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Flag of Kyanges
Motto: Follow the path to Enlightenment...
No map yet
Region Uberasia
Capital Sapherion Prime, Major, Minor
Official Language(s) Ashir
Leader Ki Menoshi
Population 1.8 Billion+
Currency The Ki 
NS Sunset XML

The Enlightened Sovereignty of Kyanges is also known as the Eshirian Soverignty. As it stands today, the Eshirian Sovereignty is at the height of its development. Founded in the equivalent of roughly 7,000 BC through the union of nations from a shattered world, the Sovereignty has endured countless wars throughout its history, with the Sovereignty itself, forged in war. Its people are highly educated and from birth, are instilled with a strong will, sense of morals, and desire to serve for the greater good of the people. Through simple genetic manipulation, and advanced medical technology, the average citizen has an average expected lifespan upwards of 3,000 years. Also through these technologies, each citizen of the ES also has limited psionic ability along with unparalleled physical and mental fitness which brings an added level of sophistication, work ethic, and discipline to the culture of the Sovereignty that is truly unique.

Much of the credit for establishing many of the seemingly utopian aspects of the ES, such as zero crime, a desire for peace, advanced technology, an incorrupt leadership, and a love of knowledge and enlightenment can be given to the first Emperor in the Imperial Age. The ES has been thrown back in terms of technological development many times, either through war, or one of the few “Stupid Ages” of Eshirian History. Were it nor for these few times of hardship, the Eshirian Sovereignty would be no less than Gods in the Modern Era.

The Eshirian Sovereignty is a Future Tech nation.


The people of the Eshirian Sovereignty hold life, peace, and science all in high regard. Although religion is allowed, there are hardly any devout citizens in the ES. Throughout Eshirian history, there have been several bloody crusades as a new fanatical leader would attempt to convert all into their faith. After about the 300th crusade during the imperial age, religion was banned, and the citizens were brainwashed into the Yen Ideals. Nearly 7,000 years after the imperial age, religion had been reintroduced, although due to various cultural changes, there were hardly any converts, a condition which remains to this day.

Entertainment for the people of the Sovereignty comes in the form of various sports, HoloCasts, scattered PsiBars (Imagine people getting high off of each others Psi energy…), and above all, Anti-Gravity racing. One visiting various worlds in the ES would find the people rather open on matters pertaining to sex, race, or other issues considered taboo, or indecent to speak of in modern times here on Earth. The people are also very open minded and accepting, preferring reason over any immediate judgment, or irrational actions. The children of the ES are also among the most intelligent in the region, and are even capable of constructing a replicator or an AG drive by the age of 7.

Thanks to the incredibly long life-span of the average citizen, and the population's somewhat easy going regard towards sex, overpopulation and overcrowding in urban areas has begun to increase in severity, although thanks to recent purchases in the Galactic Real-estate, the issue is likely to fall from the media’s ever critical attention soon. Immigration is a fairly simple and short process as only a simple brain scan is required to determine one’s history, and other records, including what is the purpose of their visit.


Since it's creation, the Eshirian Sovereignty has always had a strong democratic tradition. Presidential candidates are allowed to run based on stringent qualifications. The Government has always been quick and efficient in its actions and clean in it's methodology. It is a Government based on strong ideals that have been established from the Yen Ideals, and a commitment to upholding them. The power of President of the Sovereignty is always held in check by various balances, and assures that under no circumstances may any one person, party or group may ever be given full power over the Government.


