Angela Heimann-Weisenstrauss

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Angela Heimann-Weisenstrauss
Ambassador to Gruenberg
Notable for:
Scholarship on feminism and Wenaist teachings; also that giant stick she has rammed up her ass

Angela Heimann-Weisenstrauss, Ph.D., is a noted feminist scholar, expert on Wenaist teachings and former State Department analyst on lunatic theocracies currently serving as ambassador for the Federal Republic to the Holy Wenaist Sultanate of Gruenberg. Coming on the heels of former Acting Amb. Sammy Faisano's reassignment to the United Nations, her appointment and subsequent service in Flurthwel have been extremely controversial.

Conservatives in the Federal Senate opposed her ambassadorial nomination, claiming her "anti-religious" views and scholarly works (such as the book A Catalog of the Horrors of Female Sexuality in Gruenberg, containing racy photographs, descriptive accounts of instances of alleged marital rape, and graphic drawings of what the author thought Rono Pyandran might look like naked) would be an insult to one of OMGTKK's strongest friends and allies. The nomination also caused some political analysts to scratch their heads, as Heimann-Weisenstrauss has been a vociferous critic of the Fernanda Administration, and has defended Liberal former Federal Assemblywoman Shirley Jackson for leaking classified documents to discredit the president and his advisers.

By some miracle, Heimann-Weisenstrauss's nomination sailed through the Foreign Relations Committee, but promised to meet with stern opposition on the Senate floor from Conservative Sen. Norman Podhoretz, who claimed confidently before the vote, "You can stick a fork in this bitch." He then suffered inexplicably from a massive cerebral hemorrhage, and when his name was called during the debate, he could only moan incoherently and drool profusely for twenty minutes. Heimann-Weisenstrauss was confirmed 14-11. She would later deny assaulting Sen. Podhoretz before the vote with a pick-axe, claiming, "It was just so freakin' heavy!"

Heimann-Weisenstrauss has been criticized of late for openly defying the administration with a speech blasting the Gruenberger viziery for its recent "emergency" measure stripping women of the right to vote.

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