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The Lynx Alliance
Flag of The Lynx Alliance
Motto: Decide Your Fate
Region Final Fantasy
Capital Angel's Reach, Capital Province
Official Language(s) English (universal), Resistancian, Frosbitarian, Kiaonese
Leader Archduke Lynx Raven Raide
Population 500 Million+
Currency The Credit 
NS Sunset XML


The Mythically Futuristic Archdutchy of The Lynx Alliance, TLA for short, is an island nation off the coast of mainland Final Fantasy. It is a merger of three nations: Resistancia, Frosbitaria and Kiaonisys. these three nations, owing to defence and other common ground, chose, by vote, to become a unified nation. On unification, a fourth province, Capital Province was founded where the three borders met in the center of TLA. The universal currency is the Credit. Each province has its own animal: the Resitancian Lynx, for the moderate climate of Resistancia, the Frosbitarian Lynx for the cooler climate of Frosbitaria, the Kiaonese Dragon for the tropical climiate of Kiaonisys, and the Wedge-Tail Eagle for Capital Province, as well as the Lynx in general being the national animal. TLA concideres itself to be semi future-tech, semi myth-tech, with the Kiaonese Dragon being the transport of the Hunters, TLA's elite force.

The Provinces


Resistancia is the oldest of TLA's province-nations, occupying the south-west portion of the continent. The province is comprised of the regions of the Coastal Cities, with a lush moderate climate, the Dust Bowl, an arid plain in the centre of Resistancia, stretching to the Kiaonisys border, and the Heavens Mountains that stretch into Frosbitaria. Angel's Reach was formerly the capital, but after the Incorporation, Edge City was chosen for a new capital. The main language of Resistancia is Resistancian, though Universal English is used for inter-province communication and in Border Town, and the other two main languages are used in border areas.

Edge City and the Coastal Cities

This lush region stretches from the Frosbitarian border, following the coast, and ends at Border Town. Edge City, the provincial capital, is a man-made island in a large bay, ringed by mountains, and connected to the mainland by a series of briges and tunnels. Two megopolises exist between Raideburg and Orion, and Lynx Harbour and the historical city of Fort Resist.

Dust Bowl

This desert area comprises of the cities Hekate, Shireton, Hell Dorado and Truth or Consequences. these main centers have sprung up like oasises, and have been reaching the sky ever since. This has become a mecca for motor sport fanatics, with the Anubis Sands endurance race becoming the Holy Grail for the province

Heavens Mountains

See next section


Frosbitaria is the cool northern province of TLA. It is know for its icey cold climate, mountainous terrain, and the living goddes Shiva, unofficial ruler of Frosbitaria. Despite the climate, the people give a warm welcome, enthusiastically learning Universal English, but fearcly protecting the Frosbitarian language, especially in rituals. The regions vary, from the Heavens Mountains to the Atlantian Penninsular. But the most glorious is Shiva's Palace in Grand Valley

Atlantis and the Atlantian Penninsular

The Atlantian Penninsular starts with the mountains between Leifburg and Bundstag, and end at the point of the provincial capital, Atlantis. This place was chosen as a more secular alternative to Shiva's Palace, not to mention Shiva not wanting to expand it. Atlantis has been dubbed the most futuristic city in TLA, and as such is the unoffical base for the Technology sector. The pennisular itself is a long plain, gradually rising to meet the border of the Rogan Mountains.

Heavens Mountains

This region stretches from Midgard in the east, to Ice Palai in the west, and also covers the north east area of Resistancia and Capital Province. It can be the most tretcherous piece of real estate in TLA, although some people have built small towns along here. the mountains also host The Sumit, the ultimate race track in TLA.

Grand Valley

The Grand Valley is situated between the Rogan and Heavens Mountains, from 50 SKM south of Bundstag to Archangel, and holds Shiva's Palace. This magestical place holds the Throne of Shiva, and is the lowest point in TLA, sitting 33.65 SKM below sea level. water is expelled from this area by a magical force. Forrests dot the valley floor, but it mostly contians vast grasslands.

Rogan Mountains

The Rogan Mountains region covers the mountains themselves, plus the low lying plains of the north west coast. The mountains cover an area between Bundstag, Leifburg, and the top of Odin's Sound, a gulf in the west. Odin's Lot and Freya have been known as strategic navel bases for both Frosbitaria and TLA, but are also tourist destinations, sampling the native attractions.


Quite a few millenia ago, an asiatic race of people settled on the south-eastern coast of the Lynx Continent. Their settlement, Tai Lao, sparked a light that became a nation 2000 years ago. Kiaonisys was the last partner to join the Incorporation, but has had unwavering support ever since. A climatic line from Jade Harbour to Bantang divides the province into its two regions. The Kiaonese have intergrated Universal English, Frosbitarian and Resistancian into their curriculum, although they traditionally use Kiaonese within their borders.

Tai Lao Region

Tai Lao is a tropical region, popular with tourists. Tai Lao, the city, is the provincial capital, and is steeped in culture. Various deltas dot the coast around Bantang and Moonstone, whilst the techno-port of Tokio is quickly turning into a sprawling metropolis. Fort Oumph and Jade Harbour are the traditional Kiaonese naval ports, but have since turned into Kiaonese spititual centres.

Diaman Region

The temperate north-western region, the Borderlands, or Daiman in the Kiaonese tongue, is occupied by vast woodland, rolling hills, and in the north and around Petropolis, jaggared mountains. Petropolis is the staging point for The Hunters, an elite force comprised of 30 Kiaonese, 30 Frosbitarian, 30 Resistancian and 10 Capiral Province fighters, who ride the Kiaonese Dragons into battle.

Capital Province

This area is also known as the Seat of Heaven, for it is the highest point in TLA. Angel's Reach sits in a crater in the center of the Seat of Heaven. A majestic structure, the city is one tall building, shaped like an angel reaching for the stars. Whilst serving as, at first, the Resistancian, now TLA capital, it is primarily a political city. It does have a population limit, and the rule that unless you work there, you cannot live there. The only exception is the immediate families of workers.


TLA is affiliated with these organisations:


these are articles about TLA that have come up: