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Flag of Enn
Motto: Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi
No Map Available Yet
Region The Order of Valiant States
Capital Enn
Official Language(s) Ennial, English
Leader The Triumvirate of Enn
Population 2.5 Billion
Currency Enn-dem 
NS Sunset XML


The Triumvirate of Enn is a very small nation, only approximately 300 square kilometres. It consists of the city of Enn and a small amount of countryside. Exactly how so many people are able to live freely within the city walls is a mystery, and a state secret. The city is on the coast of a large island. Which large island it is seems to vary - land trade links with other nations have changed significantly in the past. The city has a large natural harbour.


Early History (? - 1786)

This is a nation with a long and proud history. The city was founded more than a millenium ago by the First Council as a small city-state. The Council ensured that all Ennish citizens were well cared for. It also ensured their safety, by constructing walls and other defences to keep Enn safe from outside aggression. In this manner, despite having no standing army, Enn succeeded in remaining an independent state. Because of this, the Ennish prize their independence above all else. The Council did not view other peoples favourably at this time. Migration, both into and out of Enn, was kept to a minimum. New arrivals were kept under close watch for an extended period, years in some cases, to make sure that Ennish sovereignty would not be subverted. Ennish citizens agreed with this policy on the whole.

The New Council (1786-1821)

The Age of Enlightenment, that hit western Europe in the late 18th Century, also affected Ennish policy. The borders were opened, and the walls of Enn were extended to include the various suburbs that had attached themselves to Enn. The new Ennish citizens came from many places. Most came from wetern Europe, hoping to escape the wars and chaos there. Other immigrants arrived from southern Asia. These new citizens brought many ideas and concepts with them, many of which were successfully integrated into Ennish society. The power of the Council began to wane, as many could not see the value of an oligarchic institution in a modern nation. The most radical of the ideas introduced to Enn during the Age of Enlightenment was democracy. While Ennish scholars had known of Athens' democratic system, and Rome's republic, they had not previously seen a way for such a political system to work. The immigrants changed that, bringing news of America's revolution and subsequent Republic. They then brought news of France's revolution, and the Reign of Terror. This made the democratic supporters pause - such a revolution would destroy Enn at its very core. That could not happen. The Democrats and the Council then met, to try and find a way to help Enn most.

The Conseilin of Enn (1821-2004 )

The result was the Conseilin of Enn, a constitutional combination of oligarchy and democracy. While the Council retained nearly all of its powers, a new People's Assembly would look after the day-to-day running of Enn. The first Assembly Chairman was Gerard Fulton, the son of a French immigrant woman and an Ennish schoolteacher. In his opening speech, he spoke of the longstanding successful rule of the Council, and that he hoped that the combination of oligarchy and democracy could succeed just as well.


Enn has recently undergone a period of extensive destabilisation. The Council closed the borders for the first time since 1786. The Council was then declared corrupt by the People's Assembly, who passed a motion of no-confidence in the Council's leadership. The UN Consul, Yssandra Faren, rose to a position of unprecedented power after taking control of Enn's police forces. For a short while, chaos reigned on the streets of Enn. From this arose a new power structure in Enn.

The Triumvirate of Enn (2005- )

A new system was set up as a way of appeasing all parties. A triumvirate system was put in place, consisting of the Assembly Chairperson; the Chief Justice and a representative of Enn's civil service. While this began as a method of control and preventing further outbreaks of civil disobedience, the people of Enn have embraced this government. The People's Assembly still sits, but is subordinate to the Triumvirate.

Ennish Politics - The Triumvirate

The Triumvirate comprises of three key positions in Enn: the Chairperson, the Chief Justice and the Lord or Lady of Enn. They represent the three main factions during Destabilisation, the democrats, oligarchs and autocrats. For an overwiew of the personalities of the current members of the Triumvirate, please read the entry on the Triumvirate of Enn.

Democracy: Chairperson and the People's Assembly

The Assembly is the main legislative body within Enn. The main difference in its role now is that the police are no longer under direct Assembly control. The Chair is the only democratic seat on the Triumvirate, and as such is often the most popular member thereof.

Oligarchy: Chief Justice, Council and the Courts

The position of Chief Justice was invented after the final collapse of the Council, which had previously functioned as the final court of appeal, as well as being the supreme executive power. Renowned as a great statesman, he was the only member of the oligarchic faction to emerge from Destabilisation unscathed, in a position of power.

Autocracy: Police, Defense and Foreign Policy

Yssandra Faren's position in the Triumvirate is the least understood by Ennish civilians. Relatively unknown as the UN Consul prior the Destabilisation, she was able to take control of Enn's entire police force during the anarchic period, and was able to stamp out her new order in the city. She has kept her control of the Police, as well as heading the new Army of Enn, created after it emerged that an unknown military power was interfering in Ennish affairs. She is also the head of Enn's Diplomatic Service. She is now referred to properly as Lady Faren.

Enn and the United Nations

Yassandra Faren has made sure that Enn has remained a member of the United Nations throughout Destabilisation. She has convinced Stephanie Fulton to return to her old post as Consul. Indeed, Yssandra's control of Enn's situation has been so great that only a bare handful of other nations knew about Destabilisation at all. Enn was a founding member of the United Nations Old Guard. The nation has also recently entered as a member of the Pretenama Panel.

The Flag of the Triumvirate

In August 2005, the triumvirate unveiled a new flag. They had for several months been using a flag using the triskelion on a red background, but many Ennish citizens disapproved. The new flag represents the triple nature of Enn's government. Green has been used to represent the People's Assembly since its inception, so it was a natural inclusion. Likewise, deep yellow was commonly used by the Council, and after Destabilisation by the Courts. Lady Faren chose deep violet as her colour, to represent her autocratic involvement in governance.

The blue bar represents Enn's involvement in the United Nations. The triumvirate were agreed that this needed to be mentioned. Should Enn ever withdraw from the United Nations, the bar is to be removed from the flag.

The Triskelion remains as the official seal of the triumvirate, but is no longer used on the flag.

The People of Enn


The Ennish people have a large ethnic mix, many being descended from immigrees from Wesern Europe, the Indian subcontinent and South East Asia. This is in addition to the original Enn people, believed to be native to the region, with physiological characteristics similar to Iberian people. It is believed that upwards of 95% of Ennish people have at least one direct ancestor who migrated to Enn.


The native language is known as Ennial. There are two distinct dialects, High and Common Ennial. English was brought with the migrants, and has become Enn's language of trade and diplomacy.

High Ennial

High Ennial is the language of Ennish governance. It was the first language of Enn, and was the official language of the Council in session. Since Destabilisation, it has become much less popular. The Triumvirate continue to use High Ennial while in session, but other than that the dialect is almost extinct, replaced by Common Ennial. High Ennial has a very ornate script, unique to that language.

Common Ennial

This is the language used on the street in Enn. It is a descendent of High Ennial, and contains many words and grammatical constructs from other nations. Common Ennial is usually written using the Roman alphabet, combined with a few Greek and Runic letters to cover the full list of sounds employed in the language. Accents are not used.

Use of English

English was cleared for official use by Ennish public servants in 1803. It was first used as a language for trade, and later in international diplomacy. It has gradually become more popular among the greater Ennish populace, and was declared an official language in 1977. However, many people still prefer to use Common Ennial as their basic language, switching to English only when non-Ennish are present.


Enn has no official religion. Missionaries of various faiths have attempted to convert Ennishmen and women, all to no avail. The native Ennish have long regarded religion as somewhat amusing, and the migrants to Enn tend to settle down into this kind ambivalence. Roman Catholics have built a cathedral in Enn, but attendance has long been low. No bishop of Enn has been elevated to the rank of Cardinal. The current bishop is Bishop Emmanuel Sarensen, a liberal who regards his role principally as an advisor to people, not a leader. The most profound change to Ennish beliefs was with the introduction of Buddhism in the late 18th century. The Ennish found the Buddha's philosophies to be very similar to their own, but not quite the same. A few Ennish each year officially declare themselves Buddhists.