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Flag of Tseaby
Motto: "Modular design: Enabling the mass production of buildings"
No Map Available Yet
Region Pescaia
Capital The Roundhouse
Official Language(s) English, Italian
Leader CWRR
Population ~3 billion
Currency Guit 
NS Sunset XML

Tseaby is an old nation from December the 28th, Year of the First. With a population stabilized around three billion, the island nation is a technology-centric world of its own, encompassing many climates that range from arctic mountains to tropical river valleys.

Most of the populace of the nation is underground, in a catacomb that could be mistaken for New York City on a particularly cloudy night. A vast reflective dish and an array of sun-lamps emulate the night and day cycle, while those who can do without it tend to toil away in their laboratories.

While half of the population of Tseaby consider themselves arm-chair scientists, the country is like any other capitalist post-modern-republic; an ever-pulsing creature full of water spewing automobiles and humming trains, moving people about just so they can have a different view during their working hours.


Tseaby was handed control of the International Space Station during the beginning of the Second Year. While the station flourished in the beginning, after a while the science was becomming less than break-through, and was decommissioned by mid Second Year.

Tseaby also built its own space station, the TCOT-1058, which later was sold off to Menelmacar as a base for a military platform.

In the following years, the country finished its own space-launch platform, with a small asteroid-base following on its heals. The base, a stop-over for missions to other planets, was finished on-time and under-budget.



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