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Flag of Sirocco
Motto: "Don't ask me, I only govern here"
No map currently available
Region Lancre
Capital Chcot
Official Language(s) Siroccan
Leader King Siroc
Population 3.252 billion
Currency IOU 
NS Sunset XML

The Holy Hippocracy of Sirocco is an enormous landlocked country that sits at the centre of the giant megalith of Lancre. Ruled by the notoriously daft, belligerent, and generally crazy King Siroc, Sirocco is a nation that has been on the brink of civil war for many decades. Possibly the only thing stopping all-out chaos is that the citizens are a bit too lazy and 'mature' for that kind of thing.


Sirocco began as a small independent factory as a marketing ploy by a company called EarTex ("The only company to have an entire country working for it!"). But things went wrong. Very wrong. Before Public Relations and Senior Management knew what had hit them, the workers had rebelled and overpowered the factory and went on to conquer the rest of the land. The country was renamed Sirocco in reverence of the rebel leader King Siroc. What happened afterwards has mostly been invented by historians who took an instant dislike to the exciting and bloodthirsty events that persistently failed to happen. Until the King mysteriously disappeared whilst at a peace conference of course, the details of which have been chronicled in the Siroc & Newsted saga.


The governmental structure can be briefly described as this: King Siroc is at the top of the pyramid, gloating in his palace over his realm with many subordinates he doesn't remember hiring doing less important things like governing the country.


Sirocco is very multicultural. It has often been said that there are more Gods than people in Sirocco and this is certainly true because of the G'rakkaan cult of F'zdibob who have Gods for everything from divine peace to greengages.


Sirocco's military is mostly made up of drunks, social rejects, students, and all the other dregs of society. The guns are all hand-me-downs and the only nuclear weapon is the nuclear pea-shooter, long banned by the army for being too silly.


Blast-furnace hot during the summer, bloody freezing during the winter, and surprisingly mild weather the rest of the year.

Other features of note

The national animal is the flightless hippo, an animal which, despite the name, can indeed fly. It is said that the term 'flightless' is simply a misnomer and is from the old Siroccan word of flytles meaning 'grounded'. Savage and dangerous, these animals have often been used in Sirocco's few military campaigns (handing out recruitment pamphlets mostly) and entertainment television.

The national currency is the IOU which has often been blamed for the nation's yo-yo economy.

The national motto is "Don't ask me, I only govern here".

Sirocco is also a senior game moderator of NationStates.