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region=[[The East Pacific]] |
region=[[The East Pacific]] |
motto= "Courage, Strength, and the Power of the Proletariat" |
motto= "Courage, Strength, and the Power of the Proletariat" |
map=[ ] |
map=[ http://www.zamboanga.com/IMAGES/Sulu_Sea_and_reefs.jpg ] |
language= Russian, English |
language= Russian, English |
capital= Krechenstadt |
capital= Krechenstadt |

Revision as of 19:59, 9 February 2005

Flag of Krechzianko
Motto: "Courage, Strength, and the Power of the Proletariat"
[ Sulu_Sea_and_reefs.jpg ]
Region The East Pacific
Capital Krechenstadt
Official Language(s) Russian, English
Leader The Premier, 'Brother Leader'
Currency Keczrekna 
NS Sunset XML

Krechzianko is a small nation located in the Sulu Archipelago of the East Pacific. It is a relatively new player in the world scene, and its people are optimistic and patriotic. The majority of the people love their leader, despite his being something of a dictator.


Krechzianko is a new nation, comparatively. In the days prior to its foundation, the people of the region were ruled by a loose collection of feudal barons and power-hungry monarchs. There were no defined borders between these serfdoms; the seperate nations all operated together.

As the 19th-century dawned, it became obvious that these nobles were losing power to a rising group of builders, craftsmen, and rich laborers. these were the first bourgeoisie. They seemed to be a godsend to the poor, hungry people. These new rulers were themselves workers, and they allowed for growth within the nations. In 1834, the country of Krechzianko was officially founded. It was a capitalist nation ruled by an 'elected' group of elites. The only citizens allowed to vote for parliament were powerful landowners, and it soon became obvious that they were not the saviors they appeared to be. As the country's economy grew and technology became more modern, the people began to work longer and make less. The bourgeoisie were only gaining power. In 1847, the Guild Act outlawed the formation of any workers' unions or labor groups. The people were becoming enraged.

In 1848, 'The Year of Revolution', the workers rose up against these oppressors. Thousands of farmers and factory workers took to the streets, burning down the manufacturing district of Krechenstadt. Fires raged through the city, and rich citizens were beaten in the town square. However, the revolution ended as quickly as it had begun. Within two days of the revolt, several thousand soldiers entered the city, and slaughtered the rebels. Several dozen were hung, and an estimated two hundred were shot on sight. A few minor riots took place afterward, but the majority of the rebels had been quelled.

Now the ruling elite realized their mistakes. They had too openly showed their lack of respect for the working-class. After the revolution, several laws were enacted which made it appear that the government cared for the poor. They were allowed to form labor groups, but most of these were eliminated over the coming years. The poor farmers would receive government subsidies, but most were disqualified from getting them for trivial reasons. Meanwhile the govenment introduced newer technology to the manufacturers, most of which only served to gain a stronger hold on the workers. Things were getting bad, but the government had begun to 'brainwash' the people by showing them that the only way to be happy was through business success.

Things remained the same for some time. But in 1897, Georgi Petrechna and a group of friends founded the first true Labor Party of Krechzianko. It swelled in numbers, and by 1905 contained ten thousand members. Several terrorist bombings and riots in 1904 were blamed on the group, but they denied any involvement. The government tried to subdue and destroy the group politically, but failed. In 1913, they merged with the Socialist Party of Krechzianko and the Workingmens' Asscoiation (communist party).

When world War I came, Krechzianko remained neutral. However, other nations were now unable to trade with the country, as shipping became impossible due to U-Boats. This time brought a poweful realization to the people: Their nation was not self-sufficient enough to survive such a crisis. The ruling classes had allowed too many foreign companies to gain power there, and this had caused a terrible recession. The government cut the few welfare programs it had, and passed a law significantly lowering labor safety and pay standards.

This was the final straw. The PLPK (People's Labor Party of Krechzianko), the leading socialsist group, called for revolution. Messengers went from town to town informing people that the time was ripe. So, in 1920, the farmers and factory laborers of Krechzianko rose up. Thousands of poor workers marched into the countryside and quickly toppled the army in Krechenstadt. They waved the blue, black, and white flags of workingmens' solidarity in the streets. The flag eventually became Krechzianko's official symbol: the blue stands for freedom from the oppressors, black for determination, and white for purity.

Much of the small army deserted and sided with the revolutionaries, and it was clear that this was far worse than 1848. Many of the rich rulers fled the country, and the few soldiers left were quickly defeated in the battle of Jelderberg. Now the socialists were in control. They had no idea how their government was to operate, so they followed Lenin's strategy of appointing the leading left-wing party to the role of the Cental Committee. So, Georgi Petrechna and the PLPK were chosen to lead the new government. They immediately set up a system of socialization: all foreign interests would be audited and eventually nationalized, while they would cut off almost all trade from neighboring countries. This period was known as 'The Transition' as the people remained poor for a short while. Soon, however, the Central Committee began to really rule the country. Massive income taxes were enforced, and all industry was to be run by the government. Soldiers guarded against counterrevolution.

The 1920's and '30's were a time when Krechzianko was doing quite well. Not as radical as Stalin's Russia, this nation was free from tyranny and fear. When World War II broke out, Krechzianko remained neutral, though it sent what aid it could to the USSR. After the war, the Cold War between Russia and the USA caused new problems. America cut off relations with Krechzianko, and it was forced to align itself more strongly with the USSR. By the '60's, the country was fully on the Communists' side. It never received the attention of Cuba or vietnam, but Krechzianko was still an important part of the Socialist world in its own right.

Through the 1980's, Reagan tried to thaw out relations with the tiny nation, and it worked to some extent. They accepted some American influence, but were still much more closely linked to Russia. In 1991, when the soviet Union broke apart and turned fully into a group capitalist states, the Krech people were deeply saddened. They were forced to associate with the West, but began to cement a stronger relationship with china and the DPRK. In 2005, the Premier and his PLPK announced that they would begin to democratize the country, but it seems to be an empty promise. Inn that same year, Packilvania invaded the nearby country of Trioni, and Krechzianko vowed to assist the defenders in what could become a world War. It has yet to be seen as to what will take place.


Krechzianko is a socialist nation; the government is highly bureaucratic and has a great deal of power over the economy. Almost all factories, farms, and businesses are owned by the PLPK. Only a few small private businesses are allowed to exist, and these are heavily regulated and audited often. There is no stock market in Krechzianko. While everyone is not entirely economically equal, there is almost no divide between rich and poor. They are much closer together thanks to a massive income tax. A sprawling social welfare system has been built, and the poor are never without aid. The government has been accused of wasting money, which is perhaps true, but it runs more smoothly than many similar nations.

Krechzianko's economy is also nationalized. Few foreign businesses are allowed to exist within its borders. The country is mostly self-sufficient, but lacks some important resources. Trade with neighbors is of increasing importance nowadays, but the PLPK still restricts foreign monopolies and has placed tariffs on most imports.

Politics within the country are almost nonexistent. The PLPK is the only real political party, and the country's first elections are scheduled for next year. Few other parties exist, and many are socialist puppets. The Premier has pushed for more resistance; he wishes to allow for some level of democracy there.

The government is run by the Socialist Party, or PLPK. The Central Committee is made up of high-ranking members of the group, and they are the true power there. The Premier, who was appointed by the last ruler before his death, is the most powerful man in Krechzianko. He holds almost total control over the politics there; but he has tried to restrict his own leadership to a reasonable level. The Prime Minister has little power, but still controls the Legislature. The government beyond these two men becomes increasingly complicated as you move through the ranks; hundreds of different ministries and committees are given control over certain aspects of the economy and military.

The leaders follow a system of five-year plans. These are established as a way to follow a particular series of economic goals. Krechzianko is currently on its 16th Plan, but the 17th will begin on May 1 (May Day). The next plan is expected to involve more military spending, while simplifying the bureaucracy. The cities will be expanded, and more housing will be built for the poor.


The people of Krechzianko are fiercely patriotic. They love their country, and few speak out against the Premier. They are, however, cynical when discussing capitalism. They have a natural disdain for capitalists, believing them to be sly hucksters. The people are proud of socialism and their military as well.

The language is a dialect of Russian, but several other Slavic tongues are spoken. English is taught in all schools, and many now use it in regular conversation.

There is no religion in Krechzianko; the country is officially atheist. While a few Eastern Orthodox believers still remain, the vast majority of the populace practice atheism or agnosticism.

Dress in Krechzianko is simple; the people are working-class and wear inexpensive clothes. They mainly follow Euopean dress, but a few young people appear more like Americans.

The people of Krechzianko are warm and hospitable, for the most part. They allow strangers into their homes, and often invite mere acquaintances over for a meal. A few are less trustful of outsiders, but they are always willing to lend a helping hand.

Food there is varied. Some Greek and Balkan dishes are enjoyed, but much of the food is Russian in origin. Borscht is a traditional favorite.

For recreation, many Krechs go to lodges in the hilly forests of the country. The government has tried to end major logging in the protected woods. People can go on vacation thanks to extensive benefits at work.


Krechzianko is a small country, located on a island. The coast is fairly undeveloped in the North, but the southern area is bustling. Several large towns and cities are in the south including Previyetsk and Moromelnyy. There is also the Capital city, Krechenstadt. Krechenstadt is a huge city, with a population of some 3 million. It has numerous coastal hotels and a boardwalk. The inner-city is dominated by the skyscrapers of downtown, where all businesses are located. The majority of foeign companies are located here, as well. The cultural district is home to many theaters, as well as the University of Krechzianko, a highly respected college. Along the edge of the city are the apartments and factories, which are kept relatively attractive by a special bureaucracy, The Ministry of Urban Upkeep.

Moving further inland, we see that the low coast rises into a hilly, and occassionally mountainous, forest area. A few more populated towns are here, but it is, for the most part, quiet and serene. There is little land for farming in the country, except for the western Gooriyev Valley.


The army of Krechzianko is a fairly small one. It is a proud force, with a strong set of traditions. The army is often used for show, as they rarely have a chance to see combat. Its main Barracks are outside Krechenstadt, but a few garrisons are scattered about the countryside. A newly-acquired base, known as the Georgi Petrechna Memorial Base, is located on an island belonging to Krechziano's neighbor, Neo Arcadia. This base has a small dock for naval operations, as well as a series of houses for troops. The base, located near embattled Trioni, is growing in importance.

The ground forces are the backbone of the Krech military, consisting of many thousands of troops and several corps. They dress in a manner similar to Soviet soliers, with the wide hats and long grey-green trenchcoats. Their main armament is the M14 rifle, surprisingly american in origin. Much equipment is US-derived, but was acquired from an independent military supplier. The army is commanded by Lietutenant General Brownoff, a skilled leader. The ground forces possess numerous M-1 Abrams battle tanks, and use Humm-Vs for transportation.

The Navy is small, consisting of a mere 30 ships. These vessels are small escorts, and Krechzianko still seeks a large battleship for future use. The navy are as proud as their 'landlubber' counterparts, and they take pride in their handful of ships. The government often uses private vessels as transports for infantry, and is still looking for a small aircraft carrier.

There is no Air force in Krechzianko; their only planes are a couple of liaison craft. The army possesses numerous Blackhawk helicopters, which are used for every purpose imaginable. The famed Air cavalry of Krechzianko ride in these choppers, and keep them in perfect condition. The army also uses a few dozen Apaches for ground attacks. A few have been painted black, their windows tinted, and are used by the Secret Police in military operations.