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=== Geography ===
== Geography ==
Errikland itself is divided into 47 provinces according to geogrpahy, climate, and cultural boundries.  The eastern provinces are largly vast tracts of farmland, with a couple major rivers, while the north western provinces consist of forests and cities, holding much of the population.   
Errikland itself is divided into 47 provinces according to geogrpahy, climate, and cultural boundries.  The eastern provinces are largly vast tracts of farmland, with a couple major rivers, while the north western provinces consist of forests and cities, holding much of the population.   

Revision as of 19:50, 16 June 2006

Flag of Errikland
Motto: "Lecentia et Vox per Mucro"
Region Mucro
Capital Sadet
Official Language(s) English
Leader Emperor Christian I
Currency Errikan Mark 
NS Sunset XML

Errikland, more commonly called the Errikan Empire, is a large Imperial nation based in the region of nothern Mucro known as by that name. Though only just recently united by Emperor Christian I "the Great", this Empire is expanding in land and population, and is already the dominant force in most of Mucro.


Constitutional Republican Monarchy

Emperor: Christian Michael Victor I

Senate Majority Leader: Robert Thachman, NCL

The government is defined by the Imperial Constitution, which was written by the Emperor as his first and only act as supreme ruler. This divides the central government into two parts: the Imperium and the Senate. Imperium is the Emperor, who has full power over all military matters as well as treason. His approval is needed for any bill from the Senate is passed. The Senate is the legislature, and manages all matters of the government that do not have to do with the Military. Their powers are extremely limited by the Imperial Constitution, as it strictly restricts the role of the government in social matters. The Senate consists of two houses, the upper senate and the lower senate. The lower senate is elected based on population, whereas the upper senate has the same amount of representitives from each region. What little power the government holds socially is at the local level.

This limiting of government power has forced it to be very laissez-faire in its social policies.


Errikland itself is divided into 47 provinces according to geogrpahy, climate, and cultural boundries. The eastern provinces are largly vast tracts of farmland, with a couple major rivers, while the north western provinces consist of forests and cities, holding much of the population. The most populous regions are the northern ones, which contain some of the large cities. The majority of the countryis either forest, city, or farmland. Mountains dominate much of the southern central provinces.

The nation is greatly interconnected, not just by the large rivers, but by the well developed highway, railway, and canal systems.

Natural resources in the country include timber, petroleum, natural gas, coal, various metals including iron ore, copper, gold, silver, and gott. The biggest export of the nation is agricultural products, of which there is a great surplus, followed by manufactured goods. The rapid growth in population has put a strain on the large cities, but the fast advancement of various technologies as well as a steady rate of migration, have kept this under control.


Early History

The region of Errikland has long been populated by a Germanic people, the ancestors of the current Errikans. Over time, many warring states arose, constantly viciously fighting each other and outsiders for dominance. It was in this climate that Errikan culture grew. There was a period of somewhat settled peace between the kingdoms beginning a hundred years before its founding. During this time, the fierce regionalism evolved very quickly into what would become Errikan naitonalism, especially under the repeated and brutal wars against outside forces. About 50 years before the founding of the Empire, the loose coalition of sates formed a loose nation. Dring this time, new political, economic, and social movements found their way into Errikland, and were embraced by some of the aristocracy and foreign settlers, though none of these movements had much of an effect on the majority of the populance until about twenty years before the Empire was founded. The rise of new ideologies, along with several other factors, caused a great period of chaos of poitical ideologies within this new republic. Rising out of this period, the unified National Christian Libertarian party, led by Christian Victor, a young wealthy businessman and son of a noble from nothern Errikland, was securely the strongest force. This party's strong positions on Nationalism, Christianity, and Capitalism brought them the solid support of much of the population. Unfortunately for them, it polarized most everyone else, namely foreigners, Muslims, and Socialists, against them. This was the climate leading up to the conflict known as the civil war.

Errikan Civil War

When the Errikan Civil War erupted, it seemed it would be a very balanced, not to mention long, conflict between the Nationalists known as the Errikan Alliance, and the others known as the Socialists, as there were few Muslims (aside from the Youlandi forces). However, previous preperation and early moves made by Christian Victor, named General Victor by the Errikan Alliance, namely killing Wallace Tallyrand and obliterating Socialist forces at the Battle of Dicht Pass. With the main Socialist army in central Errikland destroyed, the remainder of the loyal socialist forces fled to the fortified city of Wretterburg. There they hoped to hold out until their supporters from other cities in Errikland and elsewhere, most notably Youlando, relieved them. They knew that any siege of their position would last long enough for support to come.

So did General Victor.

Thus he ordered for a small part of his forces to dig in and maintain the siege while he led the rest of his forces on a brutal campaign to eliminate Socialist support throughout central Errikland. Through tactics, bravery, and sheer ruthlessness this was achieved. The only major battle during this period was the Battle of North Derchton, in which the Errikan Army defeated an overwhelming force of Youlandis with minor support from the socialists of Derchton. With enemy resistence reduced to the single city of Wretterburg. He returned to that siege by winter, readying his troops for the final assault. His artillery bombarded the enemy position day and night, but the defenses held strong. At the first melting of the snow, after a serious bombardment, a major attack began on the northeastern defenses of Wretterburg. The majority of the remaining Socialist troops hurried to those defenses, leaving the southeast, the actual target, almost entirely unguarded. General Victor himself led the charge that overwhelmed the southern defenses, and brought the attack into the city itself. The distraction had cost many lives, but they were primarily Trottle soldiers, and the attack to the south was a success. The fighting then broke down into urban warfare, with Errikan Soldiers quickly taking hold of all of the town but the center, where some socialist forces held out until dawn, when they surrendered.

Rise of the Empire

Throughout the Civil War, General Christian Victor had made himself incredibly popular with the men in the army. He personally led most of the charges, always putting himself in the center of the action and the danger. He even went through the training with his men. It was his tactics that won the war very swiftly, and with very few casualties on his side, and he distributed the land confiscated from dead "traitors" and gave them to his soldiers. He was also highly outspoken in his political views: he was a die-hard nationalist, passionate defender of Christianity, and successful capitalist. All of these made him amazingly popular, and the public demanded him as Emperor of the new Errikan Empire. This went through, and General Victor became Emperor Christian I, the first monarch of the Errikan Empire.

Though he was meant to be an absolute monarch, Christian was highly distrustful of all government, and believed that an absolute monarchy could not work in the long run. Thus, he wrote the Imperial Constitution, which reinstated certain Republican ideals into the Empire.

Following this, the Empire began expansion in Mucro. The Tatter War and the War of Hammerpiece expanded Errikan territory in Mucro, and established the Errikan Empire as the dominant force in the region. The new territory provided needed room for the growing population to spread out, as well as amazing resources and trade contacts that made the Empire rich beyond her wildest dreams.


The Empire has since sought foreign colonies, and has aquired onem which has actively expanded, in the land of Arterus.


The the Imperial Military is the center of Errikland's government, consisting of three throughly integrated branches, the Imperial Army, the Imperial Navy, and the Imperial Air Force. The Army is the largest and best funded branch, being the center of the Errikan war effort.


The Faust Troopers make up the majority of the Errikan army. Very well trained and equiped, they are the "infantry of the line" for the Errikan army.

The Faust Commandos are the elite of the elite for Errikan forces. Their training is the most intense of all, and produces hard, skilled men.

The Trottel Soldiers are quite simply fodder. In Errikan society, when one is too physically and/or mentally inept to do anything else, this is one of the few jobs available to them. They are given limited training and equiped with second rate supplies; they are not expected to survive, just do some damage and be a target. The majority of them do not last very long; however, those that do quickly gain experience and become hardened veterens: it is their guidence that allows any Trottels to survive. This is the only branch of the Imperial Army that has reported desertion.

The army also has tanks, most notably the main battle tank called the Krokodil Panzers. Helicopters also have widespread use, and are often a large part of Errikan ground tactics.


Though it is not their top priority, the Errikans have a fairly strong navy. It is primarily centered around the few "uber battleships" and their support destroyers, along with powerful carriers and a well developed submarine fleet. The Faust Marines belong to this branch.

Air Force

Though it is not their top priority, the Errikans have a strong air force. Errikan tactics often call for "a good carpet bombing," thus leading to the large scale use of heavy bombers. The Faust Paratroopers are part of this branch.


Population: N/A

Ethincity: Errikan: 88%; Tarki: 5%; Hebrew: 2%; other: 5%

Religion: Christian: 93.5%; Jewish 2%, Muslim: <0.01%, Other: 4.5%

Languages: English, German

Literacy: 99% (Definition: ages 15+ can read and write English)

Age Structure: 0-20yrs: 45%; 21-39yrs: 28.2%; 40-64yrs: 16.4%; 65+yrs: 10.4%


The Errikan sense of honor drives most aspects of their culture. An Errikan has a duty to his family and his country, but also to himself. It is the view that, by working hard and succeeding at an honest living, you are furthering your family and your country as well. There is a certain Errikan devotion to capitalism, then, that exists in the honor of an Errikan. There is also a general belief in what might call "Social Darwinism."

While Errikans feel a great devotion to their country, or "the Empire," they are incredibly suspicious of government. They are typically distrustful of many foreigners, until they get to know them, and look down upon many other cultures as "savage." The most admired attribues of an Errikan are Bravery, Intelligence, Honesty, and Loyalty. Errikans as a rule tend to try to follow these traits.

But one of the greatest effects on Errikan culture is Christianity. It manages to find its way into most aspects of Errikan life, and has over 90% of the nation identifying themselves as "devout Christians."

The greatest symbol of Errikan honor is the sword. As such, it is a huge honor in the army to be awarded a sword for valor.

It should be noted that the values expressed here, the system based on honor, are known as "concervative values" in Errikland, and were not as strong as they had been by the time of the civil war. However, Christian Victor stressed these values, and they found a revival after the civil war.