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! align="right" | Winner(s):  
! align="right" | Winner(s):  
| Innocents: ''Buttery Boonswoggles, Oldham Road, Sherylannia, Undracor''
| Innocents: ''Buttery Boonswoggles, Oldham Road, Sherylannia, Undracor''
! align="right" | Tagline:
| <i>'In the Common Room, no one can hear you scream..'</i>

Latest revision as of 16:11, 19 June 2007

Spectrum Werewolf/ Mafia
Name: The Common Room
Game: Werewolf
Host: White-Rose
Commenced: September 2006
Winner(s): Innocents: Buttery Boonswoggles, Oldham Road, Sherylannia, Undracor
Tagline: 'In the Common Room, no one can hear you scream..'

Werewolf: The Common Room was a Werewolf game hosted in The Spectrum by White-Rose, then a first-time host. He later returned with Werewolf: The Dreamings

The game revolved around the Sixth Form that all the players attended, with most roles being based on people relevant to school life. Plots contained many in-jokes between each player and the host, especially if they were recent as the plot for a certain day would be based around actual events that day. Plots were also notably informal, using emoticons and side notes. For example, the closing line for each Day plot was 'Goodnight ;)'


Rules used were standard with a few exceptions. Each Day period lasted two realtime days and each Night period lasted one realtime day. If majority was not reached, a weighted system was used to determine the player to be executed.

i.e Person A has 1 vote, Person B has 3 votes. A has 1/4 chance of being the person executed, B has 3/4 chance.


(in signup order)


Alignment = Evil (OMT)

You plan to take over this Sixth Form once and for all, so you can spread your glorious method of teaching throughout the Northwest, and eventually the world!


POWERPOINT: Each night, send me the name of someone you wish to kill using one of your Powerpoints.

FRUSTRATION:* Message me when you wish to use this one-off power. Once during the game you may use past paper questions on topics you haven’t taught yet. The victim will lose all their role powers permanently. However, they may still vote. This power is used at NIGHT.

SLIDE PREPARATION: Message me when you wish to use this one-off power. Once during the game you may kill another player during the DAY phase, in order to prepare a microscope slide of their brain.

Alignment = Evil

A secret spy for another Oldham Sixth Form, you are. Ooh, you jammy bugger. Your partner in crime is: [name] and together, you must try and eliminate the most prominent members of Our Lady’s Sixth Form. *cackle*


ASSASSINATE: Each night, one of your team should send me the name of someone you wish to stab to death.

STICKYBOMB: Message me when you wish to use this one-off power. Once during the game you may plant one of your special bombs on a player. You may select one of your own team. Once placed, this bomb will explode and kill anyone attempting to carry out a night action on the planted player. The planted player themselves will survive. This power is used at NIGHT.

Alignment = Evil

A secret spy for another Oldham Sixth Form, you are. Ooh, you jammy bugger. Your partner in crime is: [name] and together, you must try and eliminate the most prominent members of Our Lady’s Sixth Form. *cackle*


ASSASSINATE: Each night, one person from your team should send me the name of someone you wish to stab to death.

STICKYBOMB: Message me when you wish to use this one-off power. Once during the game you may plant one of your special bombs on a player. You may select one of your own team. Once placed, this bomb will explode and kill anyone attempting to carry out a night action on the planted player. The planted player themselves will survive. This power is used at NIGHT.

Alignment = Innocent

You were one of the lucky ones who actually found out the First Aid Course was happening. And wow, the skills you’ve gained might just save some lives!


TAIL: Each night, send me the name of a person you wish to follow around. If they get attacked that night, you’ll surely be able to aid them back to full health.

SELF-AID: The first time you are attacked, you survive the attack as you are able to carry out first aid to yourself. However, you will not be able to save yourself from any subsequent attacks. THIS POWER APPLIES TO EXECUTION.

Alignment = Innocent (initally)

So, what’s in this week? You’re one of those Sixth Form posers who just does what everyone else does. You have no abilities of your own, but hell, why not copy someone else’s?! Now go listen to Razorlight.


MIMIC: Once the first player has died, you will inherit their entire role and alignment with any remaining powers they have.

Alignment = Innocent

You were selected to cover a randomly ill Year 9 this morning on Welcome Rota. How lucky you forgot to take back those files on everyone in the room you’d been asked to sort out. For once, doing the Receptionist’s job might actually come in useful!


BACKGROUND CHECK: Each night, send me the name of someone whose file you want to secretly look through. You will receive information on the person in question’s alignment.

Alignment = Innocent

You’re known for hiding away in the corner of the Common Room drawing demons and the suchlike. However, maybe now it’s time to take a more active stance. Your knowledge of the dead can finally surface itself in the form of unnatural powers!


NECROMANCY: Message me when you wish to use this power. You begin the game with one resurrect. This allows you to bring back one player from the dead. This power may be used DAY OR NIGHT. And this doesn’t include Whitmorium :P

DEATHPROPHECY: Three times during the game, you may message me with a guess at one name who will die that night. If you successfully predict the death, you will gain another resurrect. Guesses must be sent to me during DAY. You may use more than one guess per day.

Alignment = Innocent

Ah, a well respected member of the Sixth Form Council! As a Senior Prefect you can do all sorts of cool things like shoot lasers out of your eyes and fly and..who am I kidding, you have some keys and paper, that’s it..


LOCK-IN: Each night, send me the name of a person you wish to lock in Miss Boyko’s office. That night, they will not be able to carry out any activities, and all activities carried out on them will fail.

ASSEMBLY:* Message me when you wish to use this one-off power. Once during the game, you may call an assembly. This will extend the day period by another realtime day and give more time for discussion. Also, if possible, the next day within Sixth Form during break, the living players in the Common Room will be rounded up to sit together for a discussion. This power must be used during DAY.

Alignment = Innocent

So it’s you who’s been writing on everything recently! How naughty.. lockers, walls, the whiteboard, is nothing safe?! Still, at least no-one knows it’s you...


VANDALISE: Each night, I can convey an anonymous message in the plot for you. As well as telling me what the writing is to say, you should also specify where it is found, i.e written on the whiteboard, scrawled on the displays.

Alignment = Innocent.

You’ve been friends with White-Rose so long, and you know he looks up to you. He’s always trying to hang around with you as he thinks you’re so kewl. You could definitely influence his behaviour this game.


SUBTLE THUMBS UP:* Message me when you wish to use this one-off power. Once during the game you may tell me the name of a player, and I will daykill them for you. Just make sure it’s a baddie, yeh? :P Obviously, you can only use this power during DAY.

SUBTLE THUMBS DOWN:* Message me when you wish to use this one-off power. Once during the game you may tell me the name of a player who majority is currently on, and I will not kill them when execution time comes. Just make sure it’s an innocent, yeh? :P Again, you can only use this power during DAY.

'*'-This power was never used.

Game Summary

Nintenduu 64 votes Adoggo.
Buttery Boonswoggles votes Adoggo.
Sherylannia votes Adoggo.
Mushy Pea votes Adoggo.
Oldham Road votes Adoggo.
Calumnius votes Adoggo. - MAJORITY REACHED.

Adoggo was executed... but didn’t die.

Adoggo [First Aid Student] was locked in Miss Boyko’s Office, then (unrelatedly) suffered Death by Powerpoint. However his aura is still present.
Mushy Pea [Welcome Rota] was stabbed.
A strange message was found.

Mushy Pea was resurrected.
Mushy Pea [Welcome Rota] had slides of her brain prepared and died once again.
Sherylannia votes Calumnius.
Oldham Road votes Calumnius.
Calumnius votes IKBTY.
Buttery Boonswoggles votes Calumnius.

IKBTY [Bluecoat Assassin] is executed.

Dhatsun [Senior Prefect] suffered Death by Powerpoint.
A strange message was found.

Calumnius votes Calumnius.
Nintenduu 64 votes Calumnius.
Buttery Boonswoggles votes Calumnius.
Oldham Road votes Calumnius. - MAJORITY REACHED
Undracor votes Calumnius.
Sherylannia votes Calumnius.

Calumnius [Crompton House Assassin] was executed.
The Assassins have been defeated.

Sherylannia was exposed to a Powerpoint, but was healed.

Buttery Boonswoggles votes Nintenduu 64.
Oldham Road votes Nintenduu 64.
Sherylannia votes Nintenduu 64. - MAJORITY REACHED
Nintenduu 64 votes Undracor.
Undracor votes Nintenduu 64.

Nintenduu 64 [Heinous Biology Teacher] was executed.
The OMT has been defeated.
The innocents, Buttery Boonswoggles [Vandal], Oldham Road [First Aid Student], Sherylannia [Necromantic Artist] and Undracor [White-Rose's Best Friend] have won.



It was an ordinary day at Sixth Form. The sun was nonexistent, the pigeons were scavenging, and Mr McDonagh could be heard from Vaughan St. tearing into a Y8 for breaking a ruler. Nothing unusual happened all day, but tonight was something a bit different.

‘3:15 in the Common Room, meeting to arrange Oxjam’ White-Rose had written on his diary to remind himself what was going on. He’d also written a note on his hand telling him books are for writing in, not on.

As the many plot-irrelevant members of the Sixth Form began to leave the room, there sat down twelve people at the table; I Know Better Than You, Nintenduu 64, Dhatsun, Mushy Pea, Enthalpy Change/Adoggo, Oldham Road, Sherylannia, Buttery Boonswoggles, Undracor, Calumnius, White-Rose, and the most often unseen Whitmorium.

‘Close the window, Dhatsun, then we’ll get started.’ requested Whitmorium as the weather turned foul upon them. Rain began to spit through the windows onto the fragments of newspaper that the Lower 6th had left, creating a bloody great mess that the Upper 6th would most likely have to clean up in the morning. :(

The rain turned heavier and heavier as the group began to discuss matters until it could be ignored no more. Lightning flashed outside, the all weather pitch could now pass as a Grade 2 Quagmire. ‘Was there supposed to be a storm today?’ Mushy Pea asked, before a student who seemed to be searching the room for giraffes answered her question. Nintenduu 64 remarked ‘I’ve never seen the weather so bad..’

At that moment, there was a huge crack of thunder as lightning struck around the Sixth Form block, before an almighty crash as the trees outside fell into the building, smashing through the doorways to the Common Room. Everyone screamed in shock, before Buttery Boonswoggles got up to assess the damage. ‘We’re trapped in.. no way we can get through all this debris..’

Adoggo noted the irony. ‘On a bloody Friday as well! People won’t know we’re here.’ I Know Better Than You tried to keep things calm, however. ‘Well, don’t panic. We’ll just have to wait until someone comes and rescues us. For now we have running water and (for the purposes of this plot) fully stocked vending machine.’

Sherylannia cried out, ‘But we’ll never have enough 50p’s to keep us going!’. ‘Don’t Panic,’ Undracor said, either having a plan or quoting Hitchiker’s Guide To The Galaxy, ‘I’m sure Calumnius has the l33t skillz to hack that vending machine.’ As Calumnius, who had a strange, scratch-like scar across his face, got up to attempt the task that’d solve their hunger while they waited, there was a loud crash. Part of the lighting had fell down onto Whitmorium, killing him instantly.

‘Shame… those lights were gonna be replaced next week!’ Oldham Road commented. White-Rose felt the need to say something. He got up, and took the badge off the body of Whitmorium, and put it on his own suit.

‘Right. I’m now the Head Boy,’ he spoke the words everyone wanted to hear from him for so long. ‘So I’m now in charge of this situation. I believe there are some presences here that caused this ‘accident’. We’re going to have to get rid of them via a system of voting… do you all remember the time we played Werewolf? Well, this is it. Except it’s actually happening.. good job I still have my whip and gun with me from Liz’s 18th..’

With that, debate set in as to who would possibly do such a thing..

Day 1

The group had had a good long think.

White-Rose drifted around questioning people. “So, who do you think we should kill?” he asked Mushy Pea. She responded in an unexpected way. “Ad0gg0 c0s 1 @m t3h l33t tr@ff1< l1gh7 h@x0r ROFL” White-Rose backed away slowly.

“What about you two?” he asked Oldham Road and Nintenduu 64. “Well since there still aren’t any giraffes, it’s best that we kill Adoggo.” they agreed.

“Hurry it up Waitrose, everyone clearly wants to kill Adoggo!” Dhatsun heckled.

“It’s…WHITE-ROSE!!!” With a fury embodied by his hatred for Southern Supermarkets, White-Rose quickly drew out his gun and shot Adoggo in the chest.

Then he felt the need to say a few words. “Now, let’s all mourn the death of our dear friend-“ “You do realise I’m not dead?” Adoggo retorted whilsting mopping blood up off himself and applying a bandage to the wound. “Come on, if I can survive getting mashed between a car and a lorry, I can survive that!”

“Very well,” said White-Rose, “but now how do I finish that sentence, ?” “our dear friend Whitmorium?” Calumnius suggested. “Pfft, sod that!” White-Rose replied, “Now we should all get some sleep. Listening to The Killers and voting to kill really takes it out of you, doesn’t it?”

As the lights went out, Undracor had an idea. (Wa-hey!) ”I know, let’s play ‘On My Slow Boat To Chin-‘” “NO!” everyone made their opinon quite clear.

Night 1

Everyone awoke next morning to a terrifying sight. Undracor had stripped his clothing during the night! (((Yes, as long as you’re not checking the game, I’m going to be making fun of you.)))

‘Hey, look, in Miss Boyko’s office!’ Nintenduu 64 noticed something else. As White-Rose tried opening the door he found it locked, and took the spare key out of his pocket and opened it. Inside he found a very much dead Adoggo slumped over on the desk. ‘HA! COULDN’T BANDAGE THAT ONE, COULD YOU, BIATCH?!’ White-Rose had one of his ‘moments’, before reassuring everyone he was actually an innocent.

Calumnius recoiled in shock. ‘Oh God no, is that what I think it is?!’ It was. On the desk in front of the body of Adoggo there was a laptop, which appeared to be running a presentation on Meiosis and Genetic Inheritance. Everyone’s expression turned to sheer horror. Dhatsun spoke the terrible truth as he’d suffered this torture himself, but never seen it taken so far.. ‘…Death by Powerpoint!’ White-Rose did the senselessly disrespectful fumbling-in-pockets of the body, to make a discovery. ‘Plasters, bandages, antiseptic… I think Adoggo was the First Aid Student, and if anyone got attacked he could help them recover. Such as what he did to himself after I shot him.’ The group was silent, each one of them feeling slightly tingly. Not guilty in the least, though. ‘..weird. Adoggo’s most definitely dead, but I can still feel his aura around here.. maybe it’s coming from one of us..’

‘Egads! Look what else has happened!’ Sherylannia shouted as he looked over in the far corner. There was now blood AND litter on the Common Room floor. White-Rose’s eyes followed the trail of blood to the body of Mushy Pea, who had been repeatedly stabbed during the night. White-Rose took a closer look. ‘Stabbed, shame…’ ‘What are those?’ questioned IKBTY as he nodded towards the folders Mushy Pea was holding. White-Rose seemed to know. ‘They look like files on all of our identities. I’m guessing Mushy Pea was on Welcome Rota, and she could check one of our background’s each night..’

Oldham Road felt terribly nauseated, whether this was due to the corpses or the fact Undracor was naked was unclear. As he rushed down the hallway that housed the toilets, he noticed something in the corner of his eye. A small etching could be seen on the very bottom locker, situated next to a pillar like part of the wall. He bent down to read the words as everyone gathered to see what was there: "The suspicious natures of Calumnius, Undracor & Adoggo must be further investigated. I call for someone to investigate their perona's, and hope that what is found is not against our own mortality.." Everyone was baffled by this, expecting a signature, but alas, none was there.

‘How odd..’ White-Rose said, ‘Let’s see if we can sit down and work all this out.’ With that a debate started… about whether Buttery Boonswoggles was allowed Roses or not. Then they just talked about voting, or something..

Day 2

Two plots are unavailable from this day, the resurrection and killing once more of Mushy Pea.

“Woo! We’ve definitely got something right for once!” Buttery Boonswoggles shouted as he switched on the CD player onto a certain track.

He danced around the room, with Sherylannia and Oldham Road joining him. They sang in chorus “Choo choo choo, come on and join the voting, doo doo doo, come on let’s kill Calum!” Unfortunately no-one else bothered to get up and join in.

Calum protested, “But I’m an innocent! It’s IKBTY you want to kill! He even said so!” White-Rose took all this into account and did the calculations. “Hmm. No majority. Randomising time!” He spun his gun around on the table and it ended up pointing straight in the crotch of..

..IKBTY. White-Rose picked up the gun and aimed at his head to save all the lads a horrible sight. Shooting him dead within two shots, he poked at his corpse. Inside his jacket was found to be a knife that was clean.

‘Hang on..there’s more to the story here.’ White-Rose realised, before tearing off IKBTY’s clothing (in the utmost of asexual ways) to reveal him wearing a Bluecoat uniform. ‘Aha! This makes sense! IKBTY must have been a Bluecoat Assassin, who was trying to kill off the great people of Our Lady’s.. We had our first baddy kill, let’s celebrate!’

After a brief party with the biscuits stashed in the cupboard and paper cup hats (good old 66) the group went to bed again.. Goodnight ;)

Night 2

The group awoke once more, feeling confused after reflecting upon all that’s happened so far, and on the concept of where the hell the CDs went..

However CDs were not the only thing they were missing, as yet another person had died. The body of Dhatsun was found sprawled over a chair, a laptop set up in front of him running a presentation on genetic crosses of mice. What made it worse is that it didn’t even stay on the screen long enough for the information to be understood, moving onto some allegedly self-explanatory pictures. White-Rose admitted he had issues, before checking Dhatsun’s pockets.

He found a Senior Prefect badge and a key. “It looks like Dhatsun was the Senior Prefect, and each night he could lock someone in Miss Boyko’s office..”

“That’s it? That’s all that’s happened?” Undracor asked, expecting a more exciting game than this. Nintenduu 64 was poised to speak, but he was interrupted by a splash of blood that hit him in between the eyes.

The group looked up to see the ceiling completely covered in blood, the message “Calumnius! Guilty!Calumnius! Guilty!Calumnius! Guilty!Calumnius! Guilty!Calumnius! Guilty!Calumnius! Guilty!Calumnius! Guilty!Calumnius! Guilty!Calumnius! Guilty!Calumnius! Guilty!Calumnius! Guilty!Calumnius! Guilty!Calumnius! Guilty!Calumnius! Guilty!Calumnius! Guilty!” written seemingly endlessly.

White-Rose licked some of the dripped blood from the side of his cheek. “This..tastes like Ulmeyda’s blood… or at least I Know Better Than You’s…” With this, debate set in as to how long the masterpiece took, and also whether heterozygous Agouti mice crossed would result in any Albino offspring. Oh, and someone mentioned voting eventually.

Day 3

‘Oldham Road. Calumnius. Sherylannia. Buttery Boonswoggles. Nintenduu 64. Undracor. 6 different players, 22 different sums of money, and just one question. Execution or No Execution?’ White-Rose walked over to the tables set up with big red boxes.

‘Let’s see who today’s player is…Calumnius!’ Calumnius picked up his box and moved over to the main table.

‘Calumnius, 17, from Oldham?’ ‘That’s right.’ Calumnius said. ‘And you’re an Innocent?’ Calumnius remained silent and looked to one side. ‘Ok, great, now before we begin, I have to verify that you chose your box at random?’

‘Random? What?! You told us all to write our votes in the box-‘ Oldham Road was interrupted. ‘Just go along with it! Aw dammit, we forgot the theme tune! Just pick a box..’ White-Rose dropped the Noely Noely voice and watched as Calum asked for ‘Number 3, Sherylannia.’

Sherylannia ripped the seal off his box and opened it very slowly, which frustrated everyone else. ‘Ooh, it’s Calumnius! That’s not a good start for you.’ ‘Ok then.. Box 1, Undracor.’ Undracor said ‘Good luck, Calumnius’ before opening his box to reveal… also Calumnius!

‘Ooh. That’s not good. This next box is such an important choice for you. We’ve never had an opening like this. If the next box is Calumnius, this game will go down in history.’

‘Number 4, Nintenduu?’ Nintenduu opened his box to reveal the same. At this point Buttery Boonswoggles got a bit restless. ‘Look, they ALL say Calumnius, can you just kill him already?’

White-Rose looked at everyone. ‘Ready for the question? Ok, Execution or No Execution?’ Everyone said in unison ‘Execution.’ White-Rose shot Calumnius straight in the back of the head as blood sprayed all over his box.

‘Oh, so THAT’s why they’re red..’ Oldham Road had a realisation. He was about to check in Calumnius’ pockets. ‘Wait, I don’t even need to, you all know what he was. Well, let’s finish the game.’ White-Rose opened Calumnius’ box to reveal… another Calumnius!

Everyone applauded as White-Rose put the theme to University Challenge on the CD player, and got out the Twister (TM!!!) mat. Goodnight ;)

Night 3

Once again, the group awoke to a horrific sight. There were now less than half of their numbers left, and not even wearing an Oxjam badge could save you. But First Aid could.

Sherylannia seemed to have been exposed to a Powerpoint during the night, but he was stable. Judging from the empty needle he’d had a medical stimulant used on him that prevented him from dying during the ordeal.

“What happened to you?” Buttery Boonswoggles asked him, concerned about the disturbing way he was staring at the windows. “God it was horrible..” he uttered, “Chi squared equals the sum of O minus E squared over E. GAH!” White-Rose moved him aside so they could see the laptop. ‘The Chi-Squared distribution!’ Undracor cried. ‘The most boring of all Genetics topics!’ Nintenduu 64 cried. ‘WHAT?!’ Oldham Road cried.

“I think it’s time we all sat down… and voted!” White-Rose cracked his whip and it got mentioned for the first time since the beginning of the game, thanks to his memory not being what it used to.

Day 4

White-Rose had keeled over holding his stomach in agony. ‘Argh…just you guys go ahead and play execution yourself, I need to rest.’ ‘Hmm, maybe you released a BIOLOGICAL virus eh, NINTENDUU?!’ Oldham Road pointed at Nintenduu 64. ‘No, actually, I just ate from the canteen the other day an- ohh, I see. Cryptic voting. Very funny.’

Sherylannia stood up. ‘I think we should kill Nintenduu. With a spade. I mean not a spade, obviously, but something like that… how about an airhorn? You’re the executioner anyway.’

Buttery Boonswoggles stood up. ‘I’ve got to say, it’s Nintenduu for me too. Although not the console. I wouldn’t ever dream of killing classics like Kirby and the Crystal Shards. FIRE SWORD POWAH!’

Undracor stood up. But then he sat back down again.

Nintenduu 64 stood up, the gun being pointed at him by an in-pain White-Rose. ‘Why aren’t you listening to me? It’s UNDRACOR! Mini Les even told me so!!!’

‘Mini Les can’t save you now, Nintenduu..’ White-Rose clicked the gun. Nintenduu looked very angry. ‘And I would’ve gotten away with it too, if it wasn’t for you meddling-‘*BLAMF* ‘Why did he just say blamf?’ Undracor stared at him (interpret that how you will). ‘No idea.’ said White-Rose, before shooting him till he got deaded.

White-Rose checked his pockets. He found red pens, Quality Street, exam questions and a membership card for ‘Evil Inc.’ ‘It seems that Nintenduu 64 was the Heinous Biology Teacher, who was killing us all with Powerpoints.. this means, there’s no more baddies! We’re safe!’

Buttery Boonswoggle, Sherylannia, Oldham Road and Undracor all happily celebrated, as by amazing coincidence Mr Plumb had used his natural blessing to help break through the debris at that very moment, to rescue the missing Sixth Formers.

‘We’re all saved!!’ Sherylannia shouted as they ran outside to have a laddish game of football, and all was well once more in the land of Middle Earth. Or the Common Room.

White-Rose stood surverying the bodies. Suddenly he realised. He fell to his knees in anger, frustration and horror. ‘Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!’

They’d been there four days. Not once had they done what they originally stayed there to do. Oxjam had gone unorganised.



  • Whitmorium, who dies in the opening plot is not and has never been an actual nation in The Spectrum.
  • Calumnius is referenced to have a scar. Contrary to popular belief this is not a clue of his role in the game (which happened to be a baddie), but a homage to him as the previous Werewolf host.
  • The game contains references to all sorts of media, such as the comedy series That Mitchell and Webb Look and the videogame Killer7.

The Spectrum Werewolf/Mafia Games
Werewolf | The Common Room | The Dreamings | Heroes | From Sabrateur With Love
It's Like Werewolf But Better | Harry Potter | Dark Turnabout