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Flag of Llanawar
Motto: Amor Vincit Omnia
[ ]
Region Community of Nautilus
Capital Zephala
Official Language(s) Llanawari, English, and Swedish
Leader Mr. Johansson
Population 238 000 000 (August 28, 2006)
Currency pecunia 
NS Sunset XML

Llanawar is a socially progressive nation located in the region of the Community of Nautilus.

Czardas is a parlamentary democracy, and parlamential elections are held every four years. The current Prime Minister, Mr. CD Johansson, was appointed by the parliament in 2001. He leads a Social-Democratic minority government. The President is also elected every four years and has has mainly ceremonial duties. The current President, Ellinor Cinn, was elected in 2003 with 58,3 percent of the vote.

Llanawar is a member of the UN, and the Most Serene Republic of Ildare is a close friend and ally. Llanawar has no conflicts with any country and has not been in war for more than half a century.


See also NSeconomy statistics

General Statistics

  • Official Name: The Republic of Llanawar
  • Short Form: Llanawar
  • Adjectival Form: Llanawarian
  • Population: 238 million (as of August 28, 2006)
  • Capital: Zephala
  • Other Major Cities: Ôpaz-Mithera; Celez; Aver; Menos; Gaenas

Environmental Statistics

  • Land Area: 3 387 082 sq.km.
  • Land (percentage): 2 604 055 sq.km. (77%)
  • Water (percentage): 783,027 sq.km. (23%)
  • Population density: 68/sq.km. (as of August 28, 2006)
  • Urban: 69%
  • Suburban: 16%
  • Rural: 15%
  • Highest Point: Mount Silver Peak (3 898 m above sea level)
  • Lowest Point: Rowena's Trench (6 889 m below sea level)

Human Statistics

  • Literacy: 100%
  • Life Expectancy
Male – 79 years
Female – 82 years
Average – 81.0 years
  • Infant Mortality Rate: 2.2/1000

Government and Politics

  • Type of government: Parlamentary democracy
  • Executive branch: Cabinet
  • Legislative branch: House of Commons
  • Head of State: The President of the Republic of Llanawar, Ms. Ellinor Cinn
  • Head of Government: The Prime Minister, Mr. CD Johansson

Parliament and Political Parties

The House of Commons is the parliament of Llanawar. Its 401 members are elected by popular vote on a proportional representation basis to serve four-year terms. The last election was held on 16 September 2005. It resulted, as in 1997 and 2001, in a socialist majority, and the continuation of the Social-Democratic minority government.

Breakdown in the House of Commons

  • Llanawars Socialdemokratiska Arbetareparti (LSAP) 47.3 % — 191 seats
  • Liberal Samling (LIB) 20.2 % — 81 seats
  • Kristdemokraterna (KD) 12.7 % — 51 seats
  • Moderaterna (M) 8.2 % — 33 seats
  • Vänsterpartiet (V) 6.8 % — 27 seats
  • Reformpartiet (RP) 4.4 % — 18 seats

More on the political parties

  • Llanawars Socialdemokratiska Arbetareparti (Llanawarian Social-Democratic Workers' Party), commonly referred to as "socialdemokraterna" (Social-Democrats), has been the biggest political party in Llanawar since the breakthrough of democracy. Its ideology is democratic socialism. It has been in office since 1997; however lacking an absolute majority in the parliament it has relied on support by Vänsterpartiet.
  • Liberal Samling (Liberal Rally) is a liberal party which currently is the second biggest party in the House of Commons. It was originally social liberal but turned to the right and adopted neo-liberal principles in the 1980s.
  • Kristdemokraterna (Christian Democrats) used to be the biggest centre-right party i Llanawar until the 1980s. It is, as revealed by its name, christian democratic.
  • Moderaterna (Moderates) is a liberal conservative party; that is, it is liberal on economic issues and conservative on social issues.
  • Vänsterpartiet (Left Party) is a socialist and feminist party slightly to the left of the LSAP. It has never participated in a government but has always supported LSAP-governments.
  • Reformpartiet (Reform Party) is the smallest party in Llanawar. It is social liberal and has cooperated with LSAP-governments as well as with centre-right governments. It was founded in 1987 by members of the Liberal Rally disappointed with the change in policies of the LIB.


The President is the head of state of Llanawar but performs mainly ceremonial duties, much like a monarch in a constitutional monarchy. His or hers most important task, however, is to nominate a Prime Minister whenever there is a vacancy. The President is also commander in chief, although only in name.

The President is elected by popular vote every four years in a two round-system (that is, if any candidate fails to recieve an absolute majority of the votes, the two candidates with the greatest support will stand each other in a second round). There is no term limit.

Presidential Elections

The last presidential election was held in May 2003. The Social-Democrats and the Left Party nominated Ellinor Cinn, a Social-Democrat and former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance. The Liberals, Christian Democrats and Moderates nominated Hjalmar Schults, leader of the Liberal Rally. The Reform Party nominated their leader, Helen Órte.

Most analysists had expected Ellinor Cinn to win the first round, possibly with an absolute majority. But she won a landslide victory, receiving 58,3 % of the vote. Hjalmar Schults was supported by 34,3 %, and Helen Órte managed to receive 7 % of the vote.


The President nominates a member of parliament for Prime Minister. If not an absolute majority votes against the nominee, he or she is considered elected. The Prime Minister is the chief of government and appoints members of Cabinet. The current Prime Minister, Mr. CD Johansson, was appointed in 2001.

Current Members of Cabinet

  • Prime Minister: Mr. CD Johansson (LSAP)
  • Minister of Foreign Affairs: Ms. A. Brytenstorm (LSAP)
  • Minister of International Development Cooperation: Morgen Eskel (LSAP)
  • Minister of Defence: Edmund Pevelope (LSAP)
  • Minister of Justice: Niedjma Corr (LSAP)
  • Minister of Democracy and Equality: Feméra Opal (LSAP)
  • Minister of Finance: Henquil Wesmer (LSAP)
  • Minister of Industry and Trade: Dimana Czasca (LSAP)
  • Minister of Labour: Quist Rilón (LSAP)
  • Minister of Communications: Seira Rawèrn (LSAP)
  • Minister of Agriculture and Consumers: Gunnie Deltin (LSAP)
  • Minister of the Environment: Nanna Mysterby (LSAP)
  • Minister of Housing and Energy: Walt Reidner (LSAP)
  • Minister of Integration and Urban Affairs: Fergus Sahn (LSAP)
  • Minister of Local Government and Regional Development: Helena Serran (LSAP)
  • Minister of Education and Research: Wanna Ceskén (LSAP)
  • Minister of Schools: Rachel Añiera (LSAP)
  • Minister of Culture: Sussanda Viclason (LSAP)
  • Minister of Health and Social Affairs: Zeljeer Pulvreet (LSAP)
  • Minister of Children and Families: Ylfe Hamler (LSAP)

The current Cabinet is notable for being perhaps the only cabinet in the world with more women than men: 11 ministers are women; nine are men.


  • Telephones: 989 per 1000 inhabitants
  • Television sets: 771 per 1000 inhabitants
  • Cell phones: 993 per 1000 inhabitants
  • Internet access: 992 per 1000 inhabitants
  • Internet users: 800 per 1000 inhabitants


  • Cars: 637 per 1000 inhabitants
  • Airports: 4003


  • Number of universities: 175

Geography of Czardas


Overall, Llanawar enjoys a temperate climate with cool summers and mild to cold winters. However, there are substantional differences with the south having almost Mediterranean summers.

Peoples of Czardas

History of Llanawar

First records

The first record of the Kingdom of Llanawar dates from 987, when Vice King Llanar declared independence from Ulasadir. "Llanawar" simply means "Llanar's land" in the old Llanawarian tounge. His made the City of Mithera his capital while founding a new city named Zephala (after his second wife, Queen Zephala) located where the river of Endrea meets the sea. King Llanar was killed in 1009, and his two sons fought a bitter war over Llanawar. The eldest sun, King Llanar II, who lived in the Castle of Zephala prevailed and made Zephala the new capital.

A rock of strength

Whether or not this story is true, we know that in 470, a Germanic tribe settled in Czardas. This tribe, the Kurtzhaft, was made up of barbarians who ransacked other cities on the coastal plain, then returned to their capital at Dorji (today Doryí). But when Dorji was ransacked by another city-state on the plain, Jarna, the Kurtzhaft fled to the Rock, the lowest point in the Great Dividing Range. Atop that rock they built Adarion, the Sentinel City.

For hundreds of years while city-states fought for power on the plain, the Kurtzhaft held Adarion and conquered much of the interior region. By 726 they numbered nearly 1 million. An armed force estimated at 30,000 eventually left Adarion and conquered much of the city-states along the Zaïr River. Eventually, the Kurtzhaft conquered all of the coastal plain and established Kekulak as their capital. It was a strategic choice; Kekulak straddled the Zaïr and Doran rivers, the two major rivers of the plain, at the point where they met. Peace was established, the "Pax Czardaina", and the High King (who ruled at Kekulak) governed with the aid of a council of lesser kings from each city-state on the plain, each king elected by a council of the people. It was not a true democracy—women, for example, could not vote—but it was close.

Overzealous crusaders

The trouble started anew in 1142. An army of Crusaders from France had lost their way and somehow found Czardas. The Kurtzhaft and their city-states mustered an army of 15,000 to counter the Frenchmen, but the knights conquered Kekulak and enslaved the populace. The native peoples fled to Adarion, where they plotted and awaited their return. The Frenchmen renamed the Zaïr as the Doubre, a name it kept until 1955, and the Doran they renamed the Douranne.

The next hundred and fifty years consisted mainly of civil wars: the natives against the invaders. Allies of the French, including Raskeljians and Surekkians, arrived to counter the native peoples, who fought hard against them. In 1307, though, the invaders finally retreated, allowing Czardas its independence as The Commonwealth of Czardas.

The 20th century

The early 20th century was characterized by the fought for democracy and better standards of living for workers. Universal suffrage was proposed in 1917 in the parliament by the first Social-Democratic government. It received support from a majority of liberal MP:s and was therefore passed. Ever since, the LSAP has dominated Llanawarian politics. The party has been in power between 1917-21, 1925-29, 1933-1973, 1981-1993, and again from 1997.

Llanwar's final war

In the spring of 1929, two Llanawarian trading ships were sunk, presumably by Fetarian submarines (Feta denied having sunk the ships). The opposition demanded that Llanawar should go to war, but the LSAP-government refused, saying that there was not enough evidence. The call for war was intensified in the summer when another Llanawarian ship was sunk, but again the LSAP-government refused to declare war. The opposition accused the government for being unpatriotic and giving in to the "Communist State of Feta". LSAP lost the election, and the new rightwing-government stated that it would declare war if another incident occured. Only a week later, a Llanawarian aircraft was shot down while patrolling the eastern border, and the government immediatley declared war on Feta. The war lasted three and a half years, and over 49 000 Llanawarians died. The peace agreement, settled in May 1933, gave Fetarian ships right to fish in Llanawarian waters. The government was heavily critised for accepting that premise and lost the election the same year.

In December 1948, some 300 Fetarian soldiers entered Llanawarian soil. Their object was to destroy a small village on the Island of Serene, which Feta claimed was headquartes of the alleged terrorist organisation "Red Lions". This time, the LSAP-government threatend with war, and the situation was extremely tense for two weeks, during which some exchanges of fire occured. However, after negotiations, the Fetarian soldiers were drawn back, and conflict was resolved; in the peace-agreement, the Fetarian ships lost their right to fish in Llanawarian waters.

The Welfare state

The period 1933-73 marks the building of the welfare state. But Llanawar was struck by economic recession and high unemployment in the 1970s and substantial cuts were made in the welfare system both by LSAP- and centre-right-governments. There were large protests in many cities, and the political climate was stormy. In the 1980s, thanks to rapid economic growth, there was another decade of social reforms. But when the centre-right government came to power in 1993, it implemented the programme "New Start for Llanawar". Taxes were cut, a great deal of the welfare sector was privatised, and union influence was curbed; however, once again great protest marches filled the streets of the capital and other major cities in Llanawar. The Social-Democrats, which originally had accepted some of the changes in policy, promised that they would restore the welfare model should they win the election in 1997.

See also:
