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(Das Hanseatische Oberlandesgericht (HOG)/The Hanseatic Supreme Court)
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In daily affairs the subdivisions do cooperate with Neurother police personell like with any police staff in the mothercountry, if necessary.
In daily affairs the subdivisions do cooperate with Neurother police personell like with any police staff in the mothercountry, if necessary.

Revision as of 08:55, 14 July 2005

Flag of Neuroth
Motto: Ich dien.
No Map Available Yet
Region The Sunbelt
Capital Neuroth
Official Language(s) German
Leader Governor Prinz Adrian Friedrich VON ROTH-Winter (Head of state)

Lord Mayor Graf Ole VON BEUST (Head of government)

Population 29m (NS.net numbers)
Currency Goldmark 
NS Sunset XML

General facts

The Principality of Neuroth is an overseas dominion of Erlangen-Ansbach. It is located in the region of "The Sunbelt." This dominion is a city-state whose organisation can be somewhat compared to Erlangen's administrative order.

The constitutional legal whereabouts of the Principality's and the United Kingdom's relations are regulated in the Association Accord of 1970 (Asoziationsabkommen).

Its head of state is the Monarch of Erlangen-Ansbach in his capacity as the Prince of Neuroth. His Majesty's representative is the Governor of the Principality, who carries out the Monarch's duties. For that purpose he is assisted by the secretaries of the Princely Household.

The two most important secretaries are the Secretary of Foreign Affairs and the Secretary of Defence. Both are de-facto nominated by their counter-parts in Erlangen-Ansbach and finally appointed by the Monarch. In coordination with the Ministry of Defence and the Foreign Office they carry out their duties for the Principality.

The government of Neuroth is called the Princely Senate/Fürstlicher Senat led by the President of the Senate/Senatspräsident: Thus all ministers wear the title of Senator. The Senate's President is elected into office by a majority of the People's Chamber.

The People's Chamber or Volkskammer is the national legislature of Neuroth. Its 84 members are up for vote in general elections every five years. Like in Erlangen-Ansbach the parliament's head, Volkskammerpräsident Dr. Franz Maurer, is the highest-ranking civil officer.

Administrative order



Being a city state Neuroth naturally has no official capital city. The closest thing to such an entity is the so-called "Centre County or Zentralbezirk", where you will find most of the government's and subordinate administration's buildings.

Administrative units

Neuroth is divided into six Bezirke or counties: All of these are administered by a County Council and a directly elected Mayor. Their duties are these of a normal city council and mayor. The County of Rothhaven includes the main port of Neuroth and has a number of additional rights due to its history as a seperate city.

Bezirke (sing. Bezirk): Nordstadt, Südstadt, Weststadt, Oststadt, Zentralbezirk and Rothhaven.


The People's Chamber or die Volkskammer is the parliament of the Principality of Neuroth. Its speaker is called [b]"President of the People's Chamber/Präsident der Volkskammer."[/b] Owing to parliamentary custom the largest fraction in parliament is entitled to the office of President.

Thus the current President of the People's Chamber, Dr. Franz Maurer, is a member of the CVP. He is assisted by three vicepresidents from the other parties represented in the People's Chamber.

After a general election it's the People's Chamber's foremost and most noble task to elect a "President of the Princely Senate", thus a new chief of government. This is either achieved by a coalition or one party, who command a sufficient majority of the 84 members.

The 84 "Members of the People's Chamber (MP)/Mitglieder der Volkskammer (MdV)" are elected in two ways: 42 MPs are picked via direct voting in 42 constituencies, while the other half is voted in parliament via national lists. Thus every adult commands two votes: One for the constituency's candidate and one for the national list.

Die XXXIV. Volkskammer des Fürstentums Neuroth


Volkskammerpräsident (President): Dr. Franz MAURER (CVP)

CVP (Parliamentary Group Leader Ole VON BEUST): 48

SDP (Parliamentary Group Leader Dr. Adrian BOHLER): 22

FLP (Parliamentary Group Leader Jakob TROSZ): 8

Grüne (Parliamentary Group Leader Anna Lehnert): 6

The Executive

The Monarch and His Governor/Der Monarch und Sein Gouverneur


Seine Hoheit Prinz Adrian Friedrich VON ROTH-WINTER is the Governor of the Principality of Neuroth in the name of His Majesty King RAIK III of Erlangen-Ansbach. The Governor is the Monarch's representative ordered to look after the Principality's welfare and excercise the Monarch's duties on his behalf.

The Governor is appointed and/or dismissed at the sole pleasure of His Majesty as regulated by the Association Accord.

The Princely Senate/Der Fürstliche Senat

Head of Government


Seine Durchlaut Graf Ole VON BEUST (CVP) is the President of the Princely Senate and the Lord Mayor of Neuroth.


Dr. Hannes MERTINGEN (CVP) is the Deputy President of the Princely Senate and the Deputy Lord Mayor of Neuroth. Furthermore, he holds the office of Senator of the Interior.

The Cabinet

Senator of the Interior/Senator des Inneren: Dr. Hannes Mertingen (CVP)

Senator of the Treasury/Schatzsenatorin: Christine Nordlingen (CVP)

Senator of Economy and Labour/Wirtschafts- und Arbeitssenator: Maximilian von Bach (CVP)

Senator of Justice/Justizsenator: Jakob van Buren (CVP)

Senator of Health and Social Affairs/Sozial- und Gesundheitsenatorin: Katja Mueller (CVP)

Senator of Infrastructure/Infrastruktursenator: Michael Baer (CVP)

Senator of Agriculture/Landwirtschaftssenatorin: Anna Stadler (CVP)

Senator of Culture/Kultursenator: Rainer Fliege (no party)

Senator of Education and Science/Kultus- und Wissenschaftssenatorin: Jana Kirchner (CVP)

Senator of Environment/Umweltsenator: Felix Kassner (CVP)


Constitutional Law Affairs

This is the only part of the jurisdiction, where Neuroth is not fully independant from the United Kingdom. The highest court of the Principality is the Königliche Landesverfassungsgericht, which has a subdivision in Neuroth: Der III. Senat des KLVG.

A quotation from the KLVG's description

The KLVG's foremost duty is guard and supervise the constitution of the United Kingdom (Reichsverfassung). Eversince its establishment in 1870 it has been an able watchdog for the basic rights of every citizen.

All governmental institutions (national, ducal and local) are to abide by the regulations of the Reichsverfassung. If there is any dispute about this issue, an appeal can be presented to the KLVG. The court's verdicts cannot be revised and all institutions must obey to them.

Furthermore, the KLVG has political impact, too: That is especially visible if the KLVG deems a bill or law unconstitutional. A bill is presented to the court if the King has vetoed it as unconstitutional, whereas a law is checked by the KLVG justices if there is an appeal for it.

However, the KLVG is not a political institution - it's sole benchmark is the constitution.

In the case of Neuroth the III. Senat rather looks after the Principality's constitution, but it is not very different from the Reichsverfassung.

Das Hanseatische Oberlandesgericht (HOG)/The Hanseatic Supreme Court

The HOG is the top court of Neuroth's jurisdiction: Although it has existed long before the Association Accord, it was significantly re-modelled and styled after Erlangen-Ansbach's Supreme Crown Court.

Except for very few cases the HOG is a court which checks verdicts for revision. Apart from preserving justice in single cases the HOG's task is to secure the unity and development of law.

Thus the court only checks the legal whereabouts of the subordinated courts' verdicts. For that task the court is to follow the proven conclusion of the subordinates.

Economic facts

Though not sharing such close ties to its motherland of Erlangen-Ansbach back in the 1950's, Neuroth's leadership decided to replace the pure capitalist market by the new creation of Ludwig Erhard, who was Minister of Economy of Erlangen-Ansbach back in the 1950's.

General information


The late Ludwig Erhard, father of the Social Economy and Minister of Economy throughout the 1950s

The Social Economy has been and is fundamentally supposed to enable the free play of forces on the market by raising consumer opportunities, motivating providers to achieve innovations and technical progress, and distributing income and profit according to individual achievement.

But above all, it limits too much accumulation of market power. The state’s duty is to create the framework for functioning competition. At the same time, the state must promote the readiness and ability of people to trade responsibly and to be more independent.

It must not hinder either of these by taking over too much responsibility itself, for government action burdens the economy and society in the form of taxes and duties. This is detrimental to the work factor and limits freedom in the disposal of earned income.

Dominating industries

Military Organisation

All defence affairs are looked after by the Ministry of Defence of the United Kingdom and/or its representant, the Secretariat of Defence.

The Royal Armed Forces have stationed a limited number of units of each branch in Neuroth. The number of service personnell amounts to roughly 35,000 men and women.

It's allowed for Neurother citizens to enter the Royal Armed Forces, since they wear Erlangen-Ansbacher citizenship. However, the Neurother are not subject to the tour of duty regulations.

Intelligence Agencies

As regulated by the Association Accord the Principality of Neuroth does not maintain any own intelligence agency. Instead it relies on the assistance of Erlangen-Ansbach's two major intelligence agencies which maintain depedencies in Neuroth (compare). They're led by executive Directors.

In daily affairs the subdivisions do cooperate with Neurother police personell like with any police staff in the mothercountry, if necessary.