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'''Ascendancy Core/Angel Galaxy Bloodnames:'''
'''Ascendancy Core/Angel Galaxy Bloodnames:'''
* Kerensky
* Kerensky
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* Shaw
* Shaw
* Tau-Shi
* Tau-Shi
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AeroSpace Pilots:
AeroSpace Pilots:
* McFadden
* McFadden
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* Leroux
* Leroux
* Rendar
* Rendar
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Revision as of 22:24, 5 April 2005

Gaian Ascendancy
Flag of Gaian Ascendancy
Motto: "Honor is also a part of Freedom"
Gaian Territories
Region Eternal Dimensions
Capital Minas Jurai`alheim
Official Language(s) Gaian, Juraian, English, Japanese, Chinese
Leader Aleaic Saloam Kerensky
Population 500+ million
Currency Gaia 
NS Sunset XML

Founding Lore

The dream of a bunch of students, led by one particular dreamer, to found a nation based on idealism to the core.

The founder was born in Coral Springs, FL; but lived most of his childhood in Montana, before his family moved back to Coral Springs, where life for the founder changed dramatically.

Tsunami Masaki was her name, hence the reason how the founder changed from a self professed nobody, into a strong individual, with convictions, and expansive vision that attracted an incredible following.

Fanciful as it all sounded, the fact that the founder was actually related to an actual royal, however weak in title, lent enough for the others that would eventually comprise the Republic Council to encoruage taking advantage of the desire of the group of people around him to take things one step further. Twenty hard years of toil and blood, along with several total revampings of the govering system, to arrive with the goverment and citizenry to reveal themselves to the rest of the world.

Tolkein, Asimov, Sagan, Lewis...

Einstein, Edison, Hakabi...

Kerensky, Steiner-Davion, Rommel, Patton...

Idealim, Invention, War. These three aspects formed the paper framework for the auspices of the nation. The iron frame, then the titanium, became the Cultural, Science, and Military Pillars of the Ascendancy.


Goverment, formed around a combination of the spiritual aspects of Shintoism, along with the Democratic principles of successful nations. The Republic format was chosen over the pure Democratic, as a Caste system was adopted, allowing different forms of democratic process. That caste system helped form the executive, military, intellegence, senatorial, economic and educational aspects, under a rigid environment that both promoted free though and speech, but limited other aspects under the auspices of the Council body.


If this was all there was to the nation however, there would be lacking the one fundamental reason the nation was concieved.

To procreate it into the stars. The 'Stars Directive' was the Founder's brainchild almost from the moment the nation was concieved.

To eventually use it's resources to expand to other worlds, claim and colonize, and expand the idea even further. Not would Pluto be the limit.. not Centari... not the edge of the Galaxy..

..not even the limits of the Universe, or even this Dimension, if ever crossed.

In the Founder's own words: "I don't like limits...

..they hold back those that see only such. I learned to look past them, and let imagination take over.

Mistakes are not limits, only not learning from them is. Physical matter and law are not limits, they give the tools to move past limits. Death is not a limit. It is the door to the next step.

I see that step even now without having died.

I see the end of limits."


The Ascendancy officially revealed it's existence to the universe on 1 January, 3190, and evern since then, the Ascendancy has refused to slow down it's rapid growth into the Stars. Early on the Gaians explored the immediate area of space claiming 17 Star Systems during the First Great Expansion, all the while searching for hidden chaces of Ascendant technolgy, hinted by the Stone Words and other data garnered from the systems within the White Diamond Star System. During these explorations, the small fleet began to encounter several other star races, and other more dangerous forces, and had to adapt quickly to the hostile environs the Exploration Fleets came across. However this did not deter them from making inital friendships, as well as catching the eye of the civilizations at large.

It was during one of these exploration missions that the Gaians along with several other races, were 'nabbed' by the now famous Ascendant Dysan Sphere. There the Ascendants themselves revealed themselves, and forced the Gaians to come to terms with who they were about to become, with the risk of their very capability among the stars at stake, not to mention their adopted home planet, and several other planets that were 'teleported' by the power of the technology the Ascendants possessed. When Aleaic finally came forth to confront the Ascendant Avian Lord named Ackronus, he convinced the Ascendants to spare the planets and his civilization, but in doing so, was confronted with his own hidden truth, of being a agent of the Powers. As a result of all this, the Ascendants began to leave their Ascendend state to live among their ancient worlds, and their new allies.

Thanks to the Ascendants assistance, numerous new worlds with Ascendant caches were discovered, and new allies were brought forth to the fore, namely the Angelics and Krysallians. During the next few years, the Ascendany conducted the Second Great Expansion, bringing 80 new Systems into the fold, with a military and economic might to match the massive resources of these systems. The CAG Tourman grew massive as a result, and just in time..

..for their next tests came swiftly.

First came the entry of the Neo Zetans, after a series of Ion Cannon tests drew Gaian Intellegence to send several vessels to investigate. Eventually an agreement was reached where the two would be amicable to each other, all the while they both expanded. This eventually included the Gaians agreeing to reclone the body of their fallen Goddess: Aura, and the Gaians exchanging star maps with the Zetans. However during this timeframe the Zetans grew suspicious of Gaian power, and began to be prodded by the nation of Sephiroth to attack. But before this could be attended to, a second major event rocked the Republic to it's fundations.

In early 3209, the sudden appearance of forty WarShips and numerous more JumpShips of the announced Clan Snow Raven, caused the Ascendancy to face it's greatest challenge to it's cohesion as a nation, worse to it's military, modeled off of the Clan system that was 'supposed' to be only the writings in a book. After Aleaic answered the summons of Khan Lynn McKenna however, the fantasy became all to real, an event contrived by the Ascendants to test the Gaians, and caused a four day battle across six Systems that eventually cause the Ravens to be Absorbed into the Clan Angel Galaxy Tourman. Despite the bloodshed on both sides, it all also proved that the CAG Tourman had teeth.

In the wake of this event, the Republic reorganized the Snow Ravens into the renamed Snow Eagles, and placed them as their own Tourman under CAG command, to safeguard the worlds and area they had arrived in. Also at the same time CAG Command commissioned the Clan White Tiger TOurman, created to guard the result of the Third Great Expansion, one that brought the total Systems in the Ascendancy to 300+ Star Systems. But even with the new forces added, the Republic was stretched somewhat military wise, and began to install the reverse engineered StarGate system on all worlds to help give expediency to ground forces in reinforcing a front. They also began to experiment on a new type of Jump System called the Boson-Fold Drive, one that promised to bring Fleet capability above par of it's counterparts, though the technology was already in use by other races, it eventually gave the Ascendancy an advantage on it's exploration front.

But as these events happened, the Zetan front suddenly turned cold as an internal election brought to the fore, the internal Nazi Party, led by Hiei, who called the Gaians 'paper tigers', calling on Zeta to invade the Ascendancy. However most of this was on the premsise of the Gaians preventing the Zetans from expanding, and when a diplomatic exchange revealed Gaian intentions otherwise, the Zetans lost their bait hook to cause war and swiftly after, Hiei was imprisoned by Zetan authorities. All this also revealed that Sephiroth was excacerbating the situtaion, who the Gaians then drew support from the nations of Kiroval and Xenonier among others. As a result dialoge was established with those nations as well, though the inital attempts were muted at best, caused by Zetan Emperor Jayce's insistence on showing the Gaians secret technology that the other two nations found disturbing.

Meanwhile the Ascendancy in 3207, before the Trials against the Ravens, decided to embark on helping the nation of Evil Woody Thoughts to go from a Terran race, to one among the stars. After a series of discussions of Gaian experience among the stars, and a terse interview in front of the Woodian Parliment, the Woodians agreed to learn from the Gaians, along with purchase of other nation's vessels, how to live in space. As of this timeframe, the Woodians are learning to live among their benefactors, as well as the Gaians learn how to deal with a more primitive civilization with dignity.

The Gaians in 3215 began to reveal yet more. During the year, during the conference on Neo Zeta Prime, the massive Warship of Ascendant design, the ancient Eternal Destiny was unveiled, the 500 kilometer WarShip drawing amazement and dire glares all the same. Also the Ascendancy perfected genetic technology, allowing for the normal Gaian to live an incredibly long life, allowing for even more years to devote to themselves and the Ascendancy as a whole. Then later that year, the Ascendancy began Fold Jump tests in the Milky Way Core Galaxy, and later on still, began to Fold to entirely new Galaxies all together. This has resulted in expansion of the Ascendancy into the following Galaxies outside of the Milky Way: Sapphire, Angelica, Undar, New, Reshin, Huntaerian and Talos Galaxies. Many more are slated for colonization, namely the very large Destiny Galaxy and the super ancient Atarian Galaxy among others.

Then came the Wave saga. It began simply with an escape of Hiei from his prison, drawing confused reports from several nations. By the time the picture became clear, it was too late. Hiei released the enemies called the Servants of the Wave. Eight terrible enemies that focused on destroying the Gaians and enslave both them and the Zetans. In the ensuing conflict, the events took a massive mystical feel, as Aleaic was forced at least to accept his legacy as a Power, all the while the Wave attacked the Council itself. Skeith attacked first and placed Tsunami and Tenchi into comas, and then later during a live broadcast from the Gaian Ascendancy News Network Center, Seto and Tsutsumi took the same brunt, along with numerous Angel Gods and normal souls of all Four Races likes.

The Skeith was drawn to the Palace Tree once more, just after Aleaic met the Goddess: Lady Creation, and then melded with the Core Tree of the Hikari. The Hikari Trees were a 'memory' result of the growth of the Palace Tree, made from a Seed given to Aleaic by his GrandFather just prior to the Founding. As a result, Aleaic had access to a p[ower that could match Skeith, and in an ensuing battle, Skeith was defeated, and the comatose victims freed. However the assault was far from over. Jayce was a prisonner of the Wave, and made to do it's bidding.

Innus as a result came next, using his terrible influence to sew discord into the minds of the Gaian people. However this started to take place a few week after the Skeith Incident, and by then the Gaians and the Hikari Trees began to grow to know one another. By the time Innus was ready to attack, Hikari Trees and many Gaians including the entire Council and their families, had chosen Partners to meld with. As this occured, Seto had Jessica, Jayce's sister Jessica was drawn to meld with the Hikari Tree she called Kikyo. As a result of this, Innus was revealed too early, and faced the wrath of the Melded Gaians as a result. During the battles that occured however, Innus was destroyed and Jayce released, but Innus managed to shock Aleaic into a coma, all the while Morganna and Lady Creation faced off in a war of words.

That however led to far worse as Morganna revealed Magus, and the assault on that Wave Servant caused it's death, and the full Wave to be revealed. But as Morganna was ready to destroy all reality to her own whims, Aleaic was brought back by his wives Tsunami and Arashi, and their love helped fuel a different kind of response to the Wave. With the called upon assistance of the Powers themselves, combined with the Trees and all the Power of the Hikari and their Partners, the Wave was overwhelmed in a wave of total light, and Morganna's power broken. She escaped, but her capability was sundered. As a result, Jayce was freed, though demonically transformed, and offered a full alliance with the Republic.

As of this time, the Ascendancy is currently consolidating it's new alliances and vast empire. Over 2,500 Star Systems now fall under Ascendancy influence, from the discovered Inner Sphere Powers in the Talos Galaxy, the alliances made with the Fungesians, Alcorians and Kartasians in the Huntaerian Galaxy, and the continued war to liberate the Energon from the dark enemies of the Sapphire Galaxy. This has all led the Ascendancy to become an established power among the stars, and none can deny that now. Recently the Ascendancy has called for a Trade Conference between star nations, continued to assist the Woodians in their expansion, and even has seen it's soccer national team gain a championship by capturing the Cup of Harmony XIII trophy by beating Melmond 1-0 recently.

As a result more, the Council declared the start of a month and a half long celebration called Startica to begin, during the Trade Conference, to show the universe the pride of the Ascendancy, as well as how the Gaians enjoy a good party. However dark rumblings also loom, as a Gaian mission to extract a dangerous piece of Ascendant technology, caused them to encounter the expansionist Nova Zeta nation, along with the so named 'Dominion Axis', which gives pause for future events.

But more, the technology recovered is giving the Gaians pause about their benefactors, with the evidence of the possibility of creating new dimensions, or even destroy them. More, the Ascendancy has entered tenatively into the Temporal Accord, in an effort to guard against those areas of possible 'assault' ass well.

As can be seen, the Ascendancy has done much in the past few decades..

..but the challenges grow to match the Republic's growth and power.

Ascendancy Visitor's Center Portal

Ascendancy Interlink Portal

Ascendancy BloodName Houses

The bloodname system was established in the Gaian Ascendancy early on, knowing that a limited cloning system was needed to expand the population, and allow the Ascendancy to grow into the power that the Excellency envisioned. When the Angel Gods were introduced, their names were not added to the inital list, for worry of the Accord with the Heavens. As the Ascendancy grew however, the names was expanded by adding the Rara name to the list, and the Angel Gods had names added as well.

It was about a year before the arrival of the Snow Ravens, that the Council agreed that the addition of a new Clan Tourman, would require new names of their own to expand such upon. This was decided not only for manpower reasons, but for a sense of lineage that binds the Clan together, as well as adding a sense of tradition. But the arrival of the Snow Ravens and their subsuquent Absorption into the Ascendancy, added the Raven (now Eagle) bloodname houses into the Ascendancy list. A month later, the White Tiger Clan was activated, with thirteen names to the list, added with the twelve from Snow Eagle and thirteen from Angel galaxy itself. This makes a total of forty-six warrior bloodnames the Ascendancy calls it's own.

Any person, though usually warrior, can gain a Bloodname with acts that benefit the Ascendacy, whether in battle or by peaceful measures. Warriors from the Eagles however use the Trial of Bloodright for it's warriors as only twenty-five Eagle warriors can hold a single bloodname house at a time. This eventually will be expanded as the Eagles grow, but for now, they hold to their several hundreds of years old traditions. Indications are that the White Tigers will adopt a hybid of the two systems to give their names slightly more meaning.

Every one of them will eventually give a diversity to the Ascendancy that individual clans such as those the Ravens came from, never could dream of.

Ascendancy Core/Angel Galaxy Bloodnames:

  • Kerensky
  • Masaki
  • Tenkawa
  • Kamiki
  • Morisato
  • Mizuhara
  • Yotsuka
  • Rara
  • N'Buta
  • Cobb
  • Critchell
Elemental/Angel God:
  • Ifurita
  • Lightshan
  • Shaw
  • Tau-Shi

AeroSpace Pilots:

  • McFadden
  • Moreau
  • Tota

Naval Commanders:

  • Cameron
  • Leroux
  • Rendar

Snow Eagle Bloodnames:


  • McKenna
  • Sigel
  • Crow


  • Howe
  • Magnus

AeroSpace Pilots:

  • McCorkell
  • Cooper
  • Shu

Naval Commanders:

  • Lankenau
  • Sukhanov


  • Harper
  • Chand

White Tiger Bloodnames:


  • Kushrenada
  • Peacecraft


  • Yuy
  • Maxwell
  • Rebann
  • Po

AeroSpace Pilots:

  • Devon
  • Heller
  • Rhyde

Elemental/Angel God:

  • Arumona
  • Shaw
  • Tulorc
  • Selune

Constitution and Treaties

National Economy Statistics

Clan Angel Galaxy Tourman

Ascendancy Leaders

BloodHouse / Citizen Welfare Advisor(s)

Senatoria / Domestic Advisor(s)

Cultural Advisor

Prime Intelligence Advisor

Foreign States / Regions Advisor(s)

CIC Republic Bodyguard

Strategic Military Advisor(s)

Tactical Military Advisor(s) -

Scientific Community Advisor-Representative(s) -