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[[Category: Aerion]]
=The Modern Era=
==The Principality==
==The Principality==
- Prince Erne Morn is coronated in a massive ceremony attended by several national delegates. The ceremony becomes an outrage when the Prince, as he is becoming coronated in a traditional ceremony by the Archbishop, takes the Archbishop and slits his throat before the entire government of Aerion, takes the cross, throws it on his body and spits on it. He then took the crown, and crowned himself. Oddly enough the crowd of mostly Aerion government officials breaks out into cheers, and amused smiles. (not so odd considering the now forgotten influence of the Cult of Gethsenes still on the government).
- Prince Erne Morn is coronated in a massive ceremony attended by several national delegates. The ceremony becomes an outrage when the Prince, as he is becoming coronated in a traditional ceremony by the Archbishop, takes the Archbishop and slits his throat before the entire government of Aerion, takes the cross, throws it on his body and spits on it. He then took the crown, and crowned himself. Oddly enough the crowd of mostly Aerion government officials breaks out into cheers, and amused smiles. (not so odd considering the now forgotten influence of the Cult of Gethsenes still on the government).

Revision as of 18:08, 2 September 2007

Aerion's history as a nation did not begin until the twenty tribes of Aerion were united under the Council of Tribes, and later national governments. Before this, Aerion was composed of loose nomadic tribes which wandered the lands of Aerion. Because of this, the history of Aerion as read here is organized according to regimes.

The Modern Era

The Principality

- Prince Erne Morn is coronated in a massive ceremony attended by several national delegates. The ceremony becomes an outrage when the Prince, as he is becoming coronated in a traditional ceremony by the Archbishop, takes the Archbishop and slits his throat before the entire government of Aerion, takes the cross, throws it on his body and spits on it. He then took the crown, and crowned himself. Oddly enough the crowd of mostly Aerion government officials breaks out into cheers, and amused smiles. (not so odd considering the now forgotten influence of the Cult of Gethsenes still on the government).

- The event actually goes on ignored by most of the international community despite having some reactions of oturage, and Erne Morn is allowed to continue.

- Prince Erne Morn starts construction on a MASSIVE estate (The Royal Villa) to rival any, with 1000 rooms, gardens, buildings, etc. Every member of the Royal Senate is invited, and granted apartments at the Princely Estate, as well as other major political leaders. Mostly all go.

- The Prince resides with msot of the social elite in the estate, and the leaders of the government of Aerion spend their days at the state in debauchery, and pleasure. (Similar to Versailles)

- Provincial Governors become more as sovereign lords over their own provinces because the government becomes more decentralized due to the national leaders spending their days in the estate and ignoring everything else. Even though many of the Senators are descended from the tribal leaders that formed the first Senate, they do not even care about their origins any more. Some Provincial Governors do not even govern their own provinces, leaving it up to others, and enjoying their own days at their Governor's Palaces in the provincial capitals in a similar way the Prince is in debauchery at his estate with the Royal Senate.

- All this debauchery by the Aerion elite leads to communism's popularity growing throughout Aerion, and the communist party gaining power by being funded from outside nations. The Prince does take notice, cracks down on the Communist Party of Aerion along with capitalist power blocs, but this causes quiet a bit more dissension.

- The Prince dies of alcohol poisoning, forcing the Senate (who were drunkards themselves) to sober up, and go to the Curia to vote on the situation.

- The Prince did have a long designated heir, but no one ever saw or knew him. The Grand Royal Advisor, a very sinister mysterious figure, was the only one he had contact with as well as one maidservant.

- The Grand Royal Advisor becomes Royal Regent, much to the disturbance of some in the government.

- The massive estate, and the Royal Villa have been cleared out. All the Aerion elite living there were forced to return to their own mansions, and the Royal Senate to their own extravigant townhouses in Aerion's capital. The only ones remaining living at the Royal Villa will be the Royal Guard, the Royal Heir, the Regent, and a small staff of servants. Many have complained that the Royal Heir will live in his "own private world, far removed from reality, and the reality of Aerion's people."

- The Royal Senate makes some decisions along with the Royal Regent. Many Provincial Governors are replaced by the Royal Senate, sending shockwaves through Aerion's power structure.

- The Provincial Governors are left alone to manage their own provicnes for the most part. The government of Aerion is now even more decentralized as many of the government leaders who all lived together at the Royal Villa now have returned to their own homes, resulting in many separate "courts" throughout Aerion where intrigue is taking place.

- The Communist Party has an estimated 80 million members out of Aerions now 404 million population.

- In a terrorist bombing, placed upon the Communists, the Royal Villa explodes killing the Royal Heir. The mysterious Royal Regent cannot be found.

- The Royal Senate meets in emergency session. Royal Legionnaires of the Royal Legion (Army) arrest all Provincial Governors, and their families. (Presumably to prevent civil war).

- As the Royal Senate was meeting in Emergency Session at the Curia, a man known as Divosus and twenty men in black uniforms machine gun down the Senators. The Lord General of the Royal Forces, and the Captain of the Royal Guard back Divosus. A military coup occurs.

The Junta

-For now, the military dictatorship continues to hold sway. Held by the Royal Legions, Provincial Legions, and Royal Guard under this man known as Divosus. National Martial Law has been declared by this new Divosus, who has yet to announce himself to the world, or what his motives are. Soldiers are not even told anything but orders, yet they still follow them, taught to be extremely loyal to their officers who are loyal to their Generals.

- The Junta (Council of Top Military Chiefs) becomes the full government. A total military dictatorship ensues, led by Field Marshal Divosus. Due to the terrible methods of this dictatorship, international intervention is called for.

- Several nations, including Menelmacar, take interest in the events transpiring in Aerion.

- General Eren Gorne, a General under the Junta, sends a transmission to Menelmacar. He claims he is descended from First Elder Wasterin V'i, and wishes only peace for Aerion. He is then supported by Menelmcar.

- The Junta falls with international help, but not before several million deaths, a nuclear explosion in the southern provincial capital, and several other accidents.

-General Eren Gerne seizes the government with international support.

The First Kingdom

- General Erene Gerne is crowned King of Aerion by the highly controversial High Priestess Soren of the Temple of the Eclipsed Sun. The [Temple of the Eclipsed Sun] was not even touched by the Junta, and is highly secretive. They are so secretive that their places of worship, ceremonies, and members other than those directly around the High Priestess are not known. Many wonder why the future King chose to be coronated by this mysterious woman, though some may indeed know the truth

- King Wasterin II (General Erene Gerne changes his name) forms a Royal Government, and a large nobility in Aerion. Nobility is handed out by merit (but is in fact handed out to many who had the bloodlines of the tribal leaders of the past.) Each province becomes a Duchy under a Duke. The Dukes largely have autonomy in governing their own province.

- King Wasterin II becomes increasingly withdrawn, leaving it up to the Dukes and the Privy Council to rule the Kingdom, led by the Lord High Chancellor of the Kingdom.

- There are rumors of a mysterious "power behind the throne", but no one knows whom or what it is. Some surmise the Chancellor, but whispers in the halls of power hint someone even beyond him.

- King Wasterin II is not seen by any one, for a long long time, and is in a period of isolation at the Royal Estate (still the same estate used today).

- The Royal Family, along with King Wasterin II, remains isolated at the Royal Estate (the Royal Guard is surmised to work for the Chancellor at this time in actuality, an dis keeping them hostage there supposedly)

- A series of hereditary Chancellors rule the Kingdom of Aerion through sheer influence among the Dukes.

- One of the Chancellor seizes greater power, killing off several Dukes, and declares himself Divine Emperor of Aerion. He expels and commits genocide on several thousand nobles throughout the nation, practically destroying the old power structure of Aerion. This, in a certain way, appeals to the people.

The Divine Empire

Timeline condensed

- The Chancellor who declared himself Divine Emperor begins a reign of power by enforcing his will through the New Aerion Order (A political party intensely loyal to him, that grows to contain 40% of the population of Aerion as members are "first class citizens" while non-members are "second class citizens), and the Imperial Cult.

- The Imperial Cult, and New Aerion Order become literally fanatical over the Divine Emperor through massive propaganda methods employed by the Divine Emperor. He is worshipped as a literal god on Earth, and becomes a God-Emperor.

- Rumors of a massive Aerion Eugenics Programs, including a complete hidden DNA library, arise. Though then due to no notice, quickly die down.

The Prelacy

- The Divine Emperor simply disappears, leaving the two vying factions of the Imperial Cult and the New Aerion Order (the ruling body of which is named "The Prelacy") to take control fo the government. The Chief Elder of the Imperial Cult is assassinated, and the leadership of the New Aerion Order (The Prelacy) becomes the new government of Aerion. They use the Divine Emperor as apropaganda tool

- The Royal Family remains isolated, and exiled to the Royal Estate. Several Kings from the Royal House of Wasterin are allowed to be "crowned" throughout this time period as those crowned are often killed off. The Royal Family begins to rise as a powerful nationalistic symbol to par with the Divine Emperor, as the King is viewed by the people secretly to hold right to rule as he is descended from the First Elder.

- The Prelacy begins killing off all religious leaders in the nation (the few that were still alive after the Divine Emperor's rule of a fascist state religion through the Imperial Cult.), including all Catholic leaders.

- The Prelacy begins killing off Catholics and Catholic leaders, catching the attention of a Catholic coalition.

- The Prelacy agrees to simply "expel" the Catholics. Hundreds of thousands of Catholics are loaded up onto several hundred massive cargo ships. Though as they are sent out to sea, the cargo ships all EXPLODE killing all the Catholics onboard.

-This terrible atrocity prompts the Catholics to invade.

- Many Prelates manage to escape and go into hiding, and no one knows what became of them as they destroyed all their government databases containing records and locations of the New Aerion Order party leaders.

The Tribunal

- One of the most involved nations, Belem, manages to have most of th e military defect (out of self-interest not to be killed). Belem puts a military three man Tribunal in charge, and the nation is led by three major military officers.

- The Tribunal rules for some time, but the Royal Family is becoming more and more of a nationalist symbol in Aerion as hundreds of minor political parties unite under this one flag, this one nationalistic symbol of returning the Royal Family to the Throne.

- Massive riots occur throughout Aerion against the Tribunal,a nd the police refuse to suppress them. The military is called in, but many of the Army, prompted by their exhaustion at low pay and the tyrannical orders of the Tribunal do little to stop the people.

- The people manage to simply overwhelm the government in a bloodless coupe, and the Central Palace of Aerion is raided (This palace has served as the official headquarters of the previous regimes, and was built around the original Curia (Senate House) of the first Senate.)

The Second Kingdom

- King Wasterin X is crowned King of Aerion, and the Crown is restored as the Head of State of Aerion. The Royal House is restored to power. As a nationalist symbol, the Royal Family is powerful.

- The Royal Government is being formed. Though many are beginning to recognize decadent ways in the Royal Family after the King bought his mistress a $15 million dollar diamond necklace and some rumors abound that the Royal Family may have not been as oppressed as claimed as past regimes.

- King Wasterin X forms the Royal Government

-The King has control of the corporations, and economy of Aerion through control fo the Royal Bank (central banking system). New Royal Proclamations requires corporations to be Royally Chartered, one Royal Representative to be on the Board of Directors of every major corporation, and the King to be granted 10% ownership. In this way, the King allows only a few corporations to hold monopolies over every goods. Often the families of corporation leaders, and government leaders are the same.

- King Wasterin X makes a startling, and controversial Royal Decree mandating genetic testing of all citizens. Some say this harkens back to older "programs"

--King Wasterin X endorses Freemasonry, and suddenly almost every male member of the elite of Aerion is in Aerion Freemasonry, and the Scottish Jurisdiction of Aerion. The King is made a 33rd degree by the the Scottish Rite Supreme Council. Freemasonry, however, is very secretive in Aerion.

--The PLA (People's Liberation Army) of Aerion releases their "manifesto", a declaration of 4 major reasons why the King, and his government do not have the right to rule Aerion.

-- Aerion launches its first Low Orbital Space Station over Earth, dubbed, "The Royal Aerion Space Station."

-- Aerion constructs a shipyard attached to the Low Orbital Space Station. It is revealed that secret research programs have been researching interplanetary travel, and other systems for a starship to be built by this shipyard.

- King Wasterin X is injured when terrorists blow up the Royal Airship where he was holding an party for international leaders.

-The Lord High Steward takes up his place as interim Royal Regent.

-The Royal Regent dies of natural causes

-The Lord Chancellor, intended to replace the Royal Regent, is assassinated.

-The Privy Council, including the Nine Offices of State, is bombed while meeting in emergency session to decide on the successor to the Royal Regency.

-The Royal Armed Forces declares martial law without the assent of the remaining Royal Government.