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Yet, through it all, the Imperium has a strong and immense army, a powerhouse economy, and a history to be proud of.
Yet, through it all, the Imperium has a strong and immense army, a powerhouse economy, and a history to be proud of.
=Government and Politics=
The Golden Imperium of Tharra is a feudal monarchy in political practice, and a capitalist state in economic practice.  The head of state and government is the Emperor of Tharra, though he is not an absolute ruler by any means.  However, he is also not a constitutional monarch, for while there is a constitution, his powers are great.  His power is balanced by the Guilds and the Diet, which each exert a great deal of power and influence over the government.
The Emperor is chief of state and government, and the symbol of the unity of the Imperium.  However, he is only a direct and absolute ruler within his imperial demesne (the personal fief of the Emperor), and outside of this area he is limited constitutionally by the Diet.
Mainly, the powers of the Emperor are limited to representing the Empire abroad as head of state and government, forming foreign policy along with the Diet, minting coinage, granting fiefs, acting as symbolic overlord of all fiefdoms and symbolic commander-in-chief of the armed forces, granting pardons and commuting sentences, granting Guild Charters to corporations wishing to be recognized as guilds, and purposing bills to the Diet.  His imperial assent is also needed for any bill passed by the Diet.  As stated, his powers are absolute in his own direct imperial domain, where he has all the rights of a Prince of the Empire.
===House Flavius===
House Flavius is the Imperial House of Tharra, as well as one of the Houses Major.  The succession is itself limited to male dynasts via male primogeniture, excluding women and their issue.  In the case of the male line of House Flavius going extinct, the Diet is allowed to nominate a successor.  However, such a case is almost impossible, as first the Emperor is allowed multiple consorts, and second, he may take legal concubines if he so chooses (just as all citizens of the Empire).  Also, even if this fails, the Emperor may nominate a successor from amongst the other branches of the family and officially adopt him.
==The Diet==
The Diet is perhaps the most powerful political organ in the Empire, having the collective power to equal the Emperor, and itself being a check to his power.  The Diet consists of several components: the Council of State, the Council of Colonies, the Chamber of Princes, and the Chamber of Commons, as well as a variety of benches.
Collectively the Diet forms foreign policy alongside the Emperor, oversees the judicial system and economic affairs, introduces its own bills, and declares war and peace.  The Diet may also attaint (deprive) Princes of their fiefs.  In all it has about 600 seats, although voting is a somewhat more complex matter.  Each voting member or group is allocated a certain number of votes, and they then spend all of these during voting sessions.
The Diet is in session nine months a year, after which it is prorogued for a period of three months recess by the Council of State.  In January, sessions start back up again.  As usually Princes and other deputies cannot be present at the deliberations, delegates are sent to represent them and act as their mouthpieces on the Diet.  These delegates are titled Grand Deputies of the Diet.
===Council of State===
The Council of State acts as the standing body of the Diet, being in session twelve months a year.  It directs the activities of the Diet, sets the agenda, may issue special sub-legislation in the form of decrees, interprets the law through rulings, oversees the Empire, and acts as the highest court in the Empire.  It is this last function which gives the Council of State great power, as it is a court of final appeals for all appeals made from the Imperial Procuracy and a court of first instance for members of Houses Major and Minor, as well as a court to mediate disputes and vendettas between Houses (although the court may only act upon request from one of the parties or a petition from three other Houses Major, or five other Houses Minor).
It consists of sixty councillors, elected by the Diet for the term a year: all of the fifteen chancellors and speakers of the benches and chambers, twenty Houses Major, five Houses Minor, fifteen Guilds, and five Free Cities.  The body is chaired by the Lord High Chancellor, who acts as its speaker.  Each year, one half of the body’s membership is replaced: all officer, House Minor, and Free City seats, along with five Guild and House Major seats.
Trials and appeals are heard by a panel of fifteen Law Lords, elected from amongst the seats held by the Houses Major to act as judges and sentencers for a term of a single year.  The entire body acts as a collective jury.
===Council of the Colonies===
This non-voting advisory body consists of representatives from the colonies and protectorates who advise the Diet on extra-national affairs.  Its members are appointed by the Council of State, and consist of the five Viceroys, five Guild representatives (reshuffled annually), and the five Protectors.
===Chamber of Princes===
The Chamber of Princes acts as a collection of all the Princes of the Empire who hold fiefs, both Houses Major and Minor, as well as the Emperor, who holds an honorary seat for House Flavius.  It consists of all 100 Houses Major, each of whom hold two votes; House Flavius, which holds five votes; and all 300 Houses Minor.  However, Houses Minor are divided into ten Imperial Circles, organized by region and consisting of about thirty houses each.  Circles are allowed one vote each.  The entire chamber has a total of 215 votes.
The Chamber also has its own elected Chancellor and two deputies, who serve for a single year.
===Chamber of Commons===
The Chamber of Commons consists of all the Free Cities of the Empire and Guilds, and act as a counterweight to the Noble Houses.  In theory, they represent the interests of the common people, although this is only to the extent of metropolitan and mercantile affairs.
There are 101 Guilds in the Empire, and each holds a seat and two votes in the chamber.  There are also 14 Free Cities in the Imperium, each of which is represented and holds a single vote.  Thus, the Chamber of Commons has a total of 215 votes.
Each year, the Guilds elect a 20 member Board of Trade as well, which acts as a mediator between Guild disputes, as well as a committee of economic affairs for the Imperium.  It may issue warrants which grant economic influence over an area to Guilds, as well as rulings on Guild conflicts (of its own free will as well, and not restricted as the Council of State).
The Chamber also has its own elected Chancellor and two deputies, who serve for a single year.

Revision as of 05:22, 14 November 2006

Flag of Tharra
Motto: Immortality is Forever!
Region Liechtenstein
Capital Lirra
Official Language(s) English
Leader HIM The Great Emperor of Tharra
Population 7 Billion
Currency Livre 
NS Sunset XML

The Golden Imperium of Tharra is a massive, safe nation, notable for its compulsory military service. Its hard-nosed, hard-working, cynical population of 6.836 billion are ruled with an iron fist by the corrupt, dictatorship government, which oppresses anyone who isn't on the board of a Fortune 500 company. Large corporations tend to be above the law, and use their financial clout to gain ever-increasing government benefits at the expense of the poor and unemployed.

It is difficult to tell where the omnipresent, corrupt, moralistic, pro-business government stops and the rest of society begins, but it juggles the competing demands of Law & Order, Defence, and Commerce. The average income tax rate is 100%. A powerhouse of a private sector is dominated by the Uranium Mining industry.

A recent law has banned homes from having any more than one wheel, the automotive industry soaks up huge government handouts, the judicial branch is strongly influenced by major corporations, and the army's shirt ninjas are the most feared assassins in the region. Crime -- especially youth-related -- is totally unknown, thanks to the all-pervasive police force. Tharra's national animal is the Lion, which teeters on the brink of extinction due to widespread deforestation, and its currency is the Livre.


The Golden Imperium of Tharra is one of the worlds most powerful and ancient of empires. For over a thousand years, the Imperium has survived, endured, and prospered. These centuries have been rife with many colourful and interesting occurrences, all which have indeed earned the Imperium further glory and greatness.

Before the Founding

Nearly 1,500 years ago, the area known today as “Tharra” was nothing more than an assortment of warlords and independent city-states. Around a hundred or so territories were spread across the map, each engaging in their own complex patchworks of alliances, betrayals, and conquests. Each possessed their own distinct culture, language, and religion.

The dominant form of government was rule by a warlord dynasty. Powerful rulers, known by various titles (such as “prince”, “duke”, “count”, etc.) ruled over territories of varying size, and participated in a form of internal economic policy known today as feudalism. Further, there was also a large minority of city-states, ruled by citizen democracies (or, in some cases, power hungry tyrants).

Out of all of this, one dynasty stood out: The House of Flavius. The heads of the house controlled a sizeable principality, though they were still by no means in possession of the strength to conquer any of their surrounding rivals. Still, the Flavian Princes were ambitious enough to exert a degree of influence over several neighbouring kingdoms.

The Invasion

1,800 years ago, a mysterious, yet dramatic, shift in global climate occurred. This caused the north-eastern borders of Tharra, and the area beyond them, to experience a catastrophic weather change. This sudden shift in environment ended up devastating the steppes of the region now known as Orân, eventually killing off the native plant life by enriching to soil to levels in which the grassy flora was not accustomed.

While in the long run, this would make the area an agricultural breadbasket, at the time, it was utterly shattering to the Jyrki Tribesmen, who dwelt on the steppes. A purely pastoral people, the Jyrki were ruined by the loss of steppe lands, and watched helplessly as their livestock (and with it their means of survival) perished. Facing famine and starvation, the Jyrki began turning to raiding. This went rather well for them, and slowly, after two hundred years, they shifted from a peaceful, pastoral people, to a warlike race of raiders and pillagers.

Meanwhile, the peoples of the area known today as Tharra benefited greatly from the climate shift. Their own soil grew very rich, and trade began to boom. The first guilds sprang up, and an age of relative stability dawned.

After subjugating the surrounding tribes and cities, the Jyrki began turning their attention to the rich and prosperous lands of Tharra. They launched an invasion soon after, determined to pillage as much as possible for their coffers, and ultimately make the states of the area into vassals. The resistance went terribly for the people. Warlords were two unorganized to band together, and fought each other just as much as they warred against the Jyrki. The Jyrki Horde thus was able to defeat these first attempts at resistance, and succeeded in forcing the northern states into submission tributaries.

The Founding

Realizing that they were now on the verge of war, the lands to the south and west began gearing up for war and declared states of emergency. However, it was the House of Flavius that now made its move. Seeing that the only possible way to defeat the Jyrki Horde was to ally together as a unified force, Prince Lucius Flavius sent delegations to all of the remaining free nations of Tharra, summoning the leaders to the first Great Council, to be held at the free city of Alania. Also attending were representatives of all the city-states, along with members of the leading guilds, as their wealth and cooperation would be greatly desired.

Prince Lucius gave a moving and emotional speech that day, calling and rallying all attending to band together and defend the motherland. For, he stated, even though they were diverse in culture, language, and other beliefs, they shared a common subcontinent, and they were obligated to defend it to the death. The oration was received ecstatically by the Great Council, and soon after a treaty was drawn up by a committee and ratified by all 200 or so delegates of the council. These attending nations then voted to form the League of Tharra, as a federation of nations in the Tharran subcontinent. Further, Lucius was elected Supreme Commander of the newly assembled army of the League, making him its virtual chief of state, as the organization lacked a central body of government other than the Great Council.

Great Jihad

What followed would be the longest and most devastating war ever experienced by the Tharran peoples: the Great Jihad. Fifty long years of bloodshed, war, and aggression ensued, dragging out to the very last stand at the Battle of Idan. It is estimated by modern historians that a full third of the entire population would perish in the conflict, and millions more would bear its scars for decades to come.

Time and time again, the powerful Jyrki Horde and its allied tribes were close to total victory over the League of Tharra, but the League continued to push on, refusing to acknowledge defeat. In the beginning, the Horde even managed to cut a swath of conquest and destruction to the western coast, sacking a few city-states in the process. But the League quickly regrouped and was able to slowly drive them back, using their knowledge of the surrounding territory, nearly inexhaustible supply of soldiers, and defending mindset against the Horde, which bit-by-bit began to be exhausted form the seemingly eternal conflict.

By the time of the Battle of Idan, the ageing Lucius had managed to drive the Horde to near exhaustion, gain the overwhelming admiration and support of the entire League, and even liberate the north. The seventy year old commander, using his expert rhetoric, brought up support to even higher levels at the Battle of Idan, easing the minds of desolate and battle hardened soldiers, promising them final victory at the end of the day. That triumph would finally be realized by sunset, as the Battle of Idan drew to a close, and what remained of the once great Horde was shattered and eradicated. The long and terrible Jihad had finally been ended, and the League was victorious.

Eradication Wars

But the war was in truth, far from over. The League now faced an uncertain future, as each of its individual member states began focusing on internal reconstruction, and the possibility of its collapse loomed. Lucius, determined to keep power now that he was accustomed to it, now found his dream of unity for Tharra on the verge of being destroyed.

Determined to prevent the federation from dying, Lucius called together the second Great Council of the League. Mounting the platform to speak, the ageing prince declared that victory had been achieved in totality, but he regretted to inform the League that even for all their hardship and sacrifice, it all may be in vain. There was always the possibility that the Horde could regroup, and it must be completely eradicated as a force. Therefore, he begged the permission of the League, as Supreme Commander, to be allowed to gather a small force, made up of soldiers from each member state, and smash the remains of the Jyrki Tribes.

After three days of heated and emotional debate, Lucius and his allies were able to pressure the League into complying, especially after the securing of an undoubted profit for the guilds, after the spoils were returned. Lucius had one the day, by a single vote, and the League had been preserved. But time had only been bought, nothing more. And as Tharra began to pick itself up and rise from the destruction, Lucius set off with the Supreme Allied Force of the League of Tharra to finish off the Jihad.

The resulting Eradication Wars were swift and relatively easy from the Tharran perspective. Very few soldiers of the League perished, and the remaining spoils gathered from the shattered north-eastern tribes were great. From the perspective of the Jyrki tribes, however, the Eradication Wars were a virtual death sentence.

Lucius was determined to completely wipe out the Jyrki people, to ensure that no tribes from the steppes ever again rose up and attacked. The Jyrki, already economically shattered by their defeat, were further subject to easy subjugation and defeat. Entire villages were wiped out, and any survivors were either put to the sword or enslaved. The Jyrki, just at this time beginning to develop agriculturally, were forced to watch as their fields were burned, their granaries confiscated, and even the ruins of their now destroyed towns and villages were dragged into the sea. No remnant of the Horde’s existence, outside of Tharran record, was to remain. And in this, the Lucius succeeded, for, after nearly eight years, the Supreme Commander had completely erased the Jyrki from existence. Any threat that they could have posed was ended.

The Early Imperium

Upon his return, Lucius was again heralded as a hero, and considered the triumphant protector of the League. His responsibility for absolute victory now ensured, Lucius found himself now summoned before the third Great Council.

The League, deciding that Lucius was deserving of recognition and honour, then voted to bestow upon him the title of Great Emperor of Tharra. The measure passed, and Lucius now found himself leader of the entire subcontinent. And, as he was now nearing eighty, it was decided that he could not be of any threat to the internal sovereignty of each of the nations, and thus given special prerogative and powers, one of which was to name his own successor.

Power now consolidated firmly in the hands of one man, even if the Imperium was fairly new, Lucius named his son, Prince Zeno Flavius, as his successor. Two years later, Lucius would be dead, and once again, Tharra found itself facing an uncertain future.

Zeno I found himself in a very tentative situation. Upon his accession, all the powers granted to Lucius I were revoked by the fourth Great Council, and declared subject to consideration. The Supreme Command of the army was dissolved, as well, to further erode his power base. It was now clear to Zeno that the Great Council intended to both ensure that each of the nations of Tharra retained their own sovereignty, and to inform the Emperor that Lucius’s position had been one of reward for great merit and honour, nothing more.

Furious that his ambition had been stifled by the League, Zeno decided to assert his own dominance. He began making secret agreements with the guilds, promising them monopolies and economic power; he also gathered together some of the powerful warlord dynasties as his allies, and even a few of the city-states. This group became known as the Imperial Alliance. The Alliance was determined to restore Zeno to full supremacy and ensure that the Imperium was preserved. In opposition, the Popular Faction would form, bent on preserving the League as a federation and nothing more, to protect the rights of independent sovereign states.

Tensions continued to mount, as all discussion in the Great Council became deadlocked between the two parties. Finally, everything came to a head when Zeno attempted to proclaim his own son his heir. The Populars argued that he did not have this right, and that the Imperium was to end with him. The Alliance disagreed and considered the Imperium hereditary and perpetual.

Determined to exert his dominance, Zeno and his allies assembled their own united armed force and stormed the Great Council while it sat in session one day. The troops, with Zeno and his allied leaders at the head, ordered the Great Council to ratify Zeno’s position as hereditary Emperor. The Great Council, enraged, had already been informed, however, and simply attacked with its own assembled force, waiting on the wings. The Massacre of Alania would follow. The War of Unification had begun.

First War of Unification

For the next ten years, civil war would ravage Tharra. The Allies fought the Populars in a brutal and vicious war, with Zeno determined to win complete power through force. Entire city-states and nations were conquered by either force, and reassigned to its supporters. Guilds played sides, and grew rich. Even the lesser nobility of each domain occasionally switched allegiance.

The war, however, carried with its own devastation. The Empire was just recovering from the devastating Eradication wars and Jihad that were fresh in the minds of the people, and had been allowed less then a full decade to recover. Thus, the nations of the subcontinent were largely unprepared or sufficiently healed to support the war. Soon, the guilds became even more powerful, contributing loans to both sides and adding to their powerbase. Even the collection of troops from vassals became a problem, as lords switched allegiance regularly, and economic bases eroded.

Finally, realizing that they were on the border of defeat, the Populars agreed to compromise. Meanwhile, both sides were on the verge of economic and political collapse, and thus the concession of the Populars came at a perfect time, and the Allies were grudgingly forced to begin peace talks.

The fifth and final Great Council of the League was held. Using the illusion of victory, the Allies were able to gain the upper hand in the agreements and force through some of their most desired reforms, though the Populars were still able to prevent the worst of their fears from ever coming to pass.

In the end, the League of Tharra was permanently dissolved, and from its ashes, the Imperium rose. The Empire was formed; the House of Flavius was declared the imperial family, with a hereditary Emperor ruling as the Empire’s chief of state and commander of armed forces. Tharra was to be united completely, and divided up into administrative provinces. Provinces, however, were to be bestowed upon former local leaders to rule as fiefdoms, and thus the former rulers retained a great degree of power, even being able to dole out parts of their own territory as fiefs to their supporters. Meanwhile, both the guilds and free-cities were also allowed to continue their independent existence. A new legislative body was forged: The Diet, which was to be made up of fief holders, guild representatives, and free-city leaders. Finally, a standing army was outlawed, with all soldiers being gathered from the local militias of lesser fief holders, themselves being commanders in the armies of direct fief holders, and ultimately this army being under the overlordship of the Emperor.

A new age had dawned.

Stability Ensured

It soon became apparent, however, that the real profiteers from the War of Unification had been the Guilds. These corporate bodies had made immense sums of cash from loans and other boons granted to both the rebels and allies, and themselves carried little loyalty to either side.

Still, Zeno I was not foolish enough to combat this, as he knew that economic and political stability were much more important, and if any more conflicts occurred, they would spell the end of the fragile Imperium. So, he introduced few reforms or laws, and allowed local fiefdoms more and more independence. The Diet soon rose as a force to be reckoned with, spurred on by the Guilds, all of whom were determined to exert influence over the new state.

In fact, for all his fame, Zeno I did few things after coming to stable power, and only issued one major declaration: The Edict of Linguistic Standardization. This law made English the official language of the Empire, providing that it be taught in all schools, and thus paving the way for future unification as a nation.

Reforms of Xavier II

After four centuries of peace and stability, however, it soon became apparent that the Guilds were getting too powerful. Meanwhile, the passing of time had changed Tharran society, and allowed it to evolve into a more unified state. Local dynasties slowly regressed into Noble Houses. The Houses, however, still held great power, as they were in virtual monopoly of domestic policy concerning their provinces, could raise an army, and even were able to mint their own coinage. The Imperial House had become more concerned with keeping control of its own directly administered demesne, and free-cities were losing their significance. Guilds, meanwhile, were rising and falling quickly, and there were few qualifications to their membership on the Diet, allowing for an imbalanced representation. Many even kept their own mercenary forces as statements of their immense power.

Emperor Xavier II now found a potential crisis on his hands. Xavier II had been raised on tales of the greatness of his family, and now wanted House Flavius to once again assert its dominance over a long latent Imperium. He saw the Guilds as standing in the way of this. However, without a standing army, he felt that he could never subject them to Imperial Authority.

Up until now, Tharra had enjoyed a relative period peace and stability. However, as always, the worst threats were internal ones. And so, Xavier II introduced several reforms into the Diet, which would allow for the creation of a standing army and navy. This was seen as a threat by many of the Noble Houses, and so it became increasingly more difficult to get the Diet to pass the new laws. Fearing eventual defeat, Xavier was forced to grant even more concessions to the Guilds for support, and it was still only just barely that the legislation passed in the Diet.

As a result, the Grand Army and Navy of the Empire were created. Still, this had come at an immense price, including resentment from the Noble Houses and the granting of more extraordinary privileges to the Guilds, such as the right to keep a standing army themselves.

Second War of Unification

The first conflict, after nearly 400 years of peace, was what would later be known as the Second War of Unification. Seeing the creation of a standing army as a threat to the feudal order of society, the fiefs revolted, the Noble Houses allying to declare independence.

In response to this aristocratic rising, Xavier II declared the Aristocratic Rising treason and dissolved the Diet. Drawing on his new army of recruits, Xavier II gathered his troops and geared up for a second civil war. The Grand Army, however, proved to be better than expected. With an entire army at his disposal, Xavier II was able to wage a long term war against his own vassals. However, he was far from assured of victory, as many of his own soldiers had been ordered to dessert by their local princes. Thus, it was with a reduced force that Xavier II attempted to reunite his Empire.

Still, this War of Unification was much different from the last, as by now the Imperium was assured, along with a common Tharran identity, and it was only the power of the Emperor that was in question. The war was also simply a few petty battles in the beginning, and it was only after the first year that things began to become more intense.

Meanwhile, by the fifth year of conflict, Flavius supplies were running low, and their allies were increasingly finding themselves short of cash to maintain the army with. And then, as if this were not bad enough, Lirra found itself under siege, and the Emperor suddenly died under mysterious circumstances (many today suspect poison was involved).

Prince Alexander thus found himself sitting on the most precarious throne in the Empire. Realizing that his only option lay with coaxing the Guilds, Alexander I was forced to borrow even more from the powerful Guilds, further weakening the Imperial economy. Still, it served as a useful temporary solution, and it ended up giving the Emperor just enough wealth to pay his troops, deliver his capital from siege, and defeat the Rebels in the resulting Battle of Lirra. This marked the turning point in the war, and allowed for Alexander I to demonstrate his effectiveness as a military commander.

After a quick and decisive campaign, Alexander I was then able to finally defeat the rebel forces and restore order and unity to his Empire. However, he would not make the same mistakes as his father, and was determined to never forget the importance of keeping the fief holding houses happy.

And so, a general amnesty was granted to all but the two leading houses. These two noble families were dissolved, their members executed, and their existence erased as punishment for daring to attack the Imperial Capital. Further, their fiefs were reassigned. The rest of the rebels were forgiven and allowed to return.

The Alexandrian Constitution

Emperor Alexander then once again summoned the Diet began working with the members to draft a constitution that would ensure happiness for all sides. The general feeling of goodwill towards the Emperor for his mercy, also influenced the smoothness of the decision making process, and both sides agreed to make concessions.

However, Alexander’s real triumph was his effective checking of the growing powers of the guilds, by simply playing on the resentment the other nobles felt and getting them to ally against the guild members when the constitution was being drawn up. Yet, at the same time, he also played on the guilds to outmanoeuvre the nobles, effectively setting the stage for a three pillar power structure in Tharra: The Emperor, The Houses Major, and The Guilds.

First, the old system was eliminated completely, and the Auxiliary Corps was instead devised to replace the local militias as a national guard. Further, to destroy the old powerbase of the major fief holding families, it was decided that only the Emperor would be allowed to grant fiefs, with fief holders themselves being denied that right. However, to balance this new decision, it was decided that while the Emperor could only grant fiefs, the Diet was alone allowed to confiscate them. Further, it was decided that those hundred or so noble houses that held more than one province were to be designated as “Houses Major” and be given more political power than those three hundred or so who held only a single province (to now be termed “Houses Minor”). Fiefs were given a broad amount of powers, such as the ability to control domestic policy as well as inter-fief policy. However, the rights to mint coinage and determine foreign policy were still reserved for the Emperor and Diet.

Meanwhile, the system of the armed forces was also reorganized. To promote harmony, each House Major was given command over a legion of the Grand Army, with the Emperor only the nominal commander-in-chief; each House Minor received command of a cohort of the Auxiliary Corps. The Imperial Guard was also formed, to create an elite military force under direct imperial command.

Finally, more powers and rights were given to the Diet as a whole, to make it a check to the Emperor’s own power. The last and most controversial of reforms, however, reformed the guilds themselves. A Guild was defined as a corporation that was granted an imperial charter by the Emperor, and was prevented from keeping a standing army. Thus, the status of the guilds were defined and reorganized. They were, however, allowed to maintain their seats on the Diet.

The Golden Age

The next five centuries were of relative prosperity for the Imperium. The free market thrived, thanks to the Guilds, and growth continued. Tharra became a centre of trade, and as the economy expanded, the Houses Major themselves grew rich from taxation.

Meanwhile, House Flavius was able to also increase its wealth and power, via feudal dues and rents, as well as taxation within direct imperial territory. A clear society began to develop, with an upper class composed of aristocrats and mercantilists. And, though the Imperium contained many cultures, languages, and faiths, it still was able to develop its identity as a unified nation.

The Empire now found itself in the midst of a golden age. It was in this time, also, that the foundations for today’s inter-House rivalries were laid and the Great Constitution amended to allow for each noble family to institute a vendetta against their rivals, but only in just cause. The Council of State alone was allowed to mediate these matters, and only if circumstances warranted. Thus, private, discreet “wars” of assassination became common practice-though never to a level that would warrant imperial intervention.

Age of Expansion

It was around the year 1,000 AI (“After Imperium”, the dating system used which counts from the founding of the Imperium) that the mounting economic booms and population growth finally exploded into opportunity. Guilds began to look towards the Western Ocean as a means of expanding their horizons, and the contained isolationism that had been the Empire burst onto the international scene.

The Weavers’ Guild, itself a textile corporation, began exporting labour to the islands of Pellene. The Pellenian people were at the time in possession of inferior technology and without the means to prevent interference in commercial affairs. Soon, the islands fell under the influence of the Guild, and thus Tharra at large.

Several Houses Major drew on these actions, and sent their own soldiers to aide and establish puppet governments in a few of the minor states of Yves. These protectorates were, of course, dangerously close to implementing their own foreign policy, something that was highly illegal. However, they were able to get away with this easily, as House Flavius itself was already carrying out its own imperialism. In fact, it was House Flavius that was the first to completely colonize an area, putting many of the already influenced states of Ulan under Flavius control, and creating the Viceroyalty of Ulan.

Soon, expansion and colonization followed, flavoured with imperialism. Disputes soon arose between Guilds on matters of economic influence, and between fiefs on matters of colonization. Determined to avoid warfare over this new trend of expansion, Emperor Paul III was able to turn the Diet into a vehicle of legitimization. It was decided that the Board of Trade would grant Guilds warrants that would entail rights of influence over a specific area, and that the Council of State would grant fiefs warrants entailing exclusive rights of colonization and protection. Only the Emperor was allowed to veto these, although he could not revoke them without a vote from the Council of State.

Once again, the economy boomed, and everyone grew rich. Houses Major began to rival Guilds in power, and for the first time in over a thousand years, the power structure reached a level of complete stability. What had been set in motion by Emperor Alexander I was finally achieved: a three pillared power system.

Present Era

The last five centuries have been greatly influenced by technological development and economic success. The Imperium has become a powerhouse, and relatively stable politically. Still, it is by no means a complete and unified nation. Various cultures, ethnicities, religions, and languages span the Empire. Each House rules a fief that is nearly a nation in its own right, whether it be composed of one or many provinces. Guilds dominate the economic scene, as mega-corporations. Even the Imperial House finds itself limited at times. However, if there is one real ruler of the Imperium, it is the Diet.

Yet, through it all, the Imperium has a strong and immense army, a powerhouse economy, and a history to be proud of.

Government and Politics

The Golden Imperium of Tharra is a feudal monarchy in political practice, and a capitalist state in economic practice. The head of state and government is the Emperor of Tharra, though he is not an absolute ruler by any means. However, he is also not a constitutional monarch, for while there is a constitution, his powers are great. His power is balanced by the Guilds and the Diet, which each exert a great deal of power and influence over the government.


The Emperor is chief of state and government, and the symbol of the unity of the Imperium. However, he is only a direct and absolute ruler within his imperial demesne (the personal fief of the Emperor), and outside of this area he is limited constitutionally by the Diet. Mainly, the powers of the Emperor are limited to representing the Empire abroad as head of state and government, forming foreign policy along with the Diet, minting coinage, granting fiefs, acting as symbolic overlord of all fiefdoms and symbolic commander-in-chief of the armed forces, granting pardons and commuting sentences, granting Guild Charters to corporations wishing to be recognized as guilds, and purposing bills to the Diet. His imperial assent is also needed for any bill passed by the Diet. As stated, his powers are absolute in his own direct imperial domain, where he has all the rights of a Prince of the Empire.

House Flavius

House Flavius is the Imperial House of Tharra, as well as one of the Houses Major. The succession is itself limited to male dynasts via male primogeniture, excluding women and their issue. In the case of the male line of House Flavius going extinct, the Diet is allowed to nominate a successor. However, such a case is almost impossible, as first the Emperor is allowed multiple consorts, and second, he may take legal concubines if he so chooses (just as all citizens of the Empire). Also, even if this fails, the Emperor may nominate a successor from amongst the other branches of the family and officially adopt him.

The Diet

The Diet is perhaps the most powerful political organ in the Empire, having the collective power to equal the Emperor, and itself being a check to his power. The Diet consists of several components: the Council of State, the Council of Colonies, the Chamber of Princes, and the Chamber of Commons, as well as a variety of benches. Collectively the Diet forms foreign policy alongside the Emperor, oversees the judicial system and economic affairs, introduces its own bills, and declares war and peace. The Diet may also attaint (deprive) Princes of their fiefs. In all it has about 600 seats, although voting is a somewhat more complex matter. Each voting member or group is allocated a certain number of votes, and they then spend all of these during voting sessions. The Diet is in session nine months a year, after which it is prorogued for a period of three months recess by the Council of State. In January, sessions start back up again. As usually Princes and other deputies cannot be present at the deliberations, delegates are sent to represent them and act as their mouthpieces on the Diet. These delegates are titled Grand Deputies of the Diet.

Council of State

The Council of State acts as the standing body of the Diet, being in session twelve months a year. It directs the activities of the Diet, sets the agenda, may issue special sub-legislation in the form of decrees, interprets the law through rulings, oversees the Empire, and acts as the highest court in the Empire. It is this last function which gives the Council of State great power, as it is a court of final appeals for all appeals made from the Imperial Procuracy and a court of first instance for members of Houses Major and Minor, as well as a court to mediate disputes and vendettas between Houses (although the court may only act upon request from one of the parties or a petition from three other Houses Major, or five other Houses Minor). It consists of sixty councillors, elected by the Diet for the term a year: all of the fifteen chancellors and speakers of the benches and chambers, twenty Houses Major, five Houses Minor, fifteen Guilds, and five Free Cities. The body is chaired by the Lord High Chancellor, who acts as its speaker. Each year, one half of the body’s membership is replaced: all officer, House Minor, and Free City seats, along with five Guild and House Major seats. Trials and appeals are heard by a panel of fifteen Law Lords, elected from amongst the seats held by the Houses Major to act as judges and sentencers for a term of a single year. The entire body acts as a collective jury.

Council of the Colonies

This non-voting advisory body consists of representatives from the colonies and protectorates who advise the Diet on extra-national affairs. Its members are appointed by the Council of State, and consist of the five Viceroys, five Guild representatives (reshuffled annually), and the five Protectors.

Chamber of Princes

The Chamber of Princes acts as a collection of all the Princes of the Empire who hold fiefs, both Houses Major and Minor, as well as the Emperor, who holds an honorary seat for House Flavius. It consists of all 100 Houses Major, each of whom hold two votes; House Flavius, which holds five votes; and all 300 Houses Minor. However, Houses Minor are divided into ten Imperial Circles, organized by region and consisting of about thirty houses each. Circles are allowed one vote each. The entire chamber has a total of 215 votes. The Chamber also has its own elected Chancellor and two deputies, who serve for a single year.

Chamber of Commons

The Chamber of Commons consists of all the Free Cities of the Empire and Guilds, and act as a counterweight to the Noble Houses. In theory, they represent the interests of the common people, although this is only to the extent of metropolitan and mercantile affairs. There are 101 Guilds in the Empire, and each holds a seat and two votes in the chamber. There are also 14 Free Cities in the Imperium, each of which is represented and holds a single vote. Thus, the Chamber of Commons has a total of 215 votes. Each year, the Guilds elect a 20 member Board of Trade as well, which acts as a mediator between Guild disputes, as well as a committee of economic affairs for the Imperium. It may issue warrants which grant economic influence over an area to Guilds, as well as rulings on Guild conflicts (of its own free will as well, and not restricted as the Council of State). The Chamber also has its own elected Chancellor and two deputies, who serve for a single year.