Scelussan States

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Scelussan States
scelussan_states.jpg sscoatgb8.jpg
National Flag of the Scelussan States Coat of Arms of the Scelussan States
Motto: People of all the world, unite!
No Map Available
Region The North Pacific
Capital Scelussan State City 001 (SSC001)
Official Language(s) English, German, Russian
Government Socialist Union
 - Legislatiive Body The Union of Free Persons of the Scelussan States
 - Minister of External Affairs Asthanios Gustavus-Archibald-Wilhelm
 - Minister of Internal Affairs Katalina Halloran
 - Military Advisor SCOF Adamus Xopher
Population 1, 012, 000, 000
Currency Government Issued Standard of Exchange (GISE) 
NS Sunset XML

The Socialist Union of Scelussan States is a nation occupying The North Pacific. The Scelussan States is currently run under the doctrines of Marxism and Communism. The country had previously fought constant civil wars for control between the ruling Totalitarian Party and the Followers of Jordanon, the native Pagan religion of the nation.


The name of The Socialist Union of Scelussan States is a heavy deriviation of the government form and native regionalism. The nation shares the borders with an old sub-region of the North Pacific known as Scelus, inhabitants were known as Scelussans, and lived in city-states. Those city states were banded together (unionized) under a system of socialist beliefs.



The original government, known as the Totalitarian Party ruled under the basic beliefs of despotism and tyranny. Christianity was outlawed, and as such a number of pagan religions sprouted. The most dominant of these religions was known as the Teachings of Jordonan, and was infact native to the nation since before the Totalitarian Party took control. Eventually, the congregations of the Teachings, known as the followers of Jordanon, moved as a political and military power, and declared war on the Totalitarian Party, seizing a large portion of the army.

Civil War

Both the Totalitarian Party and the Followers of Jordanon believed in absolute rule, the only difference was where the rule fell. The Totalitarian party ruled through the military, while the Followers of Jordanon wished to rule through the Clergy of Jordanon. The civil war that ensued lasted for over 5 decades.


Records from the civil war were mostly destroyed and the victor of the civil war is unclear. Either way, the heroes of the victor quickly seized office under a military coup, and disbanded the ruling Dictator's cabinet, executing all of them. They declared a people's victory, as the civilian population rushed the capital building along with the victors.

Writing the Constitution

Outlined in the Constitution is the name the nation will carry, the definition of the ruling power, the inclusion of the Communist Manifesto as citable along side the constitution, and the freedoms (both political and civil) granted to all citizens.

Government System

The Scelussan States has no offical legislative body, as it is not run under representative democracy. Rather, the country is represented by direct democracy, in which all citizens of the nation vote directly on each issue.


The Scelussan States Constitution states: "A free male or female who is of the age of or above the age of 18 is considered to be a citizen of The Socialist Union of Scelussan States. The collective of all citizens will be known as 'The Union of Free Peoples of the Scelussan States'."

Direct Democracy

All issues are voted upon by all citizens, location not withstanding (in that a citizen currently residing in a foreign nation may still vote on all issues). Leading up to an issue, all citizens recieve information packets, including all relevant data and media relating to the issue as well as information in regards to voting stations and time schedules. The management of delivering the information packets is one of the tasks held by one of the few elected officials in the Scelussan States, the Minister of Internal Affairs.

Elected Officials

The entirity of the Legislature passed by the Scelussan States is done by the population, however, certain day to day tasks and minor micro managements are committed to a handful of government officials, all of whom are elected.

Minister of External Affairs

Handles international affairs. Keeps track of locations of all citizens who are outside of the country's borders (for purposes such as sending voting information).

Minister of Internal Affairs

Handles intranational affairs. Keeps track of locations of all citizens who ae inside of the country's borders.

Military Advisor

Highest position held by a military officer. Acts as a segue between the military and civilian parts of the nation. Only person to ever hold the rank of SCOF (Scelussan Commanding Officer of the Force).


The Scelussan States had an income tax of 100%, meaning that personal goods are not purchased by the individual. Instead, the entirety of goods manufactured in and imported to the naton are distributed per capita. This system was less than completely adopted by the population, as the black market and minor tax evasion are almost accepted as part of life.

In order to compensate for the lack of participation with the old economic system, the Legislative Body adopted a new policy, of 99% income tax, giving the population some financial freedom.