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The Minnesotan Confederacy has a robust and booming free-market economy, entirely free of government hampering or intervention. Minimum wage laws, price controls, tariffs, corporate welfare, subsidies to farmers, product safety laws, worker safety laws, racial quotas, and any other laws which might stifle businesses are non-existent. No form of taxation exists except sales tax, and most of the government's budget, interestingly enough, comes from voluntary donations from citizens. The nation does not use paper of fiat money, only gold. All currency is made of 100% real gold, ensuring that money cannot be counterfeited, and ensuring the money remains stable and of high value. Private property rights are vehemently protected. No social entitlement programs exist whatsoever. Healthcare, road construction, postal services, education, housing, and everything else except law enforcement, military, and courts, are completely privatized. Therefore, competition flourishes, unsuccessful companies are allowed to fail, and only those who provide the best, highest quality, most affordable products remain in business. With no taxation (except sales tax), citizens are able to spend their money however they please. The poverty rate is very low, and what few poor people exist are often helped by private charities or the generosity of individual citizens. The country's annual growth rate is over 15%, and the unemployment rate is only 1.5%. The economy certainly attests to the success of the free-market, and nations around the globe envy and admire the Confederacy's rapidly growing, enormous, and vigorous economy.
==Historical timeline==
[[Category:Minnesotan Confederacy]]
[[Category:Minnesotan Confederacy]]

Revision as of 04:40, 24 May 2006

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United Empire of the Minnesotan Confederacy
MN_flag.png MN_seal.png
Flag and Coat of Arms of Minnesotan Confederacy

Motto: L'Étoile du Nord.
Anthem: Hail! Minnesota
Capital Neo-Minneapolis (6,976,900)
Spoken Languages
 - Official
 - Unofficial

Spanish, Hmong, Somali

 - Kaiser
 - Chancellor
 - Ruling party
· Absolute monarchy
· Free-market capitalist state

His Imperial Majesty J.L. I
Calvin Cyprian, Jr.
Minnesotan Patriot Party
 - joined Union
 - seceded
 - formed confederation
 - became a monarchy
May 11, 1858
June 8, 1949
June 23, 1965
October 3, 1985
 - Total
 - % water

2,423,070 km²
 - Total (2006)

  - Total (USD)
  - GDP/capita (USD)

National animal
English name
Gavia immer
Common Loon
National flower
English name
Cypripedium reginae
Showy lady slipper
National tree
English name
Pinus resinosa
Norway Pine
Currency 1 dollar ($) = 100 cents (¢)
Time Zone(s) Central: UTC-6/-5 - Eastern: UTC-5/-4
Int'l Abbreviations
 - sport
 - government

Naval Craft Classification
  - Military
  - Civilian

Internet TLD .mn, .mc
Calling Code +1

The United Empire of the Minnesotan Confederacy is an absolute monarchy located in the Midwest, and comprised of the following states: Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa, Missouri, Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, West Virginia, Maryland, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico (note: Puerto Rico was granted statehood). In addition, Liberia, the Philippines, and the Minnesotan Confederate Outlying Islands (comprised of Virgin Islands, Navassa Island, American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Marshall Islands, Palau, Micronesia, Baker Island, Howland Island, Jarvis Island, Johnston Atoll, Kingman Reef, Midway Atoll, Navassa Island , Palmyra Atoll, and Wake Island) are self-governing Commonwealth Realms that acknowledge Kaiser J.L. I as sovereign. The Minnesotan Confederacy also has domion over a sizable chunk of Antarctica. While the Minnesotan Confederacy is an authoritarian single-party state that never holds elections, the government is highly decentralized and almost completely free of corruption. Most civil liberties are fully protected, on paper and in practice, by the government; however, even the remotest semblance of dissent is ruthlessly smashed. The Minnesotan Confederacy has a robust free-market economy characterized by tremendous annual growth, minimal inflation, a favorable balance of trade, and huge budgetary surpluses. The nation is a prominent actor on the world stage.


Ethnic Demographics

One of the Minnesotan Confederacy's finest assets, it is almost universally agreed, is its rich diversity of unique and wondrous cultures, a blend of West, East, North, and South, all converging in a single nation, and working together in harmonious coexistence to build a great nation. While the majority of the nation's population (just under 90$) is white, many minority groups have a large presence, as well, particularly African Americans, both black people whose families have been in the country for centuries as well as new arrivals, most notably Somali refugees. Southeast Asian refugees are also a sizable minority, especially Hmong; the Minnesotan Confederacy does, in fact, one of the largest Hmong populations in the world. Also prevalent are immigrants from Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia. Hispanics (especially Mexicans), Native Americans, and other groups are present, as well. Remarkably, for such a diverse nation, racism is very rare. Skin color is usually the last thing a person notices when he meets someone else, and interracial dating and marriage are quite common. The bulk of the population is warmly receptive to immigrants, whatever their country of origin, and immensely proud of the nation's diversity.

Age Distribution

Minnesota's diversity is not limited to ethnic background. There is also great diversity in age. About half the population is under 35, while approximately half is 35 or older. Children (those between the ages of 0 and 18) make up 29.7% of the population. Young adults (19-34) make up 21.7%. Middle-aged people (35-64) make up a sizable portion of the nation, at 38.6%. Finally, senior citizens (those aged 65 or older) make up 12.1%. It should be noted that infant mortality is extremely low, while life expectancy and standard of living are quite high. It is not unheard of for a person to remain in peak condition in his mid-70s, or for a person to live past the age of 90. Health care is 100% privatized and profit-driven, ensuring that ample competition exists, giving people a wide variety of choices, and ensuring that only those who can provide the highest quality and most affordable health care stay in business. For the few who cannot afford health care, private charities and individual citizens' generosity ensure that everyone is provided for.


More than 8 in 10 Minnesotans adhere to the Christian faith. About 6 in 10 Minnesotans are Protestant, and 1 in 4 are Roman Catholics. 15% follow no religion, and 1% are followers of a religion other than Christianity; of these, most are Jewish, Buddhist, or Muslim. It should be noted that while most people who follow other religions are foreign-born, a great number of foreigners have also converted to Christianity. The Minnesotan Confederacy permits complete religious freedom, and churches, synagogues, temples, and mosques abound and are often filled to their capacity. The state's religious demographics are as follows: Lutheran 26%; Baptist 5%; Methodist 4%; Presbyterian 3%; other Protestant 20%; Roman Catholic 25%; other Christian 1%; other religion 1%; and not religious/Agnostic 15%.


note: As Minnesotans are a majority in each of the states due to mass migration, this applies to each state in MC, but not Commonwealth realms.

Minnesotans are, on the whole, a charitable, friendly, compassionate lot. In fact, the friendliness of Minnesotans is so legendary, it gave rise to the term "Minnesota nice." Minnesotans, for example, will often do their best to help a lost traveler, by either giving him thoroughly detailed directions, or sometimes even drawing the visitor a map. A large percentage of Minnesotans donate to private charities, put aside their own interests to help others (for example, if there was a vaccine shortage, one might willingly give up his own injection and let someone else have it). Family ties are also strong, and Minnesotan families are known for their endurance, closeness, toughness, and commitment to stick together and help and love their fellow family members, no matter how odd or dysfunctional some may be. Community ties are also strong, and many Minnesotans volunteer in their neighborhoods, socialize with their neighbors, and cooperate together on such issues as crime prevention, child safety, and environmentalism. Minnesotans are a jovial, pleasant sort, and smile and laugh easily, which often helps ease tension or helps visitors feel welcome. However, Minnesotans are also known for their rather reckless driving, and for displaying aggressive attitudes on the road. Minnesotans are also known for their distinctive Midwestern accents, fondness for such outdoor activities as hunting, ice fishing, and fishing, and words such as "hot dish" (casserole) and "uff-da" (the equivalent of "phew!").


note: an asterisk indicates that workers and schoolchildren are traditionally given the day off on that holiday.

Date Official Name Remarks
January 1 New Year's Day*
February 14 St. Valentine's Day
moveable Good Friday*
moveable Easter Sunday**
May 11 Minnesota Day* Commemorates the day Minnesota joined the Union.
May, last Monday Memorial Day* Honors the Minnesotan Confederacy's war dead.
June 8 Independence Day* Commemorates the day Minnesota seceded from the Union and became an independent nation.
June 23 Confederation Day* Commemorates the day Minnesota and all the other former states that currently make up the Minnesotan Confederacy joined together.
September, first Monday Labor Day* Celebrates the achievements of workers and the labor movement. Also marks the traditional end of summer.
September 19 Kaiser's Birthday* Celebrates the birth of Kaiser J.L. (b. 1956).
October 3 Crown Day* Commemorates the day the Minnesotan Confederacy became a monarchy.
November 11 Veterans Day* Honors all veterans of the Minnesotan Confederate armed forces. A traditional observation involves the ringing of a church bell 11 times at 11 A.M., remembering those who fought for peace.
November, fourth Thursday Thanksgiving* Celebrates the giving of thanks to God for the autumn harvest. Traditionally includes the consumption of a turkey dinner.
December 24 Christmas Eve*
December 25 Christmas Day*
December 31 New Year's Eve

note: **As Easter is on a Sunday, they would have had the day off anyway.


English is the official language, and proficiency in speaking it is a mandatory requirement for becoming a citizen. Spanish, Hmong, and Somali are spoken by minorities of those groups, but most native Minnesotans can also speak at least one of these languages, albeit not fluently, and many signs are posted in English as well as these three languages. French is the most popular language taught in schools, followed closely by Japanese and German.


Minnesotans are sports enthusiasts. A great enthusiasm for the outdoors predominates most Minnesotans' minds, and winter sports such as ice hockey, cross-country skiing, and ice fishing are immensely popular. In the summer, fishing is extremely popular, as is hunting in the fall. Minnesotans' favorite "ball" sports are football and baseball, although basketball and soccer are not too far behind. Major professional sports teams are the Vikings (football), Twins (baseball), Timberwolves (basketball), and Thunder (soccer).

National symbols


Minnesotan education is voluntary and 100% privatized. Schools operate on a competitive, commercial basis, meaning that there is an abundant number of schools, all actively competing to provide the highest quality education, in order to make a profit. This competition also keeps prices low, and for those who can't afford it, churches and private charities often provide free education. Homeschooling is another option.


Ages 4-5

In this stage, young Minnesotans learn the basic foundations of reading, writing, communications, and mathematics. The main emphasis at this stage is on social skills, positive interaction with peers, team work, mannerisms, and verbal communication.

Elementary school

Ages 6-10

In the first two years, students are drilled in lessons in nationalism, the basics of capitalism, and undying loyalty to the Kaiser. Rudimentary military training, such as gun safety, how to use weapons, amateur guerrilla tactics, etc., are usually taught around this time. Mostly, however, the emphasis is on mathematics, reading, grammar, science, and critical thinking. They are also indoctrinated in anticommunist propaganda. Students are also introduced to great literature, especially literature with underlying free-market themes.

Middle school

Ages 11-14

Students are introduced to more difficult math, such as algebra, as well as more advanced science and literature. Students reach an adult reading level around age 12, take at least three science classes by 13, and master pre-calculus by age 14.

High school

Ages 15-19

What little math, reading, science, etc. that the students have not mastered are finished here. They are introduced to political science and economics, and taught only pro-government, pro-capitalism, anti-democratic lessons. Some military training is also given. Students are also required to master at least two foreign languages. Home economics, drivers education, and others are also taught. Requirements for graduation include: an adult reading level; mastery of calculus or an equivalent; taking a minimum of five different disciplines of science; learning two foreign languages; passing a "Good Citizen" test; and writing a 25 page essay. Only when these requirement have been met is the student permitted to graduate.


Ages 20+

The Minnesotan Confederacy's colleges are ranked among the best in the world. Hundreds of courses, of all sorts of fields, are offered. Colleges have very strict admission policies, extremely strict standards, and are rigidly authoritarian in administering discipline. Failure, academic dishonesty, slothfulness, and inefficiency are not tolerated.

Politics and Law


Elections and suffrage

There are no elections of any kind whatsoever in the Minnesotan Confederacy, even local elections. Membership in the governing Minnesotan Patriot Party is compulsory for all citizens, and opposition parties are banned. Political interest groups, politically active non-governmental organizations, clubs, etc. are technically legal, but their activities are strictly regulated. Even saying the words "democracy" or "elections" can earn a person a lengthy stay in prison. Insulting the Royal Family is punishable by revocation of citizenship and permanent exile.

Executive branch

The head of state is His Imperial Majesty Kaiser J.L. I and the head of government is Chancellor Calvin Cyprian, Jr. The Kaiser appoints the Chancellor, the members of the National Assembly, the members of the Supreme Court, the Chancellor's Cabinet, the Chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the Governor-Generals of Commonwealth Realms. He can also dismiss any of the aforesaid officials whenever he wants, for whatever reason. He can veto any law, even if the Chancellor signs it into law. He also serves as Commander-in-Chief of the Minnesotan Confederate armed forces. The Chancellor signs into law bills that pass through the National Assembly, serves as an advisor to the Kaiser, represents the Kaiser in diplomatic functions abroad, and serves as temporary head of state if the Kaiser is incapacitated (but if the Kaiser dies or becomes vegetative, his designated heir succeeds him).

Legislative branch

There is a unicameral National Assembly, with 100 members, each appointed by the Kaiser. The National Assembly is responsible for drafting and passing laws, which, if successful, are either signed into law or vetoed by the Chancellor.

Judicial branch

The Supreme Court has eight Associate Justices and one Chief Justice, all appointed by the Kaiser. The Supreme Court reviews the nation's laws, validates their constitutionality, and strikes them down if they are found to be unconstitutional. However, the Kaiser can reverse any decision the Supreme Court makes.

Commonwealth Realms

Each Commonwealth Realm has an elected unicameral National Assembly headed by an elected Prime Minister. Each Commonwealth Realm is represented by a largely ceremonial Governor-General appointed by the Kaiser. Commonwealth Realms enjoy considerable autonomy, and manage their own economic, political, and military affairs. However, in the event of a national emergency in the Minnesotan Confederacy, they are required by law to send military aid.


Justice and Law

The justice system in the Minnesotan Confederacy is one of the strictest in the world. Even the mildest transgression is usually punished far more severely than it would be in other nations. However, the high level of individual freedoms means that many things regarded as "crimes" in some nations, such as prostitution and drug use, are not punishable, but actions that threaten peace and stability, harm others, or could potentially cause public disorder (rioting, demonstrating, murder, etc.) are punished to the fullest extent possible. The following are some of the execution methods, ranked from "most forceful" to "least forceful."

Execution methods
  • 1.Hanging, drawing, and quartering
  • 2.Burning at the stake
  • 3.Driving a stake through the heart
  • 4.Mauling by wolves or other animals
  • 5.Hanging
  • 6.Beheading
  • 7.Firing squad
Crime and Punishment

The following is a list of some of the major crimes, and how they are punishable.

  • Treason (or attacking a member of the Royal Family): Death by hanging, drawing, and quartering
  • Insulting the Kaiser or a member of the Royal Family: Revocation of citizenship and deportation
  • Advocating democracy: Death, method of execution chosen by court
  • First-degree murder: Death by hanging
  • Second-degree murder: Death by beheading
  • Manslaughter: Minimum - 15 years' imprisonment at hard labor; Maximum - 30 years' imprisonment at hard labor
  • Hit-and-run: 10 years' imprisonment and permanent revocation of drivers' license (elevate to manslaughter if the person who was hit dies)
  • Assault: 10-20 lashes and 6 months-3 years' imprisonment at hard labor
  • Pickpocketing: 5 lashes and 15-30 days' imprisonment
  • Theft of private property: Amputation of both hands (repeat offenders are executed by firing squad)
  • Shoplifting: Amputation of left hand (repeat offenders are executed by firing squad)
  • Breaking and entering: Amputation of left hand (repeat offenders are executed by firing squad)
  • Vandalism: 5 lashes and 15-30 days' imprisonment
  • Littering: $250 fine (amount doubles with each repeat offense)
  • Rape: Death by driving a stake through the heart
  • Non-rape sexual abuse: 25 lashes and 5-10 years' imprisonment at hard labor
  • Animal abuse: 10 lashes, forbidden by law from ever owning a pet again
  • Kidnapping: Death by hanging
  • Possessing, advertising, selling, publishing, or promoting media or literature considered leftist: Death, method of execution chosen by court
  • Slander or libel: 3-5 years' imprisonment
  • Plagiarism: $25,000 fine (if they are unable to pay it, they work as an indentured servant to the person they plagiarized until they pay it off; repeat offenders are executed by mauling by wolves)
  • Piracy: $50,000 fine (if they are unable to pay it, they work as an indentured servant to the person they plagiarized until they pay it off; repeat offenders are executed by mauling by wolves)
  • Bribery/corruption: Death by firing squad
  • Inciting a riot: Death by hanging
  • Participating in a riot: Death by beheading
  • Driving over the speed limit: Revocation of driver's license for 3-6 months (for the second offense, it is revoked 12-24 months; any further offense results in 10 years' revocation)
  • Driving through a red light: $1,000 fine (for the second offense, the fine is $5,000; any further offenses result in 10 years' revocation of their license)
  • Failure to yield to emergency vehicles: 25 lashes and 2-5 years' imprisonment
  • Starting an opposition political party: Death by burning at the stake
  • Joining an opposition party: Death by mauling by wolves

Foreign affairs

The Minnesotan Confederacy pursues a staunchly anticommunist foreign policy. It actively provides financial, logistical, diplomatic, and military support to anticommunist nations, alliances, insurgencies, organizations, and individuals around the world. It annually spends in excess of one trillion dollars trying to limit the spread and influence of communism as much as possible, as well as dislodge communist governments already in power. The Confederacy is equally contemptuous of fascism, though it does grudgingly form alliances with fascist nations as a mean of fighting communism. The Minnesotan Confederacy does, however, allow any nation at all to establish an embassy in the country, regardless of that nation's internal policies.

Friends and foes

The following is a list of nations the Minnesotan Confederacy considers allies (green) and enemies (red). Nations that do not appear on the list are either neutral or do not currently have relations with the Confederacy.

Russian Empire


The military of the Minnesotan Confederacy is absolutely massive, well-trained, well-disciplined, highly skilled, proficient in virtually every type of warfare, and amply funded (at least half the budget goes to the military). Morale is high, and most soldiers are more devoted to the Kaiser than the Japanese were to their Emperor in the Second World War. The military defends the Minnesotan Confederacy against all internal and external threats with a combination of zeal and efficiency.


The Minnesotan Confederate Army has long been the pride and joy of the Minnesotan Confederate military. It is the largest, best-trained, and best-funded unit of the military. The Army has 4,200,000 active duty soldiers, and 2,250,000 reserves. The Army's breakdown is as follows:

100 Infantry Divisions
50 Armored Divisions
50 Mechanized Infantry Divisions
25 Airborne Infantry Divisions
25 Airmobile Infantry Divisions
30 Special Forces Divisions
200 Reserve Divisions

Each of the afore-mentioned divisions is made-up as follows:

  • 1 Infantry Division = 15,000 heavy infantry, transported by Chevy 750 Technical Trucks and M1035 Hummers, with 150 M109A6 'Paladin' self-propelled howitzers, 150 M-48 Chapparral mobile SAM launchers, 150 Incinérateur 155mm Rapid Fire Artillery, and 200 assorted reconnaissance vehicles
  • 1 Armored Division = 15,000 grenadiers, 500 DM-41A1 Caeser MBTs, 1,750 M35A1 Testudo Next Generation IFVs, 150 M109A6 'Paladin' self-propelled howitzers, 150 M-48 Chapparral mobile SAM launchers, 150 Incinérateur 155mm Rapid Fire Artillery, 50 ILAAA Strykers, 50 Munich Mobile Anti-tank Vehicles, 25 M88A2 Heavy Recovery Vehicles, 25 XM7 Fire Support Team Vehicles, 100 Light Armored Vehicle-Mortars, and 200 assorted reconnaissance vehicles
  • 1 Mechanized Infantry Division = 15,000 heavy infantry, 750 M35A1 Testudo Next Generation IFVs, 750 G-120 APCs, 150 M109A6 'Paladin' self-propelled howitzers, 150 M-48 Chapparral mobile SAM launchers, 150 Incinérateur 155mm Rapid Fire Artillery, 50 ILAAA Strykers, 50 Munich Mobile Anti-tank Vehicles, 25 M88A2 Heavy Recovery Vehicles, 25 XM7 Fire Support Team Vehicles, 100 Light Armored Vehicle-Mortars, and 200 assorted reconnaissance vehicles
  • 1 Airborne Infantry Division = 15,000 paratroopers, transported by MV-68D Banshee II Light VTOL Transports, 1,500 M1035 Hummers, and 400 M1078 Standard Cargo Trucks, provided back-up by 100 M109A6 'Paladin' self-propelled howitzers, 100 M-48 Chapparral mobile SAM launchers, and 100 Incinérateur 155mm Rapid Fire Artillery
  • 1 Airmobile Infantry Division = 15,000 light infantry, transported by MV-68D Banshee II Light VTOL Transports, provided aerial support by 200 UH-60 Black Hawks and 200 RAH-66 Comanches, with ground support provided by 50 ILAAA Strykers and 50 XM7 Fire Support Team Vehicles
  • 1 Special Forces Division = 15,000 special operators, 100 R-1255 Urban Combat Vehicles, 200 MT-280 "Desert Foxes", 200 ST-280 "Arctic Foxes," 150 M109A6 'Paladin' self-propelled howitzers, 150 M-48 Chapparral mobile SAM launchers, 150 Incinérateur 155mm Rapid Fire Artillery, and 75 assorted reconnaissance vehicles
  • 1 Reserve Division = 15,000 light infantry, transported by Chevy 750 Technical Trucks and M1035 Hummers, with 150 M109A6 'Paladin' self-propelled howitzers, 150 M-48 Chapparral mobile SAM launchers, 150 Incinérateur 155mm Rapid Fire Artillery, and 200 assorted reconnaissance vehicles


The Minnesotan Confederate Navy, while nothing to be ashamed of, pales in contrast to the Army. An anemic budget, a lack of skilled tacticians, and a low number of recruits make the Navy not nearly as formidable as it could be. Because only a small part of the Confederacy (Maryland) is coastal, there is no need for a large Navy. The Navy mostly patrols the oceans and protects the Commonwealth Realms. The Navy is made up of the following ships:

  • Upholder/Victoria SSK x26
  • Ohio SSBN (with nukes) x18
  • Ohio SSGN x30
  • Galaxy SSN x90
  • Farragut armed blockade runner (stealth) x80
  • Golda Meir DDG x30
  • Chicago FFG x48
  • Menachem Begin BCN x40
  • Arizona BBG x40
  • Apostle-class Trimaran large cruisers x6
  • Legionaire-class command dreadnaughts x5
  • Imperium-class invasion dreadnaughts x10
  • Alliance class super cruisers x2
  • Tyrant class battleships x10
  • Helldawg V-class Trimaran heavy carriers x45 (each with 175 F-78F King Demons Next Generation Air Superiority Fighters)
  • Zealous class super dreadnaught x5
  • Azores class fast attack craft x60
  • Hornet-class amphibious assault ships x35
  • Prowler-class SSNs x40
  • LHD-1 Wasp class landing ships x60
  • LHD-49 Harpers Ferry class landing ships x60
  • LHA-1 Tarawa class amphibious assault ships x180
  • Dominance-class Trimaran AA destroyers x75
  • Conquest-class Trimaran ASW frigates x75
  • Executor class combat logistics ships x16
  • Gettysburg class guided missile battleships x30
  • Coral Sea class guided missile light battleships x30
  • Twain class coastal battleships x30
  • CG-59 Volcano class arsenal ships x60
  • Rothsky class anti-submarine destroyers x120
  • Saar MK-Vs x55
  • Perrigon class minesweepers x260

Air Force

The Minnesotan Confederacy's Air Force is not quite as laudable as the Army, but at least it's not the Navy. Pilots are renowned for their astonishing skills, superb leadership, and nearly limitless courage. The Air Force is well-funded, well-equipped, and more than capable of holding its own and maintaining dominion over the air. The Air Force's aircraft are as follows:

  • TSF-620A "Xeon" Air Superiority Fighters x1,000
  • TEF-622 "Sparrow" Multi-Role Fighter (Electronic Warfare version) x750
  • GF11 Archer Tactical Reconnaissance Unmanned Aerial Vehicles x750
  • TSF-616 "Eidolon" Air Superiority Fighters x1,250
  • SuF-5 Lion Multi-Role Fighters 1,000
  • IPO-70 Conqueror Helicopter Gunships x800
  • Lu-27 Condor Interceptors x1,250
  • UH-60 Black Hawks x2,000
  • RAH-66 Comanches x2,000
  • MV-68D Banshee II Light VTOL Transports x4,000
  • B-2 Spirits x500
  • B-9 Vexore Bombers x250
  • B-9 Sphinxes x250
  • SZ-4 "Warbird" Long-Range Strategic Bombers x300
  • SZ-5 "Snarl" Electronics Warfare Aircraft x750
  • KC-135 Stratotankers x3,000
  • KC-10A Extenders x3,000
  • KC-130 Hercules x3,000
  • E-3C Sentry Aircraft x250
  • CH-54B "Skycrane" Cargo Helicopters x2,000
  • SH-65A "Dolphin" ASW/Utility Helicopters x2,000
  • SZ-6 "Pegasus" Search and Rescue Helicopters x1,500
  • AC-10 "Rockhopper Penguin" Attack Helicopters x150
  • AC-20 "Penguin" Attack Helicopters x150
  • AC-50 "Emperor Penguin" Attack Helicopters x150
  • AC-70 "Mountain Penguin" Scout-Attack Helicopters x150


The Minnesotan Confederacy has a robust and booming free-market economy, entirely free of government hampering or intervention. Minimum wage laws, price controls, tariffs, corporate welfare, subsidies to farmers, product safety laws, worker safety laws, racial quotas, and any other laws which might stifle businesses are non-existent. No form of taxation exists except sales tax, and most of the government's budget, interestingly enough, comes from voluntary donations from citizens. The nation does not use paper of fiat money, only gold. All currency is made of 100% real gold, ensuring that money cannot be counterfeited, and ensuring the money remains stable and of high value. Private property rights are vehemently protected. No social entitlement programs exist whatsoever. Healthcare, road construction, postal services, education, housing, and everything else except law enforcement, military, and courts, are completely privatized. Therefore, competition flourishes, unsuccessful companies are allowed to fail, and only those who provide the best, highest quality, most affordable products remain in business. With no taxation (except sales tax), citizens are able to spend their money however they please. The poverty rate is very low, and what few poor people exist are often helped by private charities or the generosity of individual citizens. The country's annual growth rate is over 15%, and the unemployment rate is only 1.5%. The economy certainly attests to the success of the free-market, and nations around the globe envy and admire the Confederacy's rapidly growing, enormous, and vigorous economy.