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==The Valahalla Situation==
==The Valahalla Situation==
The Valahalla situation involves a highjacked Dynastian Missile Cruisers. The Valahalla was highjacked by an insane Gonosian survivor who wish to seek revenge for those who had help bring down the Avatar and the relgion. The situation lasted several days with a standoff against the Valahalla and ships from [[Norightsia]], [[Kansyia]], [[Assassination Army]], and the Eastern Empire. It finally ended when the Valahalla rammed into a port in Kansyian and the allied nations came together and stormed the wrecked ship. It was also during this situation that the Eastern Empire betrayed the nation of Norightsia and Shoa Conn finally showed his true colors. He personally lead his team into the wrecked Valahalla and after killing it's insane captain, left the ship, leaving the Norightsians and the other allies to defend against the rest of the ship's crew. It was because of that act, that the Norightsian government sees the Eastern Empire as it's worst enemy.
The Valahalla situation involves a highjacked Dynastian Nuclear Missile Cruiser. The Valahalla was highjacked by an insane Ganosian survivor who wished to seek revenge for those who had helped bring down the Avatar and the relgion by way of a "purifying" nuclear salvo. The situation lasted several days with a standoff against the Valahalla and ships from [[Norightsia]], [[Kasnyia]], [[Assassination Army]], and the Eastern Empire. It finally ended when the Valahalla rammed into a port in Kansyia and the allied nations came together and stormed the wrecked ship. It was also during this situation that the Eastern Empire betrayed the nation of Norightsia and Shoa Conn finally showed his true colors. He personally lead his team into the wrecked Valahalla and after killing it's insane captain, left the ship, leaving the Norightsians and the other allies to defend against the rest of the ship's crew. It was because of that act, that the Norightsian government sees the Eastern Empire as it's worst enemy.
==War of the Dead Salmon==
==War of the Dead Salmon==

Revision as of 23:54, 2 February 2006

Flag of TheNeoDynasty
Motto: "A single death is a tragedy, a million is a statistic"
[Map URL], or No Map Available Yet
Region Asian Continent
Capital Shangri-La
Official Language(s) Dynastian
Leader Shing Tishomi
Population Over 1 Billion
Currency Shes ta 
NS Sunset XML

The Eastern Empire

The Asian Eastern Empire of TheNeoDynasty is a massive, economically powerful nation, renowned for its complete absence of social welfare. Its hard-nosed, hard-working, cynical population of 1.393 billion are kept under strict control by the oppressive government, which measures its success by the nation's GDP and refers to individual citizens as "human resources."

It is difficult to tell where the omnipresent, corrupt government stops and the rest of society begins, but it juggles the competing demands of Law & Order, Defence, and Education. The average income tax rate is 16%, but much higher for the wealthy. A powerhouse of a private sector is led by the Uranium Mining industry, followed by Gambling and Arms Manufacturing.

The people are famous throughout the region for their bleached-white teeth, organ donation is compulsory, a crusade against barbaric religious practices has begun, and children have taken to using semaphore in light of the recent mobile phone ban. Crime -- especially youth-related -- is totally unknown, thanks to the all-pervasive police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare. TheNeoDynasty's national animal is the snake, which teeters on the brink of extinction due to widespread deforestation.

History of TheNeoDynasty

The Union of Korea

Wishing for more a unified nation, The North Korean government began making plans in the later months of 2004 to try and take over South Korea using military force. To head the entire operation they appointed the highest decorated soldier they had, Shi Conn. In April 2005 he personally lead the entire North Korean Army into South Korea and began what became a fiercely bloody War. After personally slaughtering Hundreds, Shi Conn claimed victory over South Korea for...himself. In a strange twist of events, Shi Conn claimed South Korea for his own and then threaten the North Korean government that if they didn't surrender their sovereignty, he would turn their own army against them and storm North Korea. Having dispatched all their forces for Shi Conn, the North Korean government was left defenseless and so they reluctantly surrender. Shi Conn appointed himself sovereign over his new nation, TheNeoDynasty.

Shi Conn's Rule

While ruling, Sovereign Shi Conn built a mighty nation. He trained his soldiers and built a mighy military. He order the construction a large defense grid of SA and SS turrets to be built all along the coastline of what he called his Eastern Empire and also had a large wall errected on the border between TheNeoDynasty and that of Trilateral Commission. Shi Conn was not a complete military individual, he also enjoyed archeology. It was through this passion that he discovered the ancient religion of The Scrolls of Ganos." He enjoyed it's teaching so much that he made it the nations official religion and put on the search for a new Avatar for the religion. As the scrolls predicted, they found Avatar Mishu and he was appointed Avatar and spiritual Advisor to the nation. To show his devotion to the religion Shi Conn had his large army travel far noth into old Russia and annex into the Empire a small penninsula to at as the capital and holy land of the Ganosian Faith. Sadly however, Mishu would prove to be Shi Conn's undoing.

Ganosian Occupatiion

Sadly on May 28th 2005 Shi Conn passed away from an unknown disease and Sovereignty was given over to Avatar Mishu of the Ganosian faith. He renamed the nation TheHolyLandsOfGanos. During this time Avatar Mishu made many reforms to the nation which completely destroyed everything which Shi Conn had once built. However, the populace flocked to the religion because it offer immortality to it's believers. The Catholic Faith, and in fact Catholic Europe itself was the Ganosian one true enemy. It was believe that the Scrolls of Ganos and the entire Ganosian religion predates that of Catholicism and it was the Catholics who ordered the Roman Empire to hunt down and destroy the Ganosains and their faith. It is believe they succeeded and were able to wipe out any trace of the faith aside from the scrolls themselve which have survived til this date. The nation survived for one years until Shi Conn's son Shoa Conn learned of his father true fate and came home to reclaim his birth right.

The Religious War

One year later Shoa Conn, Shi Conn's son reuturned the Asia the reclaim his father's nation in the name of the Conn Family. With the help of the newly born nation of Norightsia, Shoa Conn waged a holy war against Avatar Mishu and his Ganosians. IN the end of the war, Shoa Conn exposed Avatar Mishu of murdering his father and in return killed Avatar Mishu. With the Avatar dead, Shoa Conn took control of the nation and returned it to its former name of TheNeoDynasty. Shoa Conn banned religion and began to reconstruct the nation into the Eastern Empire that his father once had. However, this Eastern Empire would be more evil and more vile than any of nation in Asia.

The Valahalla Situation

The Valahalla situation involves a highjacked Dynastian Nuclear Missile Cruiser. The Valahalla was highjacked by an insane Ganosian survivor who wished to seek revenge for those who had helped bring down the Avatar and the relgion by way of a "purifying" nuclear salvo. The situation lasted several days with a standoff against the Valahalla and ships from Norightsia, Kasnyia, Assassination Army, and the Eastern Empire. It finally ended when the Valahalla rammed into a port in Kansyia and the allied nations came together and stormed the wrecked ship. It was also during this situation that the Eastern Empire betrayed the nation of Norightsia and Shoa Conn finally showed his true colors. He personally lead his team into the wrecked Valahalla and after killing it's insane captain, left the ship, leaving the Norightsians and the other allies to defend against the rest of the ship's crew. It was because of that act, that the Norightsian government sees the Eastern Empire as it's worst enemy.

War of the Dead Salmon

Another one of Shoa Conn's greatest crimes was that events which transpired into the war of the Dead Salmon. The nation of The iron fish looked to annex a small portion of land which was not recognized by any other nation in Asia and wished to build a city called "Peace." Peace would be a town where hospitials and other facilities could be constructed to help mankind. Shoa Conn was opposed to these actions and made plains with terrorists to bomb a hospital to detour the Iron Fish from continuing with their plain. This event sparked the war of the Dead Salmon and pinned the Eastern Empire with in newly found ally Trilateral Commission against the allied nations of The Iron Fish, Norightsia, Sarawakh,and The Assassination Army. Though with the combined strength of the Eastern Empire and the Trilateral Commission at his disposal Sovereign Shoa Conn feared that the allies would win. So in a last ditch effort he bult a bomb which would destroy the entire Korean penninsula and held it hostage. He demanded that the Iron Fish agree to a treaty that Shoa devised which gave his Sovereign power to the a nuetral Dynastian group known as Tok'Con rebel faction. (Tok'Conn is Dynastian means "against Conn"0. The faction was a large group of rebels which worked to put an end to the rule of the Conn Family. The Iron Fish agreed and signed the Treaty along with Shoa Conn himself. As it was written in the treaty, Shoa Conn left to live in exile in Old Shangri-La. The Tok'Conn faction created a new government for the Eastern Empire.

The Tok'Conn Occupation

The Tok'Conn group established the Tok'Conn governing council and ruled the TheNeoDynasty for many years. During their time in office they brought the nation to ruins. The disposed of the caste system which had effectively given every member of society a postion and job which the were born to do and made many other reforms which the population just wasn't ready for. So after taking enough, many Shalak-gul soldiers rallied together and began to make many attack on the capital city in an affort to hunt down and kill the Tok'Conn and take the nation for themselves. The entire Tok'Conn governing council was eventually murdered and the rebellion was for the most part a success.

The Rebirth of the Eastern Empire

Before the last Tok'Conn were killed they were able to elect new members into the governing council including a young Shing Tishomi. It was Shing who finally brought an end to the rebellion by promising The Eastern Empire's first ever elections. He stated that it was the only way the people could decide how they wish their nation to be run. Shing Tishomi himself ran under a party which promised to bring back the ways of the old Eastern Empire and gain enough favor with the populace to win the elections. He reinstated the title of Sovereign upon himself and began rebuilding the nation once again into the fear Eastern Empire of TheNeoDynasty.

Governments of the Eastern Empire

Conn Family Form of Government:

(Used in present Day Eastern Empire)

Sovereign: The Empire is ruled by a Sovereign of who rules for life. The Sovereign has total control over the nation, yet puts some issues up to vote in the Shalak-gul Council.

Sovereignty Minister: The Sovereignty Minister is the advisors and secretary to the Sovereign. He heads the Office of the Sovereign and makes many public announcements when the Sovereign is disposed. He is also the head judge of the Kree’sha Prime Court. (Current Sovereign Minister: Grendle Iriskha)

Legislative Branch:

The Kree'sha Council: The Kree'sha Council is a democratic council made up of prime Kree'sha senators and the Sovereign. Though the Sovereign has total control over the nation, he leaves many issues regarding the law up to vote. The council is a nine-member body (including the Sovereign) and voting is done in a democratic way with majority winning.

Judical Branch:

The Kree’sha Prime Court: The Kree’sha Prime Court is the supreme court of the Empire. It is head by the Sovereignty Minister and 4 other appointed Kree’sha supreme judges all of whom serve for life and are elected into office by the Sovereign.

Ganosian Form of Government:

(Used during the Ganosian Occupation)

The hierarchy of the Ganosain Faith

The Avatar: The Avatar is the father of the faith and without him the faith would not exist.

The Council of Ganos: The council is made up of the most honored servants to the scrolls. Their job is to serve and advise the Avatar.

Elder Servants to the Scrolls: These are servants who are proclaimed to have the greatest knowledge of the Scrolls of Ganos. They are usually the ones who rule over many temples of Ganos in a certain nation or region

High Servants to the Scrolls: They are those who are proclaimed to preach the word of The Scrolls of Ganos in the Ganosian Temples

Servants of the Scrolls: Are those willing to open their minds to the word of the Scrolls and practice the faith.

Tok'Conn Form of Government:

(Used during the Tok'Conn Occupation)

Executive Branch

High Councilmen: High Councilmen is the leader a public voice for the Tok'Conn Governing Council. (current High Councilmen is Zen Tishomi)

Legislative Branch:

Tok'Conn Governing Council: A democratic council of five members, all of which are former members of the Tok'Conn rebel group which fought against the Conn family while they were in power.

Judical Branch:

The Tok'Conn Prime Court: The Tok'Conn Prime Court is the supreme court of the TheNeoDynasty. It is head by the seven elected judges all of whom serve for 4 years and are elected into office by the governing council.

Facts about The Eastern Empire:


===Industry:=== Military products; machine building, electric power, chemicals; mining (coal, iron ore, magnesite, graphite, copper, zinc, lead, and precious metals), metallurgy; textiles, and food processing

===Agriculture:=== Rice, corn, potatoes, soybeans, pulses; cattle, pigs, pork, and eggs

===Exports:=== Minerals, metallurgical products, manufactures (including armaments); agricultural and fishery products

===Imports:=== Petroleum, coking coal, machinery and equipment; consumer goods, and grain

===Natural Resources:=== Coal, lead, tungsten, zinc, graphite, magnesite, iron ore, copper, gold, pyrites, salt, fluorspar, and hydropower

Life in The Eastern Empire

Life in the Empire: Society within the Empire is divided into caste. To chose what caste an individual will go under tests are run 2 months before the person turns 13 years of age. Test range in a variety of areas and the tests are arranged in order of their importance to the Empire. Once an individual fails one, they are given the next highest test and the cycle continues until a caste is determined for the individual. Each Caste has it's own officials which are instructors of the field in which the caste is centered around. The castes are:

===Shalak-gul:=== People chosen into this caste are put into the Military service of the Empire. Because the military is the complete center of the Eastern Empire's society, it is a great honor to be selected into this caste. Not only do people chosen into this caste become soldiers, but because the fire and police departments are run by the military, people in this caste can also become both police and fire fighters. People in this caste are also the most paid individuals in the Eastern Empire.

===Keir'os:=== People chosen into this caste are put into the Scientific Society of the Empire. Other than the military, the Scientific Society of the Eastern Empire is one of the most important. These are the doctors, inventors, and scientists of the Empire. Though their main focus is the invention better weaponry for the military, they are also given the opportunity to look into other fields such as studying and curing diseases. People in this caste are the second highest paid individuals in the Eastern Empire

===Kree'sha:=== People chosen into this caste are put into government positions. These are the lawyers, judges, ambassadors, senators and local leaders of the Eastern Empire. They are the people trained to make important government decisions. These are the third highest paid individuals in the Eastern Empire.

===Prim'ta:=== People chosen into this caste are put into the lowest positions the Eastern Empire has to offer. Waste Management, Factory Engineers, Basic teachers, Farmers, and other very low class jobs. Many people who are chosen into this caste often quit their jobs and just become homeless since the pay for people is very minimal. By far people in this caste are the lowest paid individuals they are also seen as the least skilled individuals in the Eastern Empire.

==Religions:== Religion is band throughout the Empire and has been since the Ganosian occupation.