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At the party meating in Victoria at October the 5 2005, the ZRP was split up after a the dissatisfaction from the Conservative wing.  
At the party meating in Victoria at October the 5 2005, the ZRP was split up after a the dissatisfaction from the Conservative wing.  
The Conservative Nationalist left the party and started the [[Zaaherland National Democratic Party (ZNDP)]] when the old party renamed itself to [[National Democratic Party of Zaaherland (NDP)]].  
The Conservative Nationalist left the party and started the [[Zaaherland National Democratic Party (ZNDP)]] when the old party renamed itself to [[National Republican Party of Zaaherland (NDP)]].  
* [[2005 General Elections in Zaaherland]] will be held soon. After the split between the Reformatives and the Conservative in the [[Zaaherland Republican Party (ZRP)]]
* [[2005 General Elections in Zaaherland]] will be held soon. After the split between the Reformatives and the Conservative in the [[Zaaherland Republican Party (ZRP)]]

Revision as of 14:14, 9 October 2005

Republic of Zaaherland (RZ) is a country and of two island in Europe. It has about 8 million inhibitans. The national currency is Vkruun and the national animal is the Eagel. The national motto is: "Freedom, Christianity, Republic, Fatherland".

Cities and Population

The capital of RZ is Victoria with a population with about 4 million. Victoria is the administrative, cultural, and industrial center of the country.

There are four Provinces in RZ.


The population is mainly people of Dutch and Slovak ancestery called Zaahers are about 70% of the total population. There is a English speaking minority of about 24% that livs mostly in the areas around Victoria. The third largest ethnic group is the Küsterfs that are a people of mixed race between Dutch and different scandinavian people. These ae about 4% of the population.

The RZ official language is Zaaherdüdze and English. Küsterfaans is an semi-official language.

Media and Language

There is many Newspappers, Television Channels and Radio Channels in RZ. There are two leading Companies in the media business. The Zaaher Nazionale Televizion Company, called ZNTC or just Nazt, is the Government owned Media Company. It has over 40 000 workers and has many local newspappers. The second private media company is the Media RZ that is meant mostly for the English speaking minority. There is five major television channels:

  • ZNTC 1 (In Zaaherdüdze and English)
  • ZNTC 2 (Only in Zaaherdüdze)
  • Channel 3 (Owned by Media RZ, both in English and Zaaherdüdze)
  • Zaaherland Television 4 (Owned by Media RZ, in English)
  • Ktv (Owned by private persons, in küsters)

ZNTC 1 and 2 are often seen as News channels when Channel 3 is seen as a movie channel.

There are four main Newspappers in RZ:

  • Dei Republik (The Republic), Victoria baised Zaaherdüdze Newspapper. Largest in RZ. (Conservative)
  • Victoria Times, Victoria tabloid. Largest English papper. (Centerist-Liberal)
  • North Island Daily News, Vettermain baised Newspapper.(Conservative-Centerist)
  • Wyyrleint Neu Zeityng, Brandemerk baised Newspapper. (Liberal-Centerist)

The Government has during the last 20years banned many Newspappers and Television Channels for being to liberal. For example, a newspapper in Teerzhewaal had a article in 1994 about leagalising homosexuality in RZ. Right after the papper was published the newspapper was banned and the writter was arrested and deported out of the country.

The Media Act says that all Television and Media Companys are forbidden to show homosexuality, bisexuality and other "unmoral" acts in there programs. The subjects are totally banned from Media.

Lifie and Religion

Lifestyle is very Conservative and Christian in Zaaherland. Over 94% of the population is member of the Zaaherland Traditional Church. Religion of citizens:

  • Zaaherland Traditional Church 94,6%
  • Zaaherland Lutheran Church 3,2%
  • Zaaherland Catholic Church 2%

Abortion and sex before mariage are seen as an death sin. Abortion is only allowed if the mothers life is in danger.

Young people are often put to Religios school and teached the belief. Zaaherland Traditional Chruch is a mixer of Catholic and Orthodox belief and is seen as very Conservative. Over 70% are active in the Church and opinion polls says that over 95% supports the Conservative Christian politic. This has led to the fact that the Zaaherland Republican Party has dominated the political life during the hole independence from United Kingdom. It has power in all 4 provinces in the Country.

Women in RZ are often not allowed to be active in politics our work. It is often the Zaaherwomen that are home, when the Englishspeaking people have a litle more liberal wye. But stil it is not accepted. RZ is a Man dominated country with a strong nationalist and religios life style.

The Countrys leading party, Zaaherland Republican Party (ZRP) has staited that all laws should be baised on the holy book, the Bible.

Political life

The President of the Republic is since 2000 Adree Vorez. RZ has an democratic republican system. Free elections are held every 5 year. The one-past-the-post system is used in RZ. Every People over 15 years that are citizens of RZ have the right to vote. In some Provinces, Women that are working do not have the right to vote in local elections. To be elected you have to be over 25 years and you have to live in the Voiting area. Often Women in some local areas are not allowed to be elected.

There is three political parties in the Parliament. The largest party, Zaaherland Republican Party (ZRP) is a conservative christian party. Its primary principles are a strong national unity and christian values. The main opposition party is the Democratic Union Party (DUP) that is baised on liberal values and social justice. The Progressive Independent Party (PiP) is a liberal party baised on human rights and is a strong supporter of total freedom for the media.

The Parliament has 170 MP and have a limited power. Insted the Government and the President have the largest Power. All laws have to be accepted by the President.

  • ZRP has 130MP
    • DUP has 34
      • PiP has 6.

There is only 10 women in Parliament. 8 in DUP and 2 i PiP.

The Senate that has 50 Senators, 45 are elected and 5 are appointed. All Senators have to be Independent.

The large support that the ZRP gains can be explained with the fact that the Party is the only party that is Conservative and Religios. This suits good for the Conservative Zaahers and Englishspeaking. The second fact is that the voiting aras are done so that the ZRP can get as much of the mandates as possible. The Party has been in power for over 73 years and it has only ones been in coalition government with the PiP after the elections in 1989. ZRP gets it's support from every etnnic group and from every social class. DUP gets it's support mustly from the Englishspeaking and right-center Zaahers.

At the party meating in Victoria at October the 5 2005, the ZRP was split up after a the dissatisfaction from the Conservative wing. The Conservative Nationalist left the party and started the Zaaherland National Democratic Party (ZNDP) when the old party renamed itself to National Republican Party of Zaaherland (NDP).


The nationalanthem of RZ is "Dei Land oyf Vreyheeit" (The land of freedom). There is also a own athem for the Küsterfs called "De Sang" (The Song). Sunday is allways a free day, and every store is closed. The day is holy. Nightclubs and other kind of fun for Youths are ofte forbidden on the ground that they are "uncultural" or "communistic". Bars and Restaurangs are only open to 01.00 at night. The legal drinking age is 16 but Young people are often not allowed to drink before they are over 20. There is in reality two cultures in ZR, Zaaherdüdze and English. The culture of küsterfaans is actually quite much the same as the Zaahersdüdze have.

There is a large film industry, mostly in Zaaherdüdze, but there are even many Englishspeaking and Küsterfs movies. There is a award called ZMovie that is a award that is given every year. Last year the movie, The Run, won the ZMovie award for the best film. The Zaaherland movie producion is famous for it's Police and Detective stories.

Rock and Roll is banned by Government, but the so called Indy Rock style is very popular. The hitband "Television Soup", that sings in both English and Zaaherdüdze, has made many albums full of indy rock musik. The popular radio station "Radio Zity" plays all kind of music, exept rock an roll.

Literatury is very popular in Zaaherland. Many books are about people's lifes and about young city people's life. The famous writter Johan Strauseen is a world know writter who writtes about Young Students in different life situation. His last book, "A Young boys Question" deals with the problem of becoming a man.

Oppression and Violence

During the last 15 years there has been political violence all a round the country. The Government has supported the Polices and Military in there actions. It is mostly left wingers that have been in combat against the Government. The main left wing organisation is the Free Socialist Organisation that is against the Governments nationalism and religios politics. The Organisation has been banned by Government since 10 May 1992.

There is over 70 000 political prisioners. These are mainly people that have been protesting against the Government. The Deathpenalty is often used. It can be used for every crime.

The RZ is often seen as a Police state. The Nazionale Sjekreheit Poliz/National Security Police has been granted free hands when it comes to the National Security, mainly every thing can be seen as a part of security.

Democracy is written in Law, but it's not often followed.

Liberal Reforms 2005

When President Adree Vorez oppened the Parliaments springsession, he declered in his speach that the Government will start liberal reforms towards a full democracy. (see Adree Vorez speach to Parliament 13 January 2005 The Government has taken five major reform points:

  • All citizens should have the right to vote
    • Abolishment of the Womens Voiting Act
  • National Minority Rights Act
    • Language and Education rights
  • Reforming the Internal Security Act
    • Banned persons should be unbanned
  • Total freedom for Media
    • Abolisment of the Media Act
  • Granting citizenchip to all persons living in Zaaherland
    • Emigrants and non-citizens

The Government has also stopped banning partied and organisations. But the Government still has not done any reforms to stop the war against socialist and communist organisatons.

The Government has taken a large decision to fight against Nazi, and Facsist movements and has said that these are "unmoral" and "unchristian".

  • Pleace note, this article and all other related articles are total fantasy and does not in any way correspond the writters own political opinion. The article is not meant to refer to any real life happening, and should not be mixed up with reality.
    • The article is written by a young student from Stockholm

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