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(Guffingfordii political chart)
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|}Remaining percentage and chancellary seats are small nationalist or right-wing parties.
Remaining percentage and chancellary seats are small nationalist or right-wing parties.
The Senate controls and corrects the Chancellary if needed. They also ratify amendments and they design new laws which the Chancellary has to approve. The system isn't complicated and it works amazingly well.
The Senate controls and corrects the Chancellary if needed. They also ratify amendments and they design new laws which the Chancellary has to approve. The system isn't complicated and it works amazingly well.

Revision as of 07:34, 26 February 2005

Flag guffingford.jpg
Flag of Guffingford
Motto: Today is a good day to die, but the day is not over yet
Present day/future Germany, Poland, Faroe Islands, Benelux, Finland, Norway and Greenland
Region Imperial Armies
Capital Oslo
Official Language(s) German, English, Dutch, French, Norse, Finnish and Polish - official language is Latin
Leader Adolph Leighmar, Führer of National Socialist Guffingford
Population +/- 3.450 billion
Currency Reichsmark 
NS Sunset XML

Guffingford: at a glance

From the ashes of Austar Union and the occupation of Unified Sith, Russian Forces and Holy Panooly; Guffingford has risen to power in Europe. Guffingford is a strange nation where a totalitarian oligarchy known as the Central Committee controls the population by satisfying all their basic needs. A human gets instant satisfaction from food, sex and fighting. The first and last are filled by a daily dose of government planted and distrubuted food - added drugs to empower emotions such as love and hatred. Sexuality is the most difficult to control so the government has recently outlawed all means of sexuality not meant to procreate.

The party of Guffingford in omnipresent: posters, television, radio, newspapers and all other forms of media have been put under strict state control. The nation itself is an absolute fotress where you cannot come in unless it has to be strictly for business for government led tourism hrough popular sites. A strong sense of hatred against Judaism, communism, Islam, Buddhism and other "heathen" and "unworthy" religion fans the flames ignited by the government who uses the hate to pass more oppressive laws. Guffingford is one of the most totalitarian nations with a population supporting the government unconditionally.

Guffingfordii political chart

Party Leader(s) Description National member percentage Seats in the Reichs Chancellery
National Socialist Labour Party (NSLP) Adolph Leighmar Leading party of the German Reich, the NSLP wants to create a free-market state with a balanced economy where the rich and poor can live a good and prosperous life. Although mainly focussed on defence (approved by the Senate and whole Chancellary) the NSLP does care about the welfare of citizens. The healthcare-, public transport-, and energy sectors have been bought back by the NSLP under the watchful eye of the Senate to ensure social welfare for every citizen of Guffingford. 56% 97
Liberal Fascist Front (LFF) Vannevar Luccian Originates from Holy Panooly, the LLF promotes enviroment friendly capitalism. Clean industries, technologies to reduce the greenhouse effect are the party's main priorities. Because of their effort to save the beautiful German forests their popularity increased at the expense of the NSLP. 19% 69
Christo Victor United (CVU) Petrov Ardjanevski A christian fundementalist party founded on the principles of Love for God and the Ten Commandments. They have little influence but they are a very pacifistic party, but very conservative. Not on hostile terms with communist ideologies yet it doesn't mean they approve the communist way of thinking. 14% 32

Remaining percentage and chancellary seats are small nationalist or right-wing parties.

The Senate controls and corrects the Chancellary if needed. They also ratify amendments and they design new laws which the Chancellary has to approve. The system isn't complicated and it works amazingly well.

The history of Guffingford & Misc information

From the third century before Christ to the dawn of the vikings the tribe known as Guff was settled on what is now known as Newfoundland and a massive landbody between Greenland and Canada, where the Guff tribes are originally from. When the vikings reached Vinland (Newfoundland) they called the indian, native Guff tribes "skraelings" which can be translated as wildmen. They were hunters/scavengers without a real background or social hierachy. A tribal leader led the town and his band of warriors, archaeology shows. When the vikings left Vinland a few outcasts of the Guff tribe went with them and settled in Greenland, Norway and Finland. They adopted to the Norse and Finnish ways of life and grew into a wealthy part of the countries. Yet, returning to the lands of Guff was out of the question, the barren frozen scrubland wasn't suited for such a population. Norway was gradually overtaken by men who wish to build a strong Guffingford, a nation worthy of the men who built and shaped it. This happened in 2004, spring. Then, a massive blitz stormed the coast of The Netherlands and storming into Belgium and Luxembourg. After negotiating with the Holy Panooly government the eastern half of Germany was given to Guffingford, a few years later after talks with Unified Sith, the western half of Germany was given to Guffingford. Poland and Lithuania followed the next few months.

Now the nation has returned to National Socialism and denies the existance of WW1 and WW2. All of the concentration camps have been blown up, all history books changed yet all leading figures of the Third Reich are still the same, but they died of natural causes. People who claim that WW1 and WW2 have happened are sentenced to death as a warning to others. The large ineffecient government is mainly concerned with defence, law and order while commerce and social welfare are secondary priorities. The economy itself is quite liberal for national socialist standards but the influence of capitalism is limited to the masses only. CEO's enjoy the same basic rights as any normal citizen; this is where a limited form of extreme left economic policies have been implemented: all workers no matter if they are a carpenter or a wealthy business man: when they are out on the street they get the same amount of money. According to the German Common Law (ratified on June 2003) all labourers are declared equal and are treated equal. Private hostipals must accept patients when the current hospital capacity is at its maximum and CEO's or any other executive corporate figures cannot and may not demand to be transferred to their personal clinic if not necessary. Insurance companies must accept everyone as a customer and the basic prinicples of medical care are as follows:

  • A patient must receive the same care as any other
  • Money may not play a role in the process of healing and/or revalidation
  • If a patient requires direct medical aid then the respective insurance company(s) must pay in full, only if the patient cannot afford the treatment. If a patient is over the specified payment treshold then the payment to the hospital must be proportional to the patient's last salary.

Flags, banners & ensigns


Official flag of Guffingford, also used as the personal ensign of the Führer. The oak leaves represent fertility and a good harvest, the Iron Cross represents loyalty and honour and the helmet stands for strenght and might while the sword stands for justice and judgment. When the flag is used as a naval jack, the black bar and the Eagle on the hoist side are removed and the central image is moved to the middle. The civil ensigns are the national flags of each nation.


Official Prussian coat of arms. Used throughout Prussia (even some parts of Soviet Lithuania) but is rarely seen outside Germany. It only sees use during ceremonies or when the Führer promotes a Prussian officer to the Knights of the Iron Cross. It is strictly forbidden to wave this flag when there's nothing to celebrate of national importance.


Flag of the cabinet. Every member of the cabinet must have this flag waving below the Guffingfordii flag in his home. Although an actual law has been made of this rule, nobody does it and no one enforces that particular law. One of those old habits of that lost all of its former glory. Still, like an unwritten law the cabinet members wave this flag whenever one of their colleagues celebrates their birthday.


Unofficial national flag.

General overview of the Reichs military structure

The Guffingfordii armed forces are divided into the three major branches, Defense, Offense and Passive. The Defense branch is specialized in the defense of the German Reich as well as the overseas colony of the Cape Verde Islands. The Offense branch take care of offensive missions, taking out hostile targets etc. Now follows a list of all major military organizations incorporated in the Reichs Armee.

  • SS State Securitate, regular policeforce, firedepartment, medical services and the City Watch.
  • STASI Stats Siecherheit. This division of soley made up of spies and infiltrants.
  • Sonder Kommando Concentration Camp division. Makes sure all unwanted elements cannot spread their vile idea's into the Pure Society of Guffingford. The means of genocidy vary but the result is always the same. No other military organization yeilds such high success ratios.
  • Mobile Siege Units #1-250 Demolition experts; specialized branch of the offense military. Experts in blowing up major fortified structures. Skilled in the use of artillery as well hence the name Mobile Siege Unit.
  • Imperial Navy The navy is divided into four major fleets, each consisting over several hundred ships. Southern Captain Command, Northern Captain Command, Western Captain Command and Eastern Captain Command.
  • Storm Force BlackOp taskforce. Tasks vary of retrieving ancient artefacts, hiding/destroying evidence, archiving incriminating evidence, taking out spesific targets, terrorism.
  • Foot Cavalry Panoolian soldiers trained to quickly move and wage a guerrilla warfare, demoralizing enemy forces by unconventional warfare ie terrorist bombings, ambushes, traps etc.
  • Imperial Luftwaffe The German aiforce is split up the same way as the navy, this time in eight seperate branches: Northern Skyhouse, Southern Skyhouse, Western Skyhouse, Eastern Skyhouse, North-Western Skyhouse, North-Eastern Skyhouse, South-Western Skyhouse and the South-Eastern Skyhouse.
  • Quick Reaction Force If there's a need for swift action, then the QRF will be called into action. Can respond within 10 hours after a certain happening and reliation is quick and lethal. The QRF is successfully led by Overlord Leonard Ynsson who also founded this elite group. Reliation can be nuclear, chemical or biological but only when Guffingford has been attacked by aforementioned weaponry.
  • Kampfgruppe #1-1000 A kampfgruppe is nothing more than a group of soldiers, customized for each mission. The term kampfgruppe is used in every branch of the Reichs Armee and is not bound to only regular armed forces.


The defence of the German Reich is vital, if it wasn't so well-organized the neighbor nations of Dr_Twist or Russian Forces would have invaded years ago. So far, no one has set foot on Guffingfordii soil uninvited. The defence relies on the AGL (Augustine Defence Line), a highly advanced network of fortifications, bunkers and pillboxes built on all borders of Guffingford.


will be filled in later.


will be filled in later.

Important characters

Adolph Leighmar, Führer of National Socialist Guffingford What exactly drives this man to oppress the people of the German Reich is a mystery, but it is known he's quite adept at doing so while keeping the population happy (not by his policies but by adding drugs to the food distributed by the government). His main goals are to forge a great German Reich. Success is just around the corner; the only two remaining nations are within his grasp: Lithuania and the Kaliningrad region of Russia. A hard working and friendly personality he treats his staff with respect and the citizens if they follow his direction. Communist hater but not afraid of socialism or more authoritation and government controlled economies.

Solan Rixx Whatever is know of Solan Rixx barely fills one page in word. A complete mystery to other nations but his name does appear a lot on international warrants and many native tribes around the world (especially South America and the Philipines) love to lynch him to death. Notorious grave robber, sacrilege... Well the list goes on and on. Rumours go he made a fortune of selling all sorts of ancient artefacts alone, enough to live quietly for the rest of his life. After he betrayed his sword comrades Adolph and Klaus he was sent into exile to Holy Panooly and now just lives there, sometimes allowed to make a statement by the Guffingfordii administration. Normally traitors are shot, but because Solan Rixx achieved the unification of Holy Panooly and Guffingford, he was allowed to live on. More about the unification later on.

Baron Dominic Templeton If there's a leader of Holy Panooly, it will most likely be this person and that's only because he accidently conquered the southern Panooly oilwells. The sheer luck of this mission was caused by a heavily armed band of pirates running amok on the southern shores and Dominique wanted to drive them off his grounds when he noticed they outnumbered his band of militia ten to one. Instead he burned a foreign oil installation to the ground and butchered the employees and claimed the oil as his own. He gained some international fame by effectively destroying invading Sarzonian vessels during the short war between Holy Panooly and Sarzonia. Always drawn back to the accursed lands of Holy Panooly (knick named the Green Hell not without a reason) he's a popular face over there. Jungle hunter, sworn aristocrat and loves to get drunk.

James Frwyhn When you can pronounce his surname without reading it three times or more, you are one step closer to solving the riddle of this man. He does a lot of work behind the scene, and his only comments to the outside world aren't even his; speaking on behalf of the cabinet or the chancellor. He's the unofficial head of the cabinet, although he isn't. He certainly behaves like one! Because the German government is quite... inefficient he also handles several tasks that deal with healthcare, defence and social welfare.

Klaus Schilling, PhD. Will be filled in later

Emperor Tilmun (deceased) Will be filled in later

Emperor Constantine Will be filled in later

Johann Fretch Will be filled in later

Overlord Leonard Ynsson Will be filled in later

Captain Max Merriwether Dafydd Will be filled in later

Jack Shaw Will be filled in later

Joseph Cyre Will be filled in later


  • National Motto: "Today is good day to die, but the day is not over yet"
  • Government Type: National-Socialist empire, built the same way as Nazi Germany and NS' Iesus Christi. Although Christianity is not compulsory for the population, it is in the military (not the higher ranks, they are specially trained)
  • Head of State: Adolph Leighmar
  • Head of cabinet: James Frwyhn (unofficial)
  • Official/Predominant Religion: Roman Catholic
  • National Sport(s): Knife throwing, archery, football (soccer) and baseball.
  • Days of Celeberation: April 20th (Hitler's birthday), Saint Nicholas (Dutch national celebration), New Years Eve, Christmas, Easter, September 29th (Freedom Festival), Oktoberfest (whole month October; German festival).

Knights of German Reich

Knights of the Iron Cross This is order is the most recent founded in 1871 after the German victory over France. These elite troops all carry on the traditions of pre-WW1 Imperial Germany and all members’ forefathers must have been awarded in person by Bismarck with an Iron Cross to become part of this group. This is the most modern order of knights, who solely rely on the most modern types of equipment. The famous Swiss Guard who protects The Holy See is trained by members of this order.

Order of Creation This order of knights is the most devout to Christianity. Highly dangerous on the battlefield, skilled with a variety of firearms and artillery and their extreme religious convictions make them the zealous fighters of Guffingford. To become a member you most prove your worth by offering your daughter as a sacrifice to the order. This ritual has become the national saying of Guffingford: “Oh Master, accept mine daughter as our sacrifice to you”. Some people claim these warriors are so steadfast in their belief they could match the brutal force of Automagfreek’s sentinels in war or even Pantera’s reavers. So far, they haven’t proved this.

Order of the Holy Acolytes A special division of the Order of Creation. These acolytes are perhaps the most religious forces of the entire planet, ready to die for Christ at any given moment. These knights make up the leadership of the SS (State Services), Gestapo (Geheime Staats Polizei or Secret State Police), Stasi (Staats Siecherheid or State Security) and the regular police forces. No one outside the government is safe from them.

Order of the Royal Knights The most esteemed order of Guffingfordii knights, what they lack on the battlefield they make up in the economy. Virtually all members except their guards work in the most respected financial institutions of the world. Some of the most richest persons of the world are member of this order. If you want to become a member you need to prove you are a true addition to the order, in economical terms. This order has been awarded for their continuing contribution to the Guffingford society with five Crosses of St. John.

Order of Holy Wisdom Without a doubt this is the most mysterious order of knights. Except the members, no one knows a thing about the hierarchy, leaders or its motives. How to become a member, however, is known to only a select group of outsiders. Instead of being a Christian order, this one is home to atheists of Guffingford. Although despised by many, the government decided not to outlaw this one to prevent rioting of its members. This is clearly a sign the government knows about its military potential. When needed, the government calls these members to spy on other nations. No one knows who founded it, when, where and why.

Order of Byzantine Restoration (AKA “The Greek Order”) The oldest of all knightly orders in Guffingford, founded in the year 537. Although many doubt this order is the oldest. The members of Byzantine Restoration carry the blood of this ancient core of elite soldiers of the Byzantine army. Although they haven’t been on the battlefield since 1453 these soldiers make up some of the best commanding officers in the Guffingfordii armies. Although Guffingford is a nation who’s official religion is Greek Orthodox Christianity, this is the only Greek Orthodox order of knights. This order is also the most diplomatic active one. The banner of this order is also the state flag of Guffingford. The main target of this order is to revive the Byzantine Empire in all its former glory. Their objective is great but nothing of their ambitious plans has become reality. In fact, no one believes they will even gain as much political power as they used to have.

Knights of the Golden Hand A seafaring clan, the members of the Golden Hand have always lived near or on the high seas. Traders by nature, these knights make up the commanding ranks of the Guffingfordii navy. General Ynsson is one of them. There’s not much interesting about this one, its probably the order who most seen in daily life of Guffingford. The only thing that bothers outsiders about this order is their profitable slave trade from Africa to Europe.

Brotherhood of Koh-I-Noor Machines, technology and preservation are the most important words for this brotherhood. A gear in the old flag symbolized this, which was adapted a few months after James Watt invented the steam engine. This was removed in 1917 when communism came to power in Russia. Now the brotherhood uses the face of the founding father as their symbol. Koh-I-Noor is the ancient Persian name for the holy mountain Ararat in Turkey. This order has the most members, around 8 million mainly because this order puts most of its effort in better living standard for the Guffingford workers.

Holy Panooly

Flag of Guffingford
Motto: Perfection is the absolute minimum
Panooly Continent, a large island chain stretching from the mid-pacific to the south pacific.
Region Imperial Armies
Capital Panooly City
Official Language(s) English, French and native
Leader Baron Dominique Templeton - unofficial and unrecognized by the majority of Panoolians.
Population +/-2.7 billion
Currency Guilder 
NS Sunset XML

From the day it was founded on 20-11-2003 Holy Panooly (nick-named HP) never followed the rules laid down by other people. First getting into trouble by supporting terrorists like GLA, Inner Heaven, Outer Heaven and Imperial Heaven and later the sales of WMD's to just about everybody who paid. Because of this and various other things Holy Panooly got into trouble with two powerhouses back in the day (January - February 2004) Austar Union and Credonia but an invasion never happened. A New World Order (NWO) nation called ViZion started an attack on Holy Panooly with the help of British Communists and another nation who died several weeks ago. The attack failed.

Some time later a major ethnic cleansing started in Holy Panooly killing all "unwanted elements of the pure society". Three nations, Axis Nova]], Sarzonia and Austar Union again tried to invade Holy Panooly to stop the bloodshed but they all failed due to the harsh jungle climate of Holy Panooly. The cleansing went on and the attack of Austar Union started good but eventually an unexplained event concerning a strange black box cleansed the whole capital and all of his troops. From this day, the same fascist government still takes the lead in the battled lands of Holy Panooly. However, this is merely a symbolic government since they only own the capital Panooly City. Now the country is divided by warlords and the government has returned to local level. 13% Of the economy is soley based on the growing of coca leaves and the sales of those as cocain. Other major economy boosters are the mining industry, loggers and other small scale industrial enterprises.

Holy Panooly also was the founding father along with The Macabees of a powerful alliance called the Right Wing Collective also known as the RWC.