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| '''Area''' <br>&nbsp;- Total <br>&nbsp;- % water
| '''Area''' <br>&nbsp;- Total <br>&nbsp;- % water
| <br>2,972,107.53 kilometers²<br>6
| <br>1,772,107.53 kilometers²<br>6
| '''[[Population]]''' <br>&nbsp;- Total (2007 est.)
| '''[[Population]]''' <br>&nbsp;- Total (2007 est.)

Revision as of 22:33, 28 May 2007

The Imperial Monarchy of Alacea
National flag and Coat of Arms

Detail Map / Haven Map

Motto In Conventus Fortus
Anthem Onward, Alacea
Capital (And Largest City) Acaria
  - Official
  - Unofficial

Latin, Pacitalian

  - Emperor
  - President
Constitutional Monarchy

Adrian Alasea I
Jordan Gardispici
- as city states
- as Absolute Monarchy
- as Constitutional Monarchy
BC 1240,
AD 568,
AD 1807
 - Total
 - % water

1,772,107.53 kilometers²
 - Total (2007 est.)

GDP (FY2006/07)
  - Total (USD)

  - GDP/capita (USD)


National animal   Tiger
National flower   Acarian Lilly
National tree   Dogwood
Currency 1 Draco (ALC) = 100 laseans
Time Zone GMT -5
National charter of rights Alacean Imperial Constitution
Pronunciation (IPA) /Uh-Lay-See-Uh/
Internet TLD .alc
Calling code +846
PDAS rating A
CHDI rating 0.986 (very high)

The Imperial Monarchy of Alacea is a a nation in north-eastern Haven. It holds numerous overseas colonies and territories, though its government is truly democratic. It has a very powerful economy, with one of the highest standards of living and GDP per capita ratings in the world. Culturally, it contains many similar elements to both the United States of America and the United Kingdom.



The percentage of population belonging to major ethnic groups are as followed: caucasian 81%, Black (mostly Cbasans brought over during the slave trade) 10%, Hispanic 3%, Indian 2%, other 7%.


In Alacea the ratio of males to females is 1.014:1.001. The ratio of boys compared to girls has spiked considerably since 2001, estimates show it may reach 1.025:1.001 by 2016.

Gay marriage is a right given out by provinces. Currently, gay marriage is legal in 6 out of the 28 Alacean provinces, mostly the more liberal ones. None of the provinces forbidding gay marriage recognize them.

Life Expectancy

Due to extremely high levels of healthcare, income, economic development, and a pro-health culture, Alacea's life expectancy is currently 87 years (84 for males and 90 for females).

Divorce & Marriage Rates

Divorce rate in Alacea is currently about 25%, considerably down from 2001's average of 40%. This is quite low for western first-world nations; this is probably caused by the Christian revival that occured in late 2003. An estimated 78% of the population is married at age 35, and 86% are married at some point in their lives.

Birth Rates & Infant Mortality

Currently, there are 2.6 children to one household in most of the country. It tends to vary from place to place, reaching its peak in suburban areas and its lowest point in major cities. Infant mortality is currently 3 deaths per 1000 births. It is this low because of Alacea's excellent healthcare and transportation system.


Culture in Alacea is extremely westernized. As the economy continues its current boom, the nation gets more diverse. Alacea has several famous muscisians, artists, politicians, celebrities, etc.


Cuisine in Alacea tends to be based off of seafood, vegetables, and meats. Most involve sauce (usually fettucinni) and some form of noodles.

<div" class="plainlinksneverexpand">5126_beefSurfTurf.jpg
A picture of a typical Alacean Dish, Concordican Surf & Turf (Buttered Lobster with sauteed shrimp and Steak)
</div> Typically, the most important meals of the day are breakfast and dinner (both are usually eaten together in more conventional households). Meals are usually small and very high quality, even though fast food is popular; it is usually light and lean in fat and served with many healthier sides. Most food is served grilled lightly. Breakfast usually consists of eggs, sausage, fruit, and a form of juice, with cereal during more rushed mornings, with the occasional steak. Lunch tends to consist of a small snack, such as a small 6 ounce lean chicken with green beans or another vegetable. Dinner (especially on the Alacean coasts) almost always have seafood, such as shrimp, crab, or fish (never fried), along with a side of sauced noodles or vegetables. Wine plays an essential role in many dishes, and is more popular in the north than in southern mainland Alacea. Certain wines goes with certain dishes, and certain dishes go with certain foods. Drinking wine with food can begin as early as eleven or twelve for many young Alaceans, but it is usually in very small amounts and the amount grows as they age (though wine is served only on very special circumstances, and is only given to those under-age privately).

Most Alacean families eat out at least 3 times a week, they usually eat at fast food restaraunts, or more formal ones, but in more rural communities they tend to eat at more local places to eat. Fast food is wildly popular in the more urban areas, but as stated earlier it is usually lean hamburgers, and served with healthier sides.


Usually, music is almost always rock & roll, usually classic or modern. Other popular types of music are hip hop, country, techno, and rap. Gospel is moderately popular in more religious homes. Classical music is almost totally unknown.


Art in Alacea is usually somewhat contemperary ,or, quite oppositely, renaissance, colonial, or roman era. Nudity is common in many forms of art. Most great Alacean artists are not discovered until after their death. Common Art forms are statues, murals, paintings, etc.
<div" class="plainlinksneverexpand">statue.jpg
Poseidon's Grace,a famous 25 meter-tall statue erected in the middle of Queenston's city centre


Estimates for religion in the Imperial Monarchy are as follows: Roman Catholic 21%, Protestant 37%, Unreligous (Not affiliated with any belief, not caring, converting, or unsure) 27%, Atheist/Agnostic 10%, Judaism 3% Sikh (Mostly from Space Union) .50%, Islam .25%, Buddhist .25%, Hindu .25%, Other .75%. Religion tends to play a *slightly* bigger role in Alacean politics and the media than other nations, but for the most part, the media and the government are secular and in many ways "sinfull".


Many Alacean homes like to keep up with the latest technology. For instance, the Average Alacean household gets new PCs about every 20 months. Children usually begin using the TV and computer at a very young age (usually about 4), but most children prefer playing outside in the daytime. Here are some other statistics of common uses of technology in every day life: .58 Cell Phones to 1 person, .8 TVs per person, .25 cars per person, .6 Computers per person; and 2 hours average of TV/Computer time per person per day.


Sports are wildly popular in Alacea, the most popular is American Football, which is insanely popular, with Lacrosse soon behind, followed by basketball. Other favorite sports are: Football ("Soccer"), Ice Hockey, and baseball.


The following is a list of holidays celebrated annually in the Alacean Empire:

Date English Name
January 1 New Year's Day
January 24 Alacean Republic Day
February 14 Valentine's Day
March 22 Spring Equinox
May 16 Unification Day
22 June Summer Solstice
August 4 Monarch Day
October 31 Halloween
November 11 Memorial Day
December 22 Winter Solstice
December 25 Christmas Day
December 31 New Year's Eve


Alacea is a full democracy, its title is mostly for ceremonial purposes. Its government is a fully-functional libertarian/conservative democracy, broken into three branches. They check each other and assure that none is outside its boundaries. Citiznes are subject to law at three levels: Federal, Provincial, and Local. Federal Government has a very simple system. The current form of government was established in 1807.

Executive Branch

The Executive Branch is made up of the President. He reserves the right to veto and approve bills, as well as propose them to the Imperial Senate (See Below) without the normally needed 500 signatures (or the consent of three or more Senators). His veto can be overturned by a 2/3 majority (percentages are rounded down). Technically, accordiding to the Alacean Imperial Constitution, The Emperor or reigning monarch can assume full powers of both the legislative and executive branches. The reiging monarch can do so without the consent of the Imperial Senate or the President, however; if the sovereign monarch chooses to do so, he must respect an independent judiciary, along with the natural rights of speech, press, enterprise, relgion, etc., etc. Several failed coalitions have attempted to overthrow this article, they have always failed miserably as it is a totally ceremonial ammedment and the monarch would never do such a thing as it would cause nationwide riots and chaos. The President must be between the ages of 30 and 72 and not have any crimes higher than a misdemeaner.

The Legislative

Each Province gets one representative in the Imperial Senate. The set term is four years; a maximum of four terms can be served. The Alacean Legislative branch is unicameral, and is soley made up of the Imperial Senate. When a bill comes to the Senate, it is passed onto the President with a 50% approval. If the President vetos, it can still be approved with a 70% majority. The Senate declares war, alters the constitution, and makes laws.
<div" class="plainlinksneverexpand">tipps8.jpg
The Imperial Senate Building

The Judiciary

The Judiciary is an independately functioning body made up of 10 Imperial Justices (appointed by the Emperor, it is his one remaining major power). The Judiciary decides if laws and/or rights are constitutional, settles various cases, and tries criminals. The Justices serve for life or until they retire.

The Monarch

To become the Alacean Monarch, the heir must have the following qualities: married, and first born able-bodied child of the royal family. The heir becomes the ruler once his predeccessor either retires or dies.

Parties & Politics

The 3 main parties are the nation are: the Imperial Conservative Party, the National Liberal Party, and the Alacean Libertarian Party. The following are all represented political parties in the Imperial Senate:

Party Leader(s) Description Seats on the Imperial Senate 28
Imperial Conservative Party Jordan Gardispici The Imperial Conservative Party of Alacea is a mostly right-wing organization of conservatives which makes up the (disputedly) most powerful party in the Empire. The current President is a member and leader of the party. In the Imperial Senate, they have roughly the same number of seats as both the Libertarians and Liberals. 11
Alacean Libertarian Party Gordon Barkove The Alacean Libertarian Party is currently the second most influential political party in Alacea. The ALP's popularity continues to grow after many libertarian reforms of the government's system under the almost equal ALP and ICP, and as a result more and more members register each day. They are mostly conservative but pro-choice on almost all issues. It is suspected they will gain a majority in the upcoming June '07 elections. 9
Green Environmentalist Party Alec Jefferport The GEP is the most environmentally-minded political party of Alacea, pushing for reforms which would protect the national environement such as using solar and wind power instead of coal. is currently the least popular party in the Empire, and thusfar its proposed reforms have been killed in the Imperial Senate by very steep numbers. 1
National Liberal Party Anthony Togen The NLP is a very left-wing party and pro-choice on almost every issue. Thus, it goes in direct contrast with the popular ICP. Having lost the last election and being practically evicted from the Senate, it is steadily trying to regain some status in the Alacean Government. 6
Communist Party of Alacea Dmitri Kossenlov The Communist Party is a far-left, totalarian party, that supports absolute government economical control. They are by far, the most unsupported "major" political party. 1

Unrepresented parties in Alacea include:

  • The Imperial Monarchist Party
  • The Socialist Party of Alacea
  • United Nudist Party
  • Killaz' and Mofos
  • National Socialist party of Alacea (Nazi Party)