasons, is uncertain. Estimates of the age vary between 3000 years old and 6000 years old.

Additional Materials

  • Winter Artefact - the document from which the original text of this article was taken (with permission from Safalra)