Existing reality

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Existing reality
Flag of Existing reality
Motto: Wherever you are, you're in the middle of nowhere.
Region Vulcanth
Capital Middle of Nowhere
Official Language(s) no official language
Leader None of the above
Population More than 500 Million
Currency Crushed Soda Can 
NS Sunset XML
The Disputed Territories of Existing reality is a nation residing in the region of Vulcanth. Er is the Vulcanth Minister of Intelligence (VMinI) and has a permanent seat in Vulcanth's High Council.


Existing reality was created sometime in May 2007, and moved to Vulcanth recently after it's creation, with the advice of his friend the Welcome to Jamaica of Poodledomism. Not much later, Er, with the permission of The Founding Empire of Scarm, the founder of Vulcanth, created the Vulcanth Ministry of Intelligence, who's job is to find information about other nations and regions to help Vulcanth make decisions.

Motto History

When Er was first created, the motto was "It's only illegal if you get caught." Another nation objected, and Er changed it to "Reality doesn't exist, and existence isn't real." However, the nation got bored of this slogan, and changed the motto to its current one.

Title History

For a long time, Er was known as Disputed Territories. However, that changed as the population went up, and Er is now known as a rogue hodgepodge.

Current Politics

National Politics

Er is a liberal nation with excellent civil rights, a very strong economy, and superb political freedoms. The UN categorizes Er as a New York Times Democracy.

Interregional Politics

The region of Sorvun, Vulcanth's former ally, has been split in two by those now in Sorvun II, and Er has decided that the best way to resolve this schism is to sit down with the two regions and mediate.