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==The Most Serene Republic==
==The Most Serene Republic==
A constitution was ratified withen a few months.  From this, the Most Serene Republic of Tharra was born. And though in truth not a republic, more so an oligarchy of nobles, it prooved able to take power and rule effectively.  Soon, national debts were payed and the nation moved forward.
A constitution was ratified withen a few months.  From this, the Most Serene Republic of Tharra was born. And though in truth not a republic, more so an oligarchy of nobles, it prooved able to take power and rule effectively.  Soon, national debts were payed and the nation moved forward.

Revision as of 15:48, 3 August 2005

Flag of Tharra
Motto: Glory to the Emperor!
Region The Kingdom of Burgundy
Capital Corva
Official Language(s) English
Leader HIM Emperor Josef III
Population Over 4.2 billion
Currency Ducat 
NS Sunset XML


The Empire of Tharra is a massive, safe nation, remarkable for its complete absence of social welfare. Its hard-nosed, hard-working, cynical population of 4.124 billion are ruled with an iron fist by the corrupt, dictatorship government, which oppresses anyone who isn't on the board of a Fortune 500 company. Large corporations tend to be above the law, and use their financial clout to gain ever-increasing government benefits at the expense of the poor and unemployed.

It is difficult to tell where the omnipresent, corrupt, moralistic government stops and the rest of society begins, but it juggles the competing demands of Law & Order, Defence, and Commerce. The average income tax rate is 100%. Private enterprise is illegal, but for those in the know there is a slick and highly efficient black market in Uranium Mining.

Crime -- especially youth-related -- is totally unknown, thanks to the all-pervasive police force. Tharra's national animal is the imperial eagle, which teeters on the brink of extinction due to widespread deforestation, and its currency is the ducat.


First Empire

Tharra is one of the eldest and most influential nations in nationstates. However, the unity of the empire is something relatively knew.

Until about three centuries ago, the area now known as the Empire of Tharra was actually a collection of small kingdoms and principalities. It was at this time that HRH Karl III Grand Duke of Leige began his quest to expand his small grand duchy. By the time of his death, he had been crowned Karl I, first Emperor of all Tharra.

As the centuries passed, the empire would expand, incorporating new nations, which were acquired in various ways, from marriage to conquest. Tharra, always a catholic country, would even be recognized by the Pope, when HIM Emperor Karl IV was awarded the style of "Most Catholic Monarch" after he authored several great works defending the church.

However, the feudal system would end up collapsing, due to internal debt and unrest. When HIM Emperor Karl Josef II issued an imperial decree that officially freed the serfs, revolution erupted. The Emperor was deposed and executed, and the government overthrown by a Stalinist coup.

Communism and Military Rule

For the next fifty or so years, the nation was ruled by a Stalinist regime under the Communist Party, and was renamed "The People's Republic of Tharra". This too ended up collapsing when a military coup ended the Party's control and established a military junta.


It would be upon the death of the nation's leader, General Sverner, that the junta would begin to crumble. Determined to retain its stability, the Head of the Imperial House (HIH The Prince Albert) was invited back and the monarchy was restored.

The nation's first constitution was drafted soon after, but in reality, many of the executive powers still lay in the hand of the Emperor, who is, according to the constitution, inviolable and subject only to God. In fact, the constitution was suspended soon after, and an "Imperial Charter of Government" introduced to define the government instead. This was met with mixed feelings, but in reality, it was the bad conotation of the word "constitution" that had caused this to happen.

Serfdom was reintroduced to prevent economic crises, late into the reign of Emperor Albert I. The serf population still stayed low numbering only 15 percent of the population. The government also adopted a Capitalist system, with some neo feudalistic elements, though industry was heavily focused on ("Neo Capitalism").

And thus a new age dawned, and the Empire was restored. However, this new empire would soon meet the fate of its predecessor. Less than sixty years later, Emperor Josef III was forced to repeal the serf laws and issue the Emancipation of the Serfs proclamation. This was followed by a great backlash, resulting in the loss of support by the nobility (a vital link of power, as the nobles filled all government positions). This was further complicated when the nearly bankrupt government introduced taxes for the nobles, impeding on their ancient rights, and serving to further distance them from the Emperor.

Enough was a enough.

The Night of the Long Knives

Fed up with the monarchies new policies and revolving door governments, the nobles took matters into their own hands. Plans were begun to institute a coup against the Emperor. Then, several years later, it happened.

On the fabled "Night of the Long Knives" a group of nobles implemented their intrigues and seized power. The officers of the army and politicians, either nobles themselves or under the pay of nobles, followed the commands of their new leaders and implemented the coup at the palace. The Emperor attempted to flee, but was betrayed by his own captain of the guard. When he and the rest of the Imperial Household refused to relinquish their rights to the throne, they were all massacred by their own body guards.

The Most Serene Republic

A constitution was ratified withen a few months. From this, the Most Serene Republic of Tharra was born. And though in truth not a republic, more so an oligarchy of nobles, it prooved able to take power and rule effectively. Soon, national debts were payed and the nation moved forward.


The Geography of the Empire is wide and varied. The mainland has, for the most part, a mild climate. It's western borders are sheltered by the great Imperium Mountains, whose elevations can reach up to 16,000 ft. Climate in these areas is, as can be expected, quite cold for most of the year, with the area being labeled "Tharra's Arctic". The artic and tundra areas extend throughout most of the north and western regions.

In contrast, the east and middle regions have mild summers and winters. They are covered in rich grasslands and forests. Most of the subjects live in this area, and cities abound here.

Off the mainland, there exist a series of island colonies, which share a Caribbean style climate, having sandy shores and rich variations of flora and fauna. Cities here are not as common, as they are mainly used for agricultural revenue, but the isles still do hold somewhat of a population. The colonies are all collectively organized into the Viceroyalty of the Isles.


(See also the Tharran Monarchy)

In essence, the republic is an oligarchy. While the nobles techinically rule according to the interests of the people, in truth, they alone have power. In practice, wealth buys power, and blood is considered as well, with the older and more affluent families holding more power than the up and coming.


The Consul is the republic's Head of State and Goverment. While the position carries a great deal of prestige and honor, in practice, the Consul has little power. In fact, constitutionally, he or she is subject to many restrictions, in the hopes that no single man or woman will ever hold as much power as during the empire. Consuls are elected by the Council of State, from amongst retired senators of the noble houses, after nominating themselves for election, and serve for life. While he can be of either ancient or lower nobility, in practice, the Consul is usually of the old noble families, as having a relative in the position can give a family a great deal of influence. Consuls are closely watched by the state, and their office is almost entirely ceremonial and without any reserve powers. His only powers being to represent and serve as a symbol of the state and to preside over meetings of the Senate.

The Council of State holds actual power. It is made up of representitives from the ten remaining patrician families (ancient noble houses). Representitives are nominated by their families and elected for life by the Grand Senate. However, they may resign their position at any time. The Council of State can issue Decrees, which carry the force of laws, elects the Consul, and has the power to veto laws passed by the Grand Senate. The Council is led by three "Capi" whose position rotates monthly. Collectively, the Council can also grant the rank of nobility and has control of the army.

The Cabinet of the Republic is a small body made up of the heads of each of the Ministries of State. Its members serve only as an advisory body to the Council of State. Members are nominated by the Council of State and appointed by the Grand Senate. They consist of the Ministers for Economic Affairs, Finance, Internal Affairs, General Affairs, Foreign Affairs, Defense, and Justice.

Ministries themselves are staffed by civil servants, appointed by superiors. Unlike the Ministers themselves, civil servants do not, and usually are not, nobles. However, holding the position of a high ranking civil servant for at least three generations makes one eligable to apply to the Council of State for a grant of nobility.


The legislative branch consists of the Grand Senate of the Republic. This body is unicameral, with six hundred seats. Delegates are elected for a term of three years, without term limit. Only nobles may stand for election, and likewise, only nobles may vote.

The Grand Senate has the power to appoint members of the Council of State and of the Cabinet, and also has the sole authority to levy taxes. It has the power to pass Acts of the Senate, though these can be vetoed by the Council of State. However, the Grand Senate can, with a vote, annul this veto, though in practice this rarely happens.


The judicial branch consists of two divisions. Firstly, there is the common law branch, which deals with criminal and civil matters. Next, however, there is also an inquisitoral branch, which deals with treason against the state.

The common law branch is headed by the Supreme Curia, whose members include eleven justices, all of which are members of the Grand Senate, which appoints them by lot. The twelfth justice is the Consul himself, who holds the ceremonial position of presiding officer. The Curia has the power to make rulings, though it can only interpret the law through limited means.

The Inquisition of the State is a small government body. Its members are for the most part non nobles, as it operates on a basis of informates. Thus, it keeps the state secure, and punishes treason. The Inquisition is led by a tribunal of three High Inquisitors, who are all of the nobility and appointed by the Council of State for life. All of its other members are unofficial assistants and informers. Its rulings are without appeal.


Local governments consist of the Captain Generals, who serve as governors of provinces (and who are always noble), who are appointed by the Grand Senate. They are advised by small bodies of five appointed nobles called Curias, which also serve as law courts. Cities are run by Mayors, appointed by the Captain Generals, who themselves are usually of noble birth. Mayors are assisted by a curia as well, but only if the city is large enough. Otherwise, they administer alone.


A majority of the population is of Italian descent (97 percent). English is the official language, with about 83 percent of the population speaking it. Latin is the language of state, and commonly taught in schools, though only 10 percent actually speak it daily. The remaining languages are varied, but include Italian (2 percent) and Greek (one percent).

The main religion is Roman Catholicism, which is adhered to by 96 percent of the population. It is also the State Religion, as layed down by the constitution. Other religions are tolerated, however. Religiously, the official position of the church is to accept HH Leo XIV as pope, and the Holy Vatican See as the true Holy See of NS.

Socially, people are organized into several "Classes" with social mobility nearly impossible. The Nobles have the most power and rule over the commoners, though even the nobles have internal divisions. As a result, civil wars amongst the nobility are quite common, though never openly fought (subtle murders and duels being the key).


The republic holds a very stable economy, and has managed to rebuild itself as a capitalist power. Originally, it was a major agricultural exporter, but with the onset of communism, it became a poor industrial nation, with a huge deficit. After the military junta's rise to power, capitalism again returned, and with the monarchy in power again, its once again a superpower. A huge economy and national budget of trillions define the Empire. The major sector is uranium mining, and the currency is the ducat.

Armed Forces

The Council of State is in command of the armed forces, and thus the entire military, as collective Commander and Chief. It is through them that war is declared. The Ministry of Defense also holds much authority in military matters, holding a commanding position in such matters.

Several branches makeup the armed forces, the minimum age for entry being seventeen years (the age of majority). Soldiers serve ten years a term, though terms can, and often are, extended in times of war. The branches are the National Guard (serving to defend the nation) and the Grand Army (which invades other nations during times of war).

Legally, the noble houses are allowed to keep Honor Guards for protection, and usually do. Some of which grow to the size of near private armies, the ancient noble houses having at times fifty to sixty honor guards. This causes private wars to sometimes be waged amongst the nobles, and various political alliances being formed. Of course, the sembalence of peace is kept, with open warefare being illegal. Thus, duels, murders, and theft are the means of attack.

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Tharran Nobility