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Flag of Ambrella
Motto: The Prince gonna kill you dead!!
Region Ohio
Capital Rainz
Official Language(s) Ambrellese English
Leader Prince M. A. Pitt
Population 750 million - 1 billion
Currency Princepiece 
NS Sunset XML

Full Name - The Prince's New Rule of Ambrella

The Prince's New Rule of Ambrella was recognized as an independent nation inside Ohio in 1996 by the United States of America. It is known as a vacationing spot for conservative Americans, and its borders are the former borders of Montgomery and Greene counties in what used to be part of Ohio.

Ambrellese Independence

As stated above, Ambrella was granted its independence in 1996 from the USA. It was a peacefull transaction, and no blows were exchanged. The specific date power was exchanged between President Clinton of the USA and Temp Pres John Kainey of the Ambrellese Independence Organization was July 4, 1996, America's (and now Ambrella's) Independence Day.

<div" class="plainlinksneverexpand">BillC.jpg
The signing of Ambrella's Independence Document.

Second Independence

In May 2007, only 11 short years after Ambrella's birth, a coup erupted in the government. President M. A. Pitt took complete control of Ambrella's government, and dubbed himself Prince for Life. No veffort has been made to remove him from power.

In The Beginning

In 1992 the Ambrellese Independence Organization was founded, working for the independence of the wanna-be Ambrellese people. AIO's head was John Kainey, who was the Temporary President of the Republic of Ambrella when power was handed over in 1996. He wished to remove the "Temporary" from his title, so he ran for President of Ambrella on the Nationalist Party ticket (The Nationalist Party was then known as the AIO's Party, because that was the make-up of it's members) when the elections began in late 1996. The other candidates were Joeseph Phleeps of the Ambrellese Conservative Party, and Mary Quest of the Other Party. Halfway through the campaign, John Kainey's plans to take over the country as a dictator by force after winning the election were discovered, which ultimately lost the election for him. Mary Quest became the first President of Ambrella, and was officially given power on January 1, 1997. She remained in power until 2006 when M. A. Pitt won the election for the Ambrellese Conservative Party. Below shows estimated election results of 1997. They are estimated because Ambrella had no record system at the election's time.

First Ambrellese Presidential Election, 1997
Party Candidate Votes % ±%
Other Party Mary Quest 2.5 million 50.0 n/a
Ambrellese Conservative Party Joeseph Phleeps 1 Million 20.0 n/a
Nationalist Party John Kainey .5 Million 10.0 n/a

Government Branches

Ambrella's government is divided into three branches. The dominant party of both the executive and legislative branches is the Ambrellese Conservative Party. Because of the recent coup in the Ambrellese government, Prince M. A. Pitt makes all government related decisions, and all other elected officials have been forcefully removed from office. All below governments are currently obsolete.

Executive Branch

The Executive Branch is made up of the President, his assistants, and the Executive Employment Service of Ambrella. (EESA) The President's position is voted on every 3 years, and the position is currently held by M. A. Pitt. There are no term limits for service.

The President's assistants are chosen by the President, and hold such positions as Chief General, Press Manager, and the Secretary for Human Management. They will serve until they either quit, are terminated, or the current President leaves office. Each President chooses new assistants, but he may keep the same ones if he chooses to.

The Executive Employment Service of Ambrella takes care of anything the President doesn't have time for. The President chooses it's head, and the head employs people to do the Executive jobs. It also manages the National Park Program of Ambrella.

Legislative Branch

The Legislative Branch is made up of the Executive Council. The Councilors are elected from each city-distract, two from each. The approve the President's laws and handle the federal budget and taxes. The Executive Council also has the power to remove the President from office with a 5/6ths vote.

Judicial Branch

The Judicial Branch is also known as the National Justice Department. There are two heads of this branch, and they do the same job as the US's Supreme Court. They also decide wether or not the actions of the President and Executive Council are legal or not, but they have to power to remove them.

Current Political Leaders

Prince (Supreme Dictator) - Michael Anthony Pitt, Sr. (See M. A. Pitt)


Ambrella is known for its Conservative policies. They include anti-abortion movements, anti-gay marriage movements, pro-war policies, and Capitalism. On the other hand, it supports its National Park Program and the welfare (to a certain extent) of its citizens.

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The Ambrella National Park Program logo.

Cities and Provinces

The latest organization of Ambrella's areas.


Rainz - The Capital of Ambrella, it contains apartment and inner-city living. Cheap houses, and lots of industry. Occupies the former cities of Dayton and Oakwood.

Ambrella Heights - Inner Suberbia, contains basic suberban housing and shopping. Occupies Huber Heights, Vandalia, and Trotwood among other more northern suberbs.

Ambrella Grove - Inner Suberbia, contains basic suberban housing and shopping. Occupies Kettering, Moraine, West Carrollton, Miamisburg, and parts of Centerville.

Greenetown - Contains a few of the area's larger cities including Beavercreek and Fairborn. Most of it's area is within the former Greene County.


Montgomery - The Ambrellese Province of Montgomery contains Ambrella Grove, Rainz, and Ambrella Heights. It also contains very little national park.

Greene - The Ambrellese Province of Greene contains the city of Greenetown, and most of the national parks.


The National Park Program of Ambrella - Is operated by park rangers, and has no local government interference. The Head Ranger is only outranked by the President.

New Rule

In May of 2007 a coup in the Ambrellese Executive Council removed all elected seats of power in the government, including the judicial branch. This left complete control to M. A. Pitt, who proclaimed himself Prince of Ambrella upon the "retirement" of democracy in Ambrella. He also proceeded to remove himself from the Ambrellese Conservative Party and began ruling for himself and only himself. Civil Rights and Political Freedoms have taken a fall due to the so-called "New Rule" but the people seem none the wiser. They continue to go about their lives much as they did before with little interest in their lost democracy. Many government workers also rejoice in the payroll boost, and the unemployment rate has gone down due to new military positions. M. A. Pitt also recently enacted the Ambrella Political Opposition Act. There have been multiple threats from the governments of the U.S. and Great Britain to liberate Ambrella, but no action has been taken. The French on the other hand, stick their nose up and snoot at Ambrella for their lack of Socialism, which is more than other nations can claim to be doing.