Pact of Ayrwll

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This pact, also famously known as the constitution of the Federation of Aeruillinyan Nations, was drafted and ratified in the year 298 AC. This came at a time when the entirety of Aeruillin was not only not an entirety, but also not Aeruillin. Instead, the Civil War in 255-267 AC (and the period of occasional hostilities that continued until 298), had left the former Colonial Conglomerate of New Atharellian Nations a patchwork of tiny feudal states, hundreds of kingdoms one could literally toss a rock across if one had a strong throwing arm.

The one who proposed the pact, initiated the negotiations, and drafted up the first version of the terms, was none other than the Countess Ira Daranin, ancestor of Katya Daranin who would become Empress four centuries later.

The pact, as well as the federation, was named after a tiny forest glade a little North of the Angranakh mountains, where it was ratified. This spot is nearly concealed by the woods surrounding it, and lies within ten strals of the Drow Queendom of Zreach. This was why, in a country where one could hardly walk a day without stepping on the sovereign soil of at least two different countries, it was extra-national territory and thus neutral ground.

On Lauralas 46, 298 , the terms were presented by Countess Ira, and ratified unanimously by those present ([Forum post]).

This is a version of the documents translated from the Râl, then the High Language of Aeruillin, which has now been replaced by Tharell.

It should be noted that this Constitution is outdated, the Pact dissolved and the Terms void for five hundred years. The current constitution of the Neutral Republic of Aeruillin (as of 967 AC) is named the Codex of the Aeruillinyan Brethren.

The Terms of The Pact of Aeruillin


We the rulers and representatives of sovereign nations, sharing among us the soil of the ancient Colonies, have met this day the Forty-Sixth of the month of Lauralas, in the year Two hundred and Ninety-eight of the Colonial Conglomerate, to find Unity among our countries, to the benefit of each of us and all our citizens. Thus we declare the foundation of the Pact of Aeruillin, and we, the undersigned, shall keep these terms inviolate and self-evident, as long as the Pact exists. Henceforth, these terms are Law within all the sovereign nations of the undersigned.

I. International Relations


Henceforth, all members of the Pact of Aeruillin shall collectively be termed the Federation of Aeruillinyan Nations. As one shall we speak to the world, and as one shall we act on the International stage. One Aeruillinyan embassy shall be sent by all of us, and one embassy of each nation we deal with shall be received on all our soil.

II. Economy


No taxes, tariffs or other penalties or costs shall be imposed on the transport or travel from one member of the Pact to another.


All members of the Pact shall impose the same tariffs and taxes on goods imported or exported from or into non-Member nations. These tariffs are to be arranged in enclosed negotiations, annually, by the rulers or representatives of all member nations. Changes to these tariffs without prior negotiation shall be forbidden.


All member nations of the Pact shall utilize the same coinage, both within their own borders and in Federation-wide trade. The main unit of this coinage shall be named the Aeruillin Silver Crown (ASC). Each member nation has the authority to stamp these coins. They shall be made to not less than eighty per cent of pure silver, and each weigh no less or more than a total of one tenth of an ounce. Their valuation shall not fall below the value of their weight in silver, and not rise above twice that weight.


Certain goods, deemed essential to the survival of our nation and its citizens, shall not be sold above these maximum prices:

  • Wheat, of any variety or quality suitable for bipedal beings: 2 (Two) Crowns per sack.
  • Milk, taken from a cow, goat, sheep or horse: 1 (One) Crown per pail
  • Barley, of any variety suitable for eating or brewing: 3 (Three) Crowns per sack
  • Beans: 1.5 (One and a half) Crowns per sack

III. Military


All nations of the Federation shall be considered one nation. If one is attacked, it shall be as if all were attacked, and when one forges an alliance, it shall be as if all forged the alliance.


No member nation of the Pact may attack another member. This action results in immediate concession of any member status the nation possessed, and condemnation of the nation for its treasonous attack.


If a member nation is attacked, and any other member is able, in logistics and in power, to send troops to its aid and defense, shall do so. Failure to do so may result in an investigation.


All member nations are to disclose their military intelligence and the state of their own military to all other member nations. Failure to do this will result in sanctions upon discovery.

IV. Education / Research


All member nations shall share their scientific and technological advances, civilian or military, with any other member nation.


To aid the common base of our nations and further its unity and state of education, the Federation shall set aside a part no less than ten per cent of its annual budget for the improvement of the education system, and for the funding of student exchanges between the various centers of learning within our nation.


To ensure our nations' technological and scientific progress, the Federation shall set aside a part no less than fifteen per cent of its annual budget for the funding of scientific development, both military and civilian in nature.

V. Administration


The member nations shall, within the terms specified, retain national sovereignty over their nations.

  • a. Legislative power within our nation shall be held by the Senate of Aeruillin. Each member nation of Aeruillin is allowed to send no more than two Senators. A Senator holds his or her office until recalled by their nation, impeached by the Senate, recalled by the High Court, or resigned of their own accord.
  • b. Any Senator may be recalled by their nation's sovereign government within the terms specified by that government.
  • c. Any Senator may be impeached by a movement initiated by no less than sixteen Senators, from a total of no less than ten different nations. The vote is held in secret, and a vote of 60% or more is required to impeach the representative under examination.
  • d. New legislation shall be passed by the vote of no less than 50% of the Senators. If the vote is less than 75%, the triumvirate's approval is required to pass the legislation.
  • e. The High Court has the authority to recall individual Senators, preventing the nation for no longer than three months from choosing a new Senator. This decision must be approved by two of the Speakers.
  • a. Executive power within our nation, as well as its representation to the international world, shall be held by the Triumvirate of Speakers
  • b. The Speakers shall be elected from a number of candidates nominated by the nations' sovereign governments and voted on by the Senate. A Speaker holds his or her office for a period exactly twenty years or until resignation or impeachment, and may be nominated again as often as wished.
  • c. No nation may nominate more than three candidates, and no two Speakers may be from the same nation.
  • d. If two or more candidates from one nation win an election, the one with the highest approval is considered Speaker; the other candidates of this nation are discounted and the rest of the candidates considered.
  • e. A Speaker may not be recalled by his or her home nation's sovereign government, for they do not represent this nation's government within the Triumvirate.
  • f. A Speaker may be impeached by a unanimous agreement of the other two Speakers and a secret vote of 60% majority within the Senate OR a verdict of the High Court.
  • g. One or two Speakers or the entire Triumvirate may be challenged by a vote of no confidence within the Senate, and then tried by the High Court.
  • a. Jurisdictive power within our nation shall be held by the High Court of Aeruillin. This consists of exactly seventeen High Judges.
  • b. Candidates for the High Court are to be qualified members of the Guild of Lawyers, appointed unanimously by the Triumvirate and approved by the other High Judges in office.
  • c. No two High Judges may be from the same nation.
  • d. A High Judge may not be recalled by their own nation's government.
  • e. A High Judge, if found to consistently favour his or her home nation in decisions of the High Court, may be challenged by his peers in a no confidence vote and tried for bias.
  • f. Any number of High Judges, even the entire High Court may be challenged by a unanimous decision of the Triumvirate and then impeached by an individual vote of 60% or above within the senate.

VI. Rights


The right of any sentient being to life, dignity and freedom is considered to be immutable.


The Death Penalty is considered an archaic and barbaric punishment; it shall not be introduced or exercised within our borders or the borders of our allies.


The High Court of Aeruillin may be appealed to by any citizen in the Federation to appeal against a verdict given out by a lower court. The High Court may also be invoked by two Speakers to challenge a decision by a lower instance.


