Kaenei Mars

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Kaenei Mars, or to give the colony its full title; The Serene Commonwealth-Territory of Kaenei Mars*, was the second settlement created by The Serene^Union of Kaenei outside of Earth. Though previously and arguably still regarded by The Aengelistoria Dominica as a political hotbed of instability and conflict, when an opportunity made itself apparent to settle upon the Red Planet the decision to colonise was made relatively quickly. The proximity to Earth, and also the closeness of the territory to allied/cordial nations in the form of Menelmacar and Zero-One made the effort less difficult to complete.

A founding

The original territory now occuped by the Kaeneian colony fell under the previous ownership of The Vortex Corporation, comprising of lands radically different in legal boundary to the current border layout. When announcement was made that said territory would be seperated into segments and distributed to the highest bidder, the Serene^Union was approached by another Martian power and offered such a segment in return for payment not deemed appropriate to mention. After some deliberation, a consensus agreeing to found Kaenei Mars was reached; though a conservative element within the Council resisted strongly.

Ten thousand colonists were initially selected, a particularly small number given the resources available and an almost hesitation in beginning construction efforts- The territory lying empty fully eight months before initial mobilisations begun.

Initial conflict

As part of the purchase, the Serene^Union was oblidged to allow those citizens of the Martian nation A.D.K. who chose not to leave Kaenei Mars full rights to remain, displaying no prejudice irrelevent of the number. Despite generous assistance offered to those remaining as a gesture of goodwill, the Khristians quickly refused to accept Kaeneian rule, instead attempting to rebuild an A.D.K. state within the Serene Commonwealth-Territory.

Such actions were not tolerated for long, and after extensive negotiations failed Guardians of the Defence Terra mobilised and with minimal violence or bloodshed removed the Khristians,henceforth banning them from citizenship within Kaenei Mars and also from entering without express permission. Shortly afterwards the remains of the former Khristian capital of Aqualonde were destroyed from orbit to ensure that no undesirable element could again take root amongst its rotting innards.

The future

The Serene Commonwealth-Territory of Kaenei Mars continues to grow, albeit at a greatly slowed rate as more resources are diverted to the strengthening of the sister Commonwealth-Territory of Europa. Total Kaeneian population upon the Red Planet is now in excess of fifty million, though it is not expected to climb to further noticable levels barring a change in foreign policy.


  • The term "Serene Commonwealth-Territory" stems from an ancient and complex origin:- Any territory under the nominal control of Kaenei upon Earth is automatically considered within The Serene^Union and consequently an integrated land. However if that territory falls outside of the Earth theatre then it is unable by definition to join the Union, which is a celebration of the unification of the individual Kaeneian provinces under centralised government a decade after Earth Ascension and over five hundred years in the past.

To preserve the spirit of the term, a new classification was created- "Serene Commonwealth-Territory"; in all practical applications and legal matters indistinguishable from The Serene^Union, if only in the name of tradition and doctrine laid down many centuries ago.